My work takes place at the Institute of Geography (IGG) of the University of Neuchâtel (Switzerland), where I am an Associate Professor, and the Institute of Geography (GIUB) of the University of Bern, where I collaborate with Prof. Carolin Schurr and her team, as an affiliate researcher. Furthermore, I am the President of the Swiss Association of Geographers (SVG), the Vice-President of the Swiss Federal Migration Commission (EKM) and the Chairperson of the Swiss Committee of the International Geographical Union (IGU). I obtained my PhD in Geography in 1996 at the University of Ottawa (Canada) and have taught thereafter at universities in Austria, Canada, Switzerland, and Spain. My research centres on Geographies of Inequality in European and South American cities, from a feminist and postcolonial perspective. 

Using the Minga participatory methodology, my research contributes to five main issues: (a) the inclusion and exclusion of highly skilled migrants in the Swiss labour market; (b) the critical moments and spaces that shape gender inequalities between men and women; (c) the mobility strategies of transnational migrant entrepreneurs; (d) the socio-economic reintegration strategies of return migrants; and (e) the self-management strategies of low-income populations in popular barrios of Latin America. Moreover, I actively combine academic research with socially committed film practices. 

My documentary "Weaving Threads Across Borders" (2022) gives voice to three Colombian women who speak about their forced migration experiences and their strategies to confront daily armed violence at the Colombia-Venezuela border. I have published 66 research articles in international books and journals such as “Environment and Planning A”; “Equality, Diversity & Inclusion”; “Diversities”, “Géo-Regards“, “Geografiska Annaler: Human Geography”; “Globalizations”; “ZFW Economic Geography”; “GlobalizationsSocieties and Education” (GSE); “Journal of International Migration & Integration” (JIMI); “Migraciones Internacionales”, “Population, Space & Place” (PSP), “Oxford Bibliographies”, “Qualitative Research” (QR).

Academic Degrees

2014 Appointment as Associate Professor at the Institute of Geography, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences of the University of Neuchâtel, by the Council of State of Canton Neuchâtel.
2008 Venia Docendi entitling Yvonne Riaño to lecture in Human Geography at the Institute of Geography, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Bern.
1996 PhD degree in Geography, University of Ottawa (Canada). Thesis: "Mapping the Social Networks of Barrio Residents: Weaving Solidarity and Self-Management" (Quito, Ecuador) (nominated for the Governor General's Medal Prize and the School of Graduate Studies and Research Prize).
1985 Master of Advanced Studies in Spatial Planning, Institute for Spatial and Landscape Development, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich (ETH). Project: "Socio-spatial impacts brought about by the Guavio Hydroelectric Power Scheme" (Colombia).
1982 Master of Advanced Studies in Environmental Protection, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL). Project: "Environmental Cartography in Tre Valli, Ticino" (Switzerland).
1978 Architecture degree, Xaveriana University, Bogota, Colombia.

Professional Experience

Since 2014 Associate Professor, Institute of Geography and NCCR On the move, University of Neuchâtel.
1998 – 2020 Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Geography, University of Bern.
2009 – 2012 Senior Researcher at the Maison d’Analyse des Processus Sociaux, University of Neuchâtel.
2000 – 2002 Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Geography, University of Graz, Austria.
1990 – 1995 Teaching Associate at the Department of Geography, University of Ottawa, Canada.
1988 – 1990 Project Officer for the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Urban Development Programme, Social Sciences Division, Ottawa, Canada.
1986 – 1987 Project Assistant for Dr Ernst A. Brugger, Fundes Project, Consultant for Sustainable Development in South America, Switzerland.
1978 – 1981 Urban Planner for the State Planning Department of Bogotá, Colombia.

Awards and Scholarships

1996 Nominated for the Governor General Medal at the University of Ottawa for Best PhD thesis (among three finalists).
1991 Young Canadian Researcher’s Award, International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada.
1989 Ontario Graduate Scholarship, Province of Ontario, Canada.
1988 Bourse d´Excellence de l´Université d´Ottawa, Canada.
1982 Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship (ESKAS).

Professional Membership and Leadership

  • President of the Swiss Geographical Association (ASG)
  • Vice-President of the Swiss Federal Commission on Migration (EKM)
  • Chairperson of Switzerland's National Committee for the International Geographical Union (IGU)
  • Leader of Module III (2018-2022) "Transnational Mobilities" of the nccr - on the move, Univ. of Neuchatel.
  • Leader of the former European IMISCOE Research Cluster "International Student Migration and Mobility"
  • Passagen Vicepresident (2004-2012) "Researching the Intersections of Migration and Gender", Switzerland
  • Member of the European Network of Excellence IMISCOE, Migration and Social Cohesion
  • Member of the Gender Commission of the International Geographical Union (IGU)
  • Member of the Globility – Global Change and Human Mobility Commission of the International Geographical Union (IGU)
  • Member of the Population Commission of the International Geographical Union (IGU)
  • Member of the Editorial Board of "Gender, Place and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography"
  • Member of the Association of Latin American Studies (LASA), USA

Research Grants

11.2018 - 10.2022 “Migrant Entrepreneurship: Mapping Cross-Border Mobilities and Exploring the Role of Spatial Mobility Capital" (SNF, Grant 51NF40_182897, CHF 800’000).
01.12.2010 - 30.11.2013 “Understanding Inequalities of Access to the Labour Market: The Intersection of Gender and Ethnicity” (SNF, NFP 60, Grant 406040_129293/1, CHF 318'863).
01.11.2010 - 01.08.2011 “Socio-Economic Impact of Cantonal Aid Programmes for the Return of Ecuadorian Sans-Papiers Migrants” (Canton de Vaud, CHF 40'000).
01.10.2009 - 30.09.2012 “Bridging Places across Borders” (SNF, Grant 100015_124983/1, CHF 406'347).
01.11.2006 - 31.01.2007 “Labour Market Integration of Skilled Migrants: A Comparison between Switzerland and New Zealand” (SNF, Grant PIOI1-115231, CHF 15’000).
01.11.2003 - 31.05.2008 “The Social Integration and Exclusion of Immigrant Women in the Swiss Labour Market” (SNF, NFP 51, Grant 4051-69125, CHF 336'707).
01.10.1998 - 30.09.2001 “Mapping Social Networks: A Cross-Cultural Enquiry into Urban Liveability” (Swiss National Research Foundation (SNF), Grant PIOI1-115231, CHF 15’000).

Participatory Research Activities

2019 - 2022 Participatory Minga workshops with Colombians victims of forced displacement.
2014 Participatory Minga workshops with highly skilled professionals, both with and without migration background, to understand the challenges of reconciling family and professional life in Switzerland, and discuss strategies for facilitating women's participation in the labour market. In cooperation with the offices of Gender Equality in Bern and Basel.
2004-2005 Participatory Minga workshops with migrant women from the Middle East, Latin America and Southeastern Europe. Activities: collective analysis of migration histories to reinforce self-awareness and co-produce scientific knowledge on migration and exclusion. In cooperation with the cfd - the feminist peace organisation (Bern) and the MigrantInnenforum (Aarau).
2000 Participatory memory workshops with women from Mena del Hierro, a low-income area in the outskirts of Quito (Ecuador), created by the self-initiative of former rural migrants. Activities: reinforcing awareness of challenges in managing local resources and strategies to improve self-governance. In cooperation with neighbourhood organisations.
1990-1992 Participatory video workshops with youth in barrio Mena del Hierro. Activities: reinforcing self-awareness, creating knowledge on the community's history, reinforcing the community's awareness of their own strengths, and co-producing scientific knowledge on self-determination and local governance in barrio areas. In cooperation with neighbourhood organisations.
  1. Netz, Nicolai, Christof van Mol, Riaño, Yvonne, Parvati Raghuram (2024). “The Role of Place in International Student Mobility”. Globalisation, Societies and Education.
  2. Izaguirre, Lorena, & Riaño, Yvonne (2024): “Weaving transnational spaces: Peruvian and Colombian suitcase traders moving across South American borders”. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, 1–22.
  3. Riaño, Yvonne; Webster, Natasha; Sandoz, Laure; Solano, Giacomo, Yamamura, Sakura (2024): "Globalizations from Below: Understanding the Spatialities, Mobilities and Resources of Transnational Migrant Entrepreneurs across the Globe", Globalizations, DOI: 10.1080/14747731.2024.2305994.
  4. Riaño, Yvonne & Aliaga, Felipe (2024). "Colombians Returning from Venezuela: The Role of Social Networks and Cross-Border Mobilities in their Business Ventures". Migraciones Internacionales. Vol. 15, Art. 01, 2024. e-ISSN 2594-0279
  5. Riaño, Yvonne (2023). « Recherche sur une population quelconque ou avec celle-ci ? Efforts de démocratisation des pratiques de recherche en prenant pour exemple la méthode Minga ». In : Kloetzer, Laure; Deshayes, Thierry et Dos Santos Mamed, Marcello (eds). La fabrique de demain à la MAPS : Essais de transformation sociale critique, E-BOOK 1 – 2023, pp. 12-25.
  6. Riaño, Y. (2023) Kleinunternehmer im Grenzgebiet Kolumbien-Venezuela ¾ ein Beitrag zur lokalen Entwicklung?» Almanach Entwicklungspolitik 2024. Gehen müssen, bleiben können. Lucerne: Caritas Verlag, pp.179-190.
  7. Riaño, Y. (2023) “Participatory Methodologies in Switzerland and the Americas: An Introduction”. GeoAgenda, Nr. 2023/3, pp. 4 - 7.
  8. Riaño, Y. (2023) « Recherche sur une population quelconque où avec celle-ci ? Minga, une méthodologie participative ». GeoAgenda, Nr. 2023/3, pp. 8 – 13.
  9. Riaño, Y. (2023) “Documentaries as Means for Empowerment and Knowledge Transfer: Experiences from “Weaving Threads Across Borders”. GeoAgenda, Nr. 2023/2, pp. 36 – 39.
  10. Sandoz, L., Mittmasser, C., Riaño, Y., Izaguirre, L. (2022) “Transnational migrant entrepreneurs: understanding their dependencies, fragilities, and alternatives”, Globalizations, DOI: 10.1080/14747731.2022.2157149
  11. Riaño, Yvonne; Mittmasser, Christina; Sandoz, Laure (2022). "Spatial Mobility Capital: A Valuable Resource for the Social Mobility of Border‐Crossing Migrant Entrepreneurs? Societies, 12, 77.
  12. Riaño, Yvonne (2022). "Migrant Entrepreneurs as Agents of Development? Geopolitical Context and Transmobility Strategies of Colombian Migrants Returning from Venezuela". Journal of International Migration and Integration. 12(3):77.
  13. Riaño, Yvonne (2022). «Ganancia» o «desperdicio de cerebros» en la migración de universitarios españoles e italianos a Suiza? La falta de oportunidades tiene un rostro femenino”. Aulamediterrànea. IEMed, Nr. 123, pp.1-6,
  14. Riaño, Yvonne (2021). "Inégalité des chances entre femmes et hommes, entre migrants et non-migrants. Une perspective intersectionnelle". Terra Cognita, Swiss Journal of Integration and Migration Nr. 38: 28-31. 
  15. Sandoz, Laure; Mitmasser, Christina; Riaño, Yvonne, Piguet, Etienne (2021). "A Review of transnational migrant entrepreneurship: Perspectives on unequal spatialities". Zeitschrift für Wirstchaftsgeographie: The German Journal of Economic Geography.
  16. Komposch, Nora; Pohl, Nicholas; Riaño, Yvonne (2021). "Worker cooperatives’ Potential for migrant women‘s self-empowerment. Insights from a case study in New York City". nccr - on the move, Working Paper nr. 29. University of Neuchâtel.
  17. Riaño, Yvonne (2021) "Understanding brain waste: Unequal opportunities for skills development between highly skilled women and men, migrants and non-migrants". Population, Space and Place.
  18. Riaño, Yvonne (2021). "Highly skilled migrant and non-migrant women and men: How do differences in quality of employment arise?". Administrative Sciences 11: 5. 10.3390/admsci11010005.
  19. Riaño, Yvonne & Piguet, Etienne (2018). "International students: Switzerland’s ideal highly skilled migrants? Policy Brief nr. 10. Swiss National Centre of Competence in Migration Research 'on the move'.
  20. Riaño, Yvonne, Christof van Mol, Parvati Raghuram (2018). "New directions in studying policies of international student mobility and migration". Globalisation, Societies and Education, 16:3, p. 283-294. DOI: 10.1080/14767724.2018.1478721
  21. Riaño, Yvonne, Annique Lombard, Etienne Piguet (2018). "How to explain migration policy openness in times of closure"? The case of international students in Switzerland”. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 16:3, p. 295-307. DOI: 10.1080/14767724.2017.1412823
  22. Renggli, Christina & Yvonne Riaño (2017). "Mobilité étudiante internationale: raisons d'étudier en Suisse, stratégies, expériences et projets d'avenir". Géo-Regards 10: 71-91.
  23. Gillabert, Matthieu & Yvonne Riaño (2017). "Les étudiant.e.s extra-europé dans le discours politique suisse (1900-2015): garantie de compétitivité internationale ou concurrence à refréner"? Géo-Regards 10: 11-29. 2017.html
  24. Gillabert, Matthieu; Etienne Piguet; Yvonne Riaño (2017). "Les étudiants internationaux: acteurs peu connus de la globalisation migratoire". Géo-Regards 10: 5-10. revues/geo-regards-1/geo-regards-n-10-2017.html
  25. Riaño, Yvonne, Annique Lombard, Etienne Piguet (2017). "The global race for talent in Switzerland. How to explain migration policy liberalisation to allow international students staying after graduation"? Working Paper Nr. 14. NCCR On the Move. University of Neuchatel.
  26. Riaño, Yvonne (2017). "Conceptualising space in transnational migration studies. A critical perspective". In Eva Youkhana (ed), Border Transgression. Mobility and Mobilization in Crisis. Bonn University Press, V&R Academic. pp. 35-48.
  27. Riaño, Yvonne & Piguet, Etienne (2016): "International student migration". In Oxford Bibliographies in Geography. Ed. Barney Warf. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 1-24, doi: 10.1093/OBO/9780199874002-0141
  28. Caretta, Martina & Riaño, Yvonne (2016): "Feminist participatory methodologies in Geography. Creating spaces of inclusion". In: Qualitative Research (QR), Vol. 16(3):  1-9. Sage.
  29. Riaño, Yvonne (2016): "Minga participatory workshops with highly skilled migrant women: Enhancing spaces of inclusion". In: Qualitative Research (QR), Vol. 16(3): 267-279. Sage.
  30. Riaño Yvonne, Limacher Katharina, Aschwanden André, Hirsig Sophie (2015): "Shaping Gender Inequalities: Critical Moments and Critical Places". In: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, Special Issue: Critical Transitions: The (Re-)Production of Gender (In-)Equality in the Life Course. Vol. 34(2): pp. 155-167.
  31. Riaño Yvonne (2015): "Latin American Women who Migrate for Love: Imagining European Men as Ideal Partners" In: Enguix, Begonya & Roca, Jordi (eds): "Rethinking Romantic Love. Discussions, Mobilities and Practices". Cambridge Scholars Publishing: pp. 45-60.
  32. Riaño Yvonne (2014): "Highly Skilled Migrant Women: Dual Career Households, Family Considerations and Gender Roles". In: Harnessing Knowledge on the Migration of Highly Skilled Women, International Organization for Migration (IOM) and OECD Development Centre: pp. 78-85.
  33. Riaño, Yvonne (2014): "Migrer par amour: aspiration à l'egalité? Terra Cognita. Revue Suisse de l'intégration et de la migration. Numéro spécial "L'amour au temps de la migration". Issue 24, pp. 20-23.
  34. Baghdadi Nadia, Riaño Yvonne (2014):  "Familie und Beruf vereinbaren?  Vorstellungen und Strategien hochqualifizierter Migrant/innen". In: Passagen (Eds.) Vielfältig alltäglich: Migration und Geschlecht in der Schweiz. Pp. 36-57, Zürich: Seismo Verlag, Reihe Geschlechterfragen.
  35. Riaño Yvonne, Dina Spörri, Doris Wastl-Walter (2014): "Einkaufszentren als Fokus städtischen Lebens - Ihre Bedeutung aus der Sicht von BenutzerInnen". In: Bäschlin E., Meyer H., Hasler M. (Eds.): Bern Stadt und Region. Die Entwicklung im Spiegel der Forschung, Jahrbuch Geographische Gesellschaft Bern, Band 64: 151-186. ISBN 978-3-9520124-5-18.
  36. Riaño, Yvonne (2013). "Les expériences de retour des sans-papiers rentrés en Equateur: Ressources et défis, mesures proposées pour un retour viable ». Working Paper 11 - 2013/F, Series Circulation of People. Maison d'Analyse des Processus Sociaux, University of Neuchâtel. ISSN: 1662-744X.
  37. Riaño, Yvonne (2012): "Die Produktion von Wissen als Minga: Ungleiche Arbeitsbeziehungen zwischen Forschenden und "Beforschten" überwinden?" In: Corona Berkin, Sarah & Olaf Kaltmeier, (Eds):  Methoden xwdekolonialisieren. Eine Werkzeugkiste zur Demokratisierung der Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften. Verlag Westfälisches Dampfboot. Pp. 120-144. ISBN: 978-3-89691-912-0.
  38. Riaño, Yvonne (2012): "The Invisibility of Family in Studies of Skilled Migration and Brain Drain: Policy Implications". Diversities. UNESCO. Special Issue on Skilled Migration and the Brain Drain. Vol 14, N. 1. Pp 25-44. ISSN: 2079-6595.
  39. Riaño, Yvonne (2012). "The Production of Knowledge as a 'Minga': Challenges and Opportunities of a New Participatory Approach based on Co-determination and Reciprocity". Working Paper 3 - 2012/E, Series Circulation of Knowledge. Maison d'analyse des processus sociaux, University of NeuchâteI. ISSN: 1662-744X.
  40. Bachmann, Susanne and Yvonne Riaño (2012): "Emanzipation von oben: Symbolische Qualitäten des Schweizer Integrationsrechts". In: Juridikum – Zeitschrift für Kritik, Recht, Gesellschaft. Sonderheft 4: Die symbolische Qualität des Rechts. Vienna. pp. 496-504.
  41. Riaño Yvonne (2012): "Zwangsheirat: Generationenkonflikte und geschlechtsspezifische Handlungsspielräume". In: Mechthild Bereswill, Peter Rieker, Anna Schnitzer (eds.) Migration und Geschlecht – theoretische Annäherungen und empirische Befunde. Weinheim/München: Juventa Verlag,  pp. 163-191, ISBN 978-3-7799-2305-3.
  42. Riaño, Yvonne (2012): "La producción de conocimiento como "minga" y las barreras a la equidad en el proceso investigativo". In: Corona Berkin, Sarah & Olaf Kaltmeier (eds): En diálogo. Metodologías horizontales en Ciencias Sociales y Culturales. Barcelona: Editorial Gedisa. Colección Herramientas Universitarias. Pp.  137-160. ISBN: 9788497846783.
  43. Riaño Yvonne (2011): "Addressing Urban Fear and Violence in Bogotá through the Culture of Citizenship: Scope and Challenges of a Unique Approach". In: Martin Butler, Jens Martin Gurr, Olaf Kaltmeier, (eds). EthniCities: Metropolitan Cultures and Ethnic Identities in the Americas. Bilingual Review Press (Arizona State University) and Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier (WVT), pp. 209-226. ISBN 978-1931010818.
  44. Riaño Yvonne (2011): "Drawing New Boundaries of Participation: Experiences and Strategies of Economic Citizenship among Skilled Migrant Women in Switzerland". Environment and Planning A. London, Volume 43: pp. 1530-1546.
  45. Riaño Yvonne (2011): "He’s the Swiss Citizen, I’m the Foreign Spouse": Binational Marriages and the Impact of Family-Related Migration Policies on Social Integration and Gender Relations". In:  Albert Kraler, Eleonore Kofman, Martin Kohli, Camille Schmoll (Eds.): Gender, Generations, and the Family in International Migration. IMISCOE Research. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 265-283. ISBN 978-9089642851.
  46. Riaño Yvonne (2011): "Barrieren aufbrechen: Erfahrungen und Strategien von qualifizierten Migrantinnen beim Zugang zum Schweizer Arbeitsmarkt". Berichte zur deutschen Landeskunde. Deutsche Akademie für Landeskunde, pp. 25-48.
  47. Riaño Yvonne and Janine Dahinden, (2010): Zwangsheirat: Hintergründe, Massnahmen, lokale und transnationale Dynamiken (Forced Marriages: Background, Policies, Local and Transnational Dynamics). Seismo Verlag (Zurich). ISBN-10: ‎ 3037770910.
  48. Baghdadi, Nadia and Yvonne Riaño, (2010): "Negotiating Spaces of Participation: Experiences and Strategies of Skilled Immigrant Women to Achieve Professional Integration" In: Elzbieta H. Oleksy, Dorota Golanska and Jeff Hearn (Eds.). Gender and Citizenship: Equality, Diversity, Migration. Palgrave MacMillan.
  49. Reist Daniela and Riaño Yvonne, (2008): "Hablando de aquí y de allá: patrones de comunicación transnacional      entre migrantes y sus familiares". In: Gioconda Herrera and Jacques Ramírez (Eds.). América Latina migrante: Estado, familia, identidades. FLACSO, Ecuador, pp. 303-323. ISBN: 978-9978-67-167-2.
  50. Riaño Yvonne, Nadia Baghdadi, Doris Wastl-Walter, (2008): "Les migrantes qualifiées et leurs possibilités d’intégration professionnelle en Suisse". Résultats et recommendations d’une recherché realisée dans le cadre du Programme national de recherche Intégration et exclusion" (PNR 51). Université de Berne.
  51. Riaño Yvonne, Nadia Baghdadi, Doris Wastl-Walter (2008): "Gut ausgebildete Migrantinnen und ihre beruflichen Integrationschancen in der Schweiz". Resultate und Empfehlungen einer Studie im Rahmen des Nationalen Forschungsprogramms Integration und Ausschluss (NFP 51). Universität Bern
  52. Riaño Yvonne and Nadia Baghdadi, (2007): "Understanding the Labour Market Participation of Skilled Immigrant Women in Switzerland: The Interplay of Class, Ethnicity and Gender". In Journal of International Migration and Integration, Vol. 8, N. 2, pp. 163-183.
  53. Riaño Yvonne and Nadia Baghdadi, (2007): "Je pensais que je pourrais avoir une relation plus égalitaire avec un Européen". Le rôle du genre et des imaginaires géographiques dans la migration des femmes". Nouvelles Questions Féministes, Special issue on ‘Genre et frontières - frontières de genre’, Lausanne: Editions Antipodes, Vol. 1, pp. 38-53. ISSN 0248-4951.
  54. Riaño Yvonne and Nadia Baghdadi, (2007): "Warum können qualifizierte Migrantinnen ihre Ressourcen nicht besser in den Arbeitsmarkt einbringen?". In: Andrea Bächtold and Laura von Mandach (Eds.): Integration und Ausschluss in der Arbeitswelt (Integration and Exclusion in the Labour Market), Zurich: Seismo, pp. 102-113. ISBN: 978-3-03777-056-6
  55. Riaño Yvonne, (2007): "Migration des femmes latino-américaines universitaires en Suisse. Géographies migratoires, motifs de migration et questions de genre". In Bolzman, Claudio, Carbajal, Myrian, Mainardi, Giuditta (eds.), La Suisse au rythme latino. Dynamiques migratoires des Latino-Américains. IES Editions, Genève, pp. 115-136. ISBN: 978-2-88224-078-1.
  56. Riaño Yvonne and Nadia Baghdadi, (2007): "Arbeitsmarktpartizipation von gut ausgebildeten Migrantinnen aus Drittstaatländer in der Schweiz: Zwischen Dequalifizierung und instabile Arbeitsverhältnisse". Juridikum 2, Univ. Vienna: 87-91.
  57. Riaño, Yvonne and Nadia Baghdadi, (2007): "Unbekannte Migrantinnen in der Schweiz - Studie zu qualifizierten Frauen aus Lateinamerika, dem Nahen und Mittleren Osten und Südosteuropa". In: Widerspruch 51, Migration, Integration und Menschenrechte. Zürich: Ropress, pp. 43 – 51.
  58. Riaño, Yvonne and Nadia Baghdadi, (2006): "Integration und Ausschluss von qualifizierten Migrantinnen aus Ländern ausserhalb der EU in der Schweiz". In: Qualifizierte Migranten: von der Dequalifizierung zur Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, InterDIALOGOS, N. 2, Geneve. pp. 7-11.
  59. Riaño Yvonne and Wastl-Walter Doris, (2006): "Immigration Policies, State Discourses on Foreigners and the Politics of Identity in Switzerland". Environment and Planning A, Vol. 38, Issue 9, Pp. 1693–1713.
  60. Riaño Yvonne and Wastl-Walter Doris, (2006): “Historical Shifts in Asylum Policies in Switzerland: Between Humanitarian Values and the Protection of National Identity”. In Refugee Watch, Vol. 27: 1-18.
  61. Riaño, Yvonne, (2005): “Women on the Move to Europe. A Review of the Literature on Gender and Migration”. In: Maria Gloria da Marroni and Gloria Salgado (eds.), Latinamerican Diaspora: Migration within a Globalized World. Universidad de Puebla & Japan External Trade Organization. pp. 207-238.
  62. Riaño, Yvonne, (2003): “Migration of Skilled Latin American Women to Switzerland and Their Struggle for Social Integration”. In: Yamada Mutsuo (ed.), Latin American Emigration: Interregional Comparison among North America, Europe and Japan, JCAS Symposium Series 19, Osaka: Japan Centre for Area Studies, National Museum of Ethnology.
  63. Riaño, Yvonne, (2000): "Approaching Latin American Cities from the Bottom-Up: Self-Help Networks, Place Identity and Participatory Research”. In: Borsdorf, A. (ed.): ‘Perspectives of Geographical Research on Latin America for the 21st Century’. ISR-Forschungsberichte, N. 23. Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna.
  64. Riaño, Yvonne, (1999): "Réseaux sociaux, initiatives locales et recherche participative: vers une gestion environnementale durable dans les barrios de Quito, Ecuador". In: J.C. Bolay, Y. Pedrazzini, M. Tanner (eds.), Environnement urbain. Recherche et action dans les pays en développement. Basel: Birkhäuser.
  65. Riaño, Yvonne, (1995): "Transferring Video Skills as a Means of Empowering Disadvantaged Communities. Reality and Compromise in the Participatory Approach". In: Habitat créatif, culture et participation: quelles innovations pour quel développement? Communications. Lausanne: IREC, Ecole Polytechnique Féderale de Lausanne (EPFL). pp. 50-58.
  66. Riaño, Yvonne and Rolf Wesche, (1991): “Changing Informal Settlements in Latin American Cities”. In: A. Ritter, D. Pollock, M. Cameron (eds.): Latin America to the Year 2000. Reactivating Growth, Improving Equity, Sustaining Democracy. New York: Praeger Publishers.

Teaching Experience

2014- "Urban Geography: Cities of the North and Cities of the South", and supervision of Masters and PhD theses, Institute of Geography of the University of Neuchâtel (Switzerland).
2014-2020 "Planning a Master's Research Project: From a First Idea to a Research Concept", Geography Institute of the University of Bern (Switzerland).
2013 "Qualitative Methods for Text and Image Analysis: Theory and Practicals", Institute of Advanced Study in the Humanities and the Social Sciences of the University of Bern (Switzerland).
2003-2013 "Qualitative Methods in Human Geography: Theory and Practicals"; "Geography of Latin American Urbanisation: Theory and Practicals", and supervision of Masters and PhD theses in Geography, Geography Institute of the University of Bern (Switzerland).
2000-2002 "Sustainable Development and Urbanisation in Countries of the South" and "Qualitative Research Methods and Communication in Geography: Theory and Practicals", Institute of Geography, Karl-Franzens University Graz (Austria).
1998-2000 "Qualitative Methods in Human Geography: Theory and Practice", "Social Geography Seminars" with supervision of students’ semester projects, Geography Institute of the University of Bern (Switzerland).
1988-1990 "Human Geography Field Camp for Undergraduate Students", "Methods and Techniques of Geographical Research", "Data Collection Techniques in Third World Cities", and supervision of Urban Geography seminar projects, Department of Geography, University of Ottawa (Canada).

Supervised PhD Theses

2023 Christina Mitmassser: "Migrant Entrepreneurship in Switzerland. Opportunities and Constraints within Transnational Mobilities" (co-supervised with Etienne Piguet, University of Neuchatel).
2021 Isabella Stingl: "(Im)Possible Selves. Exploring Refugees' Experiences of Work and Migration in Switzerland" (co-supervised with Karin Schwitter, University of Zurich).
2021 Marc Tadorian: "Sur la piste 'translocationale' des chasseurs-braconniers du rail" Regard (auto-)ethnographique sur la spatialité d'une pratique subculturelle hors-piste en contexte européen. (2011-2014 co-direction with Janine Dahinden, University of Neuchatel & jury member guiding student in final year of his thesis).
2018 Annique Lombard: "International Students in Switzerland: Trajectories, Stay Rates, and Intentions for Post-Graduate Mobility" (co-supervised with Etienne Piguet, University of Neuchatel).
2018 Amina Trevisan: "Depression und Biographie. Krankheitserfahrungen migrierter Frauen in der Schweiz" ("Depression and Biography. Experiences of Latin American Women having Migrated to Switzerland") (co-supervised with Ueli Mäder, University of Basel).
2016 Elisa Herrera Altamirano: "Mapeando Continuums Cuerpo-Ciudad a través de Experiencias Deportivas: El caso de los Runners en Barcelona" ("Mapping Body-City Continuums through Sports Experiences: The Case of the Runners in Barcelona") (co-supervised with Begonya Enguix, Universidad Oberta de Catalunya, Spain).
2016 Melanie Würth: "Representaciones mentales de los habitantes de Buenos Aires (Argentina) sobre las variaciones lingüísticas en el territorio urbano" ("Mental Representations of the Inhabitants of Buenos Aires (Argentina) about the Linguistic Variations in the Urban Territory") (co-supervised with Yvette Bürki, Instituto de Lengua y Literaturas Hispánicas, University of Bern).
2014 Susanne Bachmann: "Diskurse über MigrantInnen in Schweizer Integrationsprojekten. Die Normalisierung von Prekarität" ("Discourses on Migrants in Swiss Integration Projects. The Normalization of Precarity").
2011 Daniela Reist: "Einflüsse Imaginativer Geographien Spaniens auf Migrationsverläufe von Migrantinnen und Migranten aus Ecuador" ("The Influence of Imaginative Geographies of Spain in the Migration Decisions of Ecuadorians").
2008 Nadia Baghdadi: "Und plötzlich bist du DIE Muslimin. Grenzen, Differenzen und Verortung im Kontext Arbeit: weibliche Fachleute aus Nahost, Mittlerem Osten und Südosteuropa" ("And suddenly you are THE Muslim. Borders, Differences and Situatedness in the Context of Work: Female Specialists from the Middle East, Middle East and Southeast Europe").

Supervised MsC Theses

2020 Manon Calore: "La construction du chez-soi des personnes déplacées des zones rurales par la violence à San Juan de Pasto (Colombie): défis et stratégies" ("Re-Building a Home: Challenges and Strategies of Rural Inhabitants Displaced by Armed Violence to San Juan de Pasto, Colombia").
2019 Nora Komposch: "Worker Cooperatives’ Potential to Transform Migrant Women’s Social Position and Agency A Participatory Mixed Methods Study in New York City".
2018 Jeanne Pittet: "Passer à une agriculture durable ou rester à une agriculture conventionnelle? Les perceptions des agriculteurs Burkinabés" ("Switch to Sustainable Farming or Stay with Conventional Methods? The Perceptions of Burkina-Faso Farmers").
2018 Christelle Leo: "Mobilité étudiante: Les motivations et stratégies des é internationaux.ales à l’Université de Neuchâtel" ("Motivations and Strategies of International Students at the University of Neuchâtel") (co-supervised with Etienne Piguet, University of Neuchatel).
2016 Christina Renggli: "Gründe und Motivation von internationalen Studierenden, die Universität Bern als Destination ihrer tertiären Ausbildung zu wählen" ("Reasons for International Students Choosing the University of Bern as a Destination for their Tertiary Education").
2013 Roger Steiner: "Einfluss der Rückkehrhilfe auf die individuelle Rückkehrentscheidung von Asylsuchenden aus Nigeria in der Schweiz" ("Influence of the Swiss Return Assistance Programmes on the Return Decisions of Asylum-seekers from Nigeria") (co-supervised with Renate Ruhne).
2013 Sophie Hirsig: "Raum der Aushandlung. Organisation von Familien- und Erwerbsarbeit in der Deutschschweiz" ("Space of Negotiation. Organization of Family and Gainful Employment in German-speaking Switzerland").
2010 Viktor Baumgartner: "Skateboarden in Basel. Die Raumkonstitution der Basler Skateboarder" ("Skateboarding in Basel. The Spatial Constitution of the Basel Skateboarding Scene").
2010 Christian Sonderegger: "Wohnen im Alter. Eine Analyse von Deutschland, Irland, Finnland und der Schweiz" ("Living in Old Age. An Analysis of Germany, Ireland, Finland and Switzerland").
2008 Simon Brugger: "Schwimmen gegen den Strom: Wege & Strategien zum Schulerfolg bei Migrationshintergrund" ("Swimming Against the Tide: Paths & Strategies for the School Success of Young Migrants").
2007 Mirjam Zbinden: "Die Bedeutung diskursiv konstruierter Räume für die Migrationsentscheide junger, gut ausgebildeter Bulgarinnen und Bulgaren" ("The Importance of Discourses on Western Europe for the Migration Decisions of Young, Well-educated Bulgarians").
2005 Chantal Wyssmüller: "Diskursive Konstruktion von 'Menschen aus dem Balkan' in Schweizer Printmedien und deren Bedeutung für die soziale Integration" ("Discursive Construction of 'People from the Balkans' in Swiss Print Media: Implications for Social Integration").

Award-Winning Supervised Theses

2020 Manon Calore: "Re-Building a Home: Challenges and Strategies of Rural Inhabitants Displaced by Armed Violence to San Juan de Pasto, Colombia." First prize Swiss Society of Applied Geography (SGAG / SSGA) (Link)
2019 Nora Komposch: "Worker Cooperatives’ Potential to Transform Migrant Women’s Social Position and Agency A Participatory Mixed Methods Study in New York City." Second prize Swiss Society of Applied Geography (SGAG / SSGA) (Link)
2018 Jeanne Pittet: "Switch to Sustainable Farming or Stay with Conventional Methods? The Perceptions of Burkina-Faso Farmers." Interdisciplinary Academic Prize for Sustainable Development of the University of Neuchâtel (Link)
2008 Simon Brugger: "Swimming Against the Tide: Paths and Strategies for the School Success of Young Migrants." First prize Swiss Society of Applied Geography (SGAG / SSGA) (Link)
2007 Mirjam Zbinden: "The Importance of Discourses on Western Europe for the Migration Decisions of Young, Well-educated Bulgarians." Second prize Swiss Society of Applied Geography (SGAG / SSGA) (Link)