Prof. Dr. Stefan Brönnimann

Leitung Unit Klimatologie


+41 31 684 88 85
Universität Bern
Geographisches Institut
Hallerstrasse 12
CH-3012 Bern

Rekonstruktion von Wetter und Klima der letzten 400 Jahre
Kombination von frühinstrumentellen Daten, Proxies und Modellen
Klimadynamik und grossräumige Variabilität
Interannuelle bis dekadale Variabilität der atmosphärischen Zirkulation
Historische Klimatologie
Einfluss von Vulkanausbrüchen auf das Klima
Klima und Gesellschaft

  • President of Commission “Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics” (ACP) of sc.nat

  • Lead author, Chapter 2 of the contribution of Working Group I to the 5th assessment report of the
    Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

  • PI, co-PI, or member of several national and international projects (SNF, NCCR Climate, EU FP-7,
    HORIZON2020, COST, ERAnet.RUS)

  • Active in international initiatives “The Twentieth Century Reanalysis Project” (20CR), “Atmospheric
    Circulation Reconstructions over the Earth (ACRE)”, “International Surface Temperature Initiative”

  • Leader, Work Package 2 of Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research, University of Bern

  • Member, Steering Group Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research, University of Bern

  • Editor/coordinator of Meteorologische Zeitschrift, since August 2006, Climate of the Past since 2012,
    Physik in unserer Zeit since 2012, Editor of Geographica Bernensia since 2011.

  • Head of conference board, international workshops “Weather and Climate Extremes During the Past
    100 years”, Diessenhofen (Switzerland), 7-9 June 2010, “Variability of Global Atmospheric Circulation
    During the Past 100 years”, Monte Verità (Switzerland), 15-20 June 2008, “Climate variability and
    extremes during the past 100 years”, Gwatt (Switzerland), 24–26 July 2006, “Bicentenary of the Great
    Tambora Eruption”, Bern (Switzerland), 7-10 April 2015


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