Johanna Paschen

PhD Studentin

Kritische Nachhaltigkeitsforschung

+41 31 684 33 23
Universität Bern
Geographisches Institut
Hallerstrasse 12
CH-3012 Bern

Research Interests

  • Critical Climate Justice
  • EcoJustice
  • Transdisciplinarity
  • Ecological Art
  • Collaborative Practices
  • Environmental Humanities
  • Political Ecology


  • MSc Human Ecology – Culture, Power and Sustainability, Lund University, Sweden
  • Thesis: Can Art in Sustainability Education Challenge Marginalisation? Conversations with Youths and Practitioners in an European Context
  • BSc Liberal Arts and Sciences – Specialisation in Social Sciences, University of Groningen, The Netherlands

Work experience

  • 2021-2022: Research and Project Assistant, NOAH – Friends of the Earth Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark
  • 2021-2022: Team Leader, Madboks – Food Saving, Copenhagen, Denmark
  • 2019-2020: Project Assistant, Wilderness Foundation UK, Chelmsford, UK
  • 2019: Research Assistant, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
  • 2018: Project Assistant, Minerva Art Academy, Groningen, The Netherlands





Paschen, J. (2023). Building on the project ‘EcoArtLab’: the potential of combining ecological art, transdisciplinary research, and climate and eco- justice for climate action. Geoagenda - Climate Crisis and Geographers for Future (2023/4), pp.16-19. Swiss Geographical Association (ASG)


Master Thesis:

Paschen, J. (2022). Can Art in Sustainability Education Challenge Marginalisation? Conversations with Youths and Practitioners in a European Context. 1–56.

EcoArtLab. Relational encounters between the arts and climate research.”




An SNSF - Swiss National Science Foundation funded collaboration between the Institute for Practices and Theories of the Arts at the Bern Academy of the Arts HKB and our mLAB.


Fridays for Future, climate crisis, net zero – the debate about climate change and ecological sustainability has moved to the center of society. The question is what options for action exist and what conditions must be in place for a societal transformation toward greater sustainability to be possible.  Climate researchers seek exchange with artists or adapt artistic processes in the course of a creative (re-)turn (Hawkins 2020, Marsten & deLeeuw 2013, Crang 2010), while artistic practice is turning to ecological themes. However, it is debated to what extent the arts can actually generate sustainable ecological effects by fueling a thematic debate without questioning structures and logics of production in the sense of a critical practice. More and more initiatives and funding bodies are also trying to bring artists together with climate researchers. 

Working title Transdisciplinary Research in Art and Climate Science Collaborations: Methodologies, procedures and practices for a just knowledge co-creation between artists, scientists, society, and the more-than-human collaboration in the context of Switzerland.


  ‘Co-creating knowledge in transdisciplinary art and climate science collaborations: Exploring epistemic justice in applied methods and procedures’. Presentation in panel Inter- and transdisciplinary research methodologies at Geographie-Werkstatt 2024, Innsbruck, Austria.
November ‘Transdisciplinary research in art and climate science collaborations: Investigating methodologies, procedures, practices, and underlying assumptions to reach epistemic justice in terms of knowledge co-creation between artists, climate scientists, society, and the more-than-human in the context of Switzerland’. Presentation in panel Climate Justice and Feminist Political Ecology, organized by Rosa Felicitas Philipp and me, at 21st Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Mendrisio, Switzerland.
April ‚Film Screening ‘Ecotone Encounters’ /(EcoArtLab)’. Presentation in symposium ‘Finding home: At the nexus of ecological grief, artistic research, and environmental justice‘ at Lucerne University of Applied Sciences, Lucerne, Switzerland.
  ‘Collaboration of Liberal Arts & Science Students and people with disabilities about in- and exclusion’. Presentation at ‘The Meaning of Liberal Arts and Sciences’ Conference at Erasmus University College, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
  ‘Break Out’: Exploring in- and exclusion from the urban spaces from the inside out. Presentation at ‚Irish Geographers’ Conference, Maynooth University, Maynooth, Ireland.




Current Teaching

FS 2024 Lecture ‘Forschungstoolbox zum Jahresthema: EcoArtLab Relational Encounters II: Migration — Klima — Gerechtigkeit’
FS 2024 Übung ‘Geographien der Nachhaltigkeit’


Past Teaching

HS 2023

Lecture ‘Forschungstoolbox zum Jahresthema: EcoArtLab — Relational Encounters I: Zukunftsbilder’

FS 2023

Übung ‘Geographien der Nachhaltigkeit’