
BHK Fall 2023

Bern Human Geography Colloquium Fall 2023

Short Film Program Tuesday, March 14, 2022, 18:15-20:00 // Kino in der Reitschule, Neubrückstrasse 8, 3012 Bern // Admission: Collector's fee



The event is part of the public lecture series "Reproductive Justice" and is organized by the mLAB and the Social and Cultural Geography Group of the Department of Geography in collaboration with the Interdisciplinary Center for Gender Studies.

It is a great privilege to think first of pleasure and self-determination in relation to one's own body. This also includes the freedom to decide freely about one's own reproduction. Often the path to self and self-determined decisions about oneself is more of a struggle. Especially for people who grow up as women, who identify as trans, inter, queer, non-binary, or are racially marked and who grow up with disparaging, negating, or overtly threatening images and terms. On the path to reproductive justice, (self-)representation and visibility are therefore also crucial. The short film program explores the question of how bodies are part of subjective history(s) and can become political actors.

Öffentliche Ringvorlesung FS 2023

Reproduktive Gerechtigkeit / Reproductive Justice

Reproductive Justice opens up a critical view of experiences and practices related to reproduction. The concept combines the idea of reproductive rights with social justice. Loretta Ross and Rickie Solinger (2017) define reproductive justice as (1) the right not to have children, (2) the right to have children, and (3) the right to raise children in a safe and healthy environment.

Program Reproduktive Gerechtigkeit / Reproductive Justice (PDF, 181KB)

8 March Women's Day, 12:00 - 13:00 Foyer GIUB

International Women's Day Soup Lunch

The Equal Opportunity Commission of the GIUB invites students, staff, PhDs, postdocs, lecturers, professors - in short the whole GIUB - for the International Women’s Day Soup Lunch on 8 March 2023 from 12.00-13.00.

Bernese Human Geography Colloquium FS23


04 April 2023 Prof. Dr. Miriam Tola (Université Lausanne) The Commons Reimagined (online only) 02 May 2023 Dr. Thomas Smith (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München) Manufacturing Nowtopia: Local economic democracy in the here and now 23 May 2023 Prof. Dr. Rajani Bhatia (University of Albany) Resurgent white nativist and ecofascist demographic anxieties: White space-making populationism in the Age of Climate Change

BHK Program (PDF, 568KB)

Panel discussion on 19.12.2022

Panel: "Diversity at the University of Bern - hurdles and opportunities".

On Monday, 19 December 2022, a public panel will be held to conclude the Diversity Research lecture series. Prof. Dr. Heike Mayer, Prof. Dr. Beate Fricke, Dr. Emirhan Darcan and Ricarda Eijer will discuss the opportunities and hurdles of diversity and diversity at the University of Bern. Welcome by Prof. Dr. Silvia Schroer, Moderation: Anja Glover. Time: 18:15, Location: UniS, Room A022, followed by a networking aperitif. You will also find the flyer in the attachment.

Panel: "Diversity at the University of Bern - hurdles and opportunities". (PDF, 48KB)

25.11. - 10.12.2022 - 16 Tage gegen Gewalt an Frauen

Podiumgsgespräch Wissenschaftliche Spotlights auf das Thema Frauenmord

Diskussion im Rahmen der Kampagne «16 Tage gegen Gewalt an Frauen».Mit Sonja Matter, Dozentin für Neueste Geschichte, Carolin Schurr, Professorin für Kulturgeografie und Judith Wyttenbach, Professorin für öffentliches Recht der Universität Bern. Mittwoch 30. November 2022 12:15 - 13:45 Uhr Raum A-119 Universität Bern, UniS

Flyer 16 Tage gegen Gewalt an Frauen (PDF, 1.7 MB) Flyer Gemeinsam gegen Femizide (PDF, 224KB)

Prof. Carolin Schurr - Space & Polity Keynote Lecutre at Nordic Geographers Meeting in Joensuu

Keynote speakers for NGM 2022 Joensuu

Towards reproductive geopolitics

Prof. Carolin Schurr will give the „Space & Polity“ Journal Lecture at the 9th Nordic Geographers Meeting in Joensuu Finland. In her talk titled „Towards reproductive geopolitics“, she will show how reproductive life is entangled with gepolitics when individuals, states, international organisations, transnational corporations and religious organizations define whose reproduction counts as desirable and whose bodies are discarded as disposable.

08.06.2022 exhibition by Laura Perler - Berlin

Flyer der Ausstellung

Making babies? "Egg donation" and reproductive policies

The exhibition "Making Babies?" shows photographs, audio and video material on the topic. We look into the lives and motives of "egg donors" from Spain, into laboratories and operating rooms of a reproduction clinic, and get to know a recipient who goes abroad for an "egg donation" from Switzerland. - The look at this reproductive technology is also a look at current social conditions and raises complex political questions that the exhibited amounts try to explore. "Making Babies?" from June 8, 6 p.m., to June 29, 2022, Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Heinrich Böll Foundation, Schumannstr. 8, 10117 Berlin, free admission.

ELUSIVE EXPOSURES: Collaborative Residency & Event Series MAY 2022


Collaboration of Prof. Adrien Mestrot, Nora Komposch & Lucy Sabin

28.04.2022 Emilie Jäger Lecture

28.04.2022 Emilie Jäger Lecture

02.-04.06.22 BIOS: geography meets feminist STS

worlding bodies, situating technologies geography meets feminist STS


07. & 08. 04.2022 mLab Symposium: Other Cartographies

Other Cartographies

Two days of discussions, panels and Presentations about the creative method of mapping.

28.9. | 12.10. | 23.11.

BHK - Geographies of Margins

16. MARCH 2021

Das Imaginativ des ‹gesunden› Kindes – Einblicke in die spanische Eizellenspendeökonomie (in German only)

M.A. Laura Perler
Berner Humangeographisches Kolloquium BHK
«Human geographic research at GIUB»
(12.15 – 13.45, only via Zoom/Link, GIUB)

Organized by the units:
Social and cultural geography / Economic geography /  Critical Sustainibility Studies / Political Urbanism and Sustainable Spatial Development

BHK FS2021 Programm (PDF, 2.3 MB)

03.03 | 17.03. | 05.05 | 26.05

BHK - New Methods in Geography

03.03 | 17.03. | 05.05 | 26.05

BHK - New Methods in Geography

Flyer BHK New Methods in Geography


Flyer of the event (blue dots on a yellow background)

Feminist Geographies Kick-Off Event


Die Stadt Bern digital erkunden: Podcasts, Kontakt- und Selbststudium in Exkursionen (in GERMAN)

Short presentations with discussions 

with Prof. Dr. Carolin Schurr, Geographical Institut 
(10.40, room A003, UniS, Schanzeneckstrasse 1)

More information (in GERMAN)

29.10.19 | 26.11.19 | 10.12.19

Flyer BHK Digital Geographies HS19

Human Geography Colloquium: Digital Geographies


Flyer Öffentliche Ringvorlesung: Digitalisierung intimer Räume

Public lecture: Digitalisierung intimer Räume (in German)

Wednesday 15. May (18.15 - 19.45, main building room 201, in GERMAN)

Presentation of posdcasts from the mLab, made by students in our unit (Proseminar Social and Cultural Geography: Digital Geographies of the global/intimate)


When: Wednesday, 18.15 – 19.45 Uhr

Where: Hauptgebäude, room 201

Conception: Claudia Amsler, M.A.; Prof. Dr. Michèle Amacker; Prof. Dr. Patricia Purtschert


Everybody is welcomed: the unit Social and Cultural Geography reads texts about 'Black Geographies'

On Tuesday, 14th May, 11-12 o'clock: we will read a text to Black Geographies. Everybody, students included, are welcomed!
If you want to take part in this discussion, please inform Carolin Schurr (


Screenshot des Textes, mit einem kleinen Bild

Prof. Heidi J. Nast: Fembots, Capitalism, and the Death Driven Machine

We would like to invite all those interested in new social and cultural geographies, feminist geographies and gender studies, digitalisation and robotisation to the lecture of Prof. Heidi Nast (DePaul University Chicago) on May 10, 10:15-11.45am at the University of Bern (Mittelstrasse 43, room 220). This lecture draws on geopolitical economy and psychoanalytic theories of the maternal to explore why comparatively advantaged heterosexual men across the US and China began investing in life-sized, heteronormatively configured, and highly realistic silicone female sex dolls in the 1990s (US) and new millennium (China) with increasing attention paid to robotization. It will be followed by an Apero.


Foto des Frauentags (im GIUB)

Who cares @ GIUB?

For the International Women's Day, 11. March at 12 o'clock, the unit Social and Cultural Geography invites you to a lunch with discussions about "Who cares @ GIUB?".

30.11 und 01.12.18

Feminist geographies at the Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2018

In collaboration with Karine Duplan from the University of Geneva, Elisabeth Militz (Unit Social- and Cultural Geogaphy) organizes the session “Bodies, Space and Difference in the Global Intimate” for the Human Geographies Symposium at the Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2018, which will take place on 30.11. and 01.12.18 at the University of Bern. The paper session will address, on the one hand, questions of sexualised and racialized body politics, and, on the other hand, the global war on terrorism and its affects and embodied experiences in intimate everyday lives.

You can find more general information on the 16th Swiss Geoscience Meeting here.


The unit Social and Cultural Geography reads texts about the 'Global Intimate'

On Tuesday, 2. October, 10:15 - 12h, are we going to read this text: 
Mountz, Alison, and Jennifer Hyndman. ‘Feminist Approaches to the Global Intimate’. Women’s Studies Quarterly 34, no. 1/2 (1 April 2006): 446–63.

Where: room 301 (GIUB)
For more information, please contact


FGB co-organizes und co-finances the summer school "Gender and Space"

More information on the GERMAN website.