Samuel Hepner

PhD Student

Unit Landsysteme und Nachhaltige Ressourcennutzung

+41 31 684 59 09
Universität Bern
Geographisches Institut
Hallerstrasse 12
CH-3012 Bern

The ecology and conservation of forest patches in West Africa – Insights for sustainable forest management

  • Forest structure, Aboveground Biomass, Point Clouds, Terrestrial Laser Scanning
  • Tropical forest ecology, biogeography, plant science
  • Vegetation-soil interactions
  • Agriculture, sustainable land use
  • Field inventories, soil profiles
  • GIS, Google Earth Engine, R

Iheaturu, C. J., Hepner, S., Batchelor, J. L., Agonvonon, G. A., Akinyemi, F. O., Wingate, V. R., & Speranza, C. I. (2024). Integrating UAV LiDAR and multispectral data to assess forest status and map disturbance severity in a West African forest patch. Ecological Informatics, 84, 102876.

Mohr, F., Pazur, R., Debonne, N., Dossche, R., Helfenstein, J., Hepner, S., ... & Bürgi, M. (2024). Exploring agricultural landscape change from the second half of the twentieth century onwards: combining aerial imagery with farmer perspectives. Landscape Ecology, 39(7), 120.

Helfenstein, J., Hepner, S., Kreuzer, A., Achermann, G., Williams, T., Bürgi, M., ... & Herzog, F. (2024). Divergent agricultural development pathways across farm and landscape scales in Europe: Implications for sustainability and farmer satisfaction. Global Environmental Change, 86, 102855.

2021-present: PhD in Geography and Sustainable Development, Unibe, Bern

2020-2021: Scientific collaborator at Agricultural Landscapes and Biodiversity group, Agroscope, Zürich

2018-2020: Master of Science in Biogeosciences at Unil, Lausanne and Unine, Neuchâtel

2013-2016: Bachelor of Science in Geography at UZH with minor in Agroecology at ETH, Zürich



Deutsch, English, Français, Español

