Jürg Krauer

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Unit Landsysteme und Nachhaltige Ressourcennutzung

+41 31 684 35 27
Universität Bern
Centre for Development and Environment
Nachhaltige Entwicklung und Ressourcennutzung
Mittelstrasse 43
CH-3012 Bern

Areas of professional focus

  • Development of geospatial databases
  • Spatiotemporal modelling (development of new models and concepts)
  • Education in geoinformatics (University of Bern)


  • Coping with Desertification Project (CODEP) Mongolia: National Desertification Monitoring System (NDMS)
  • Water and Land Resource Centre (WLRC) Project in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Tanzania: Ethiopian Geographic Information System (EthioGIS) national modelling framework
  • Capacity Development in Geoinformation Management, National Academy of Science and Academy of Agricultural Science, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK)
  • National Spatial Data Infrastructure Project, Eritrean Mapping and Information Centre
  • Capacity Building in Geoinformation Management, UN agencies and the government of South Sudan
  • Sustainable Land Management Programme Eritrea (SLM Eritrea); Soil Conservation Research Programme (SCRP) Ethiopia; EthioGIS

Further professional interests

  • Digital terrain modelling and visualisation
  • Digital mapping and application development

Field experience

Ethiopia, Kenya, Eritrea, DPRK, Sudan, Mongolia


German, English, French

Jump to: 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2015 | 2014 | 2009 | 2008 | 2004


Hurni, Kaspar; Hodel, Elias; Krauer, Jürg; Gaemperli, Ulla (2019). Ethiopia - Travel Time to Regional Centres (Overview Map Series) Scales: 1:1,000,000/1:1,500,000 [Dataset]. In: Ethiopia - Travel Time to Regional Centres (Overview Map Series) Scales: 1:1,000,000/1:1,500,000. Bern: Centre for Development and Environment

Krauer, Jürg; Gaemperli, Ulla; Fries, Matthias; Würsch, Lukas; Zeleke, Gete; Kassawmar Nigussie, Tibebu; Aragie Sisay, Yohannes (2019). Ethiopia Geographic Base Map : Change in Forest Cover 2000-2015 [Map]. In: Thematic Overview Map Series 1:1,000,000/1:1,500,000. Bern: Centre for Development and Environment

Krauer, Jürg; Gämperli, Ursula; Hurni, Kaspar; Fries, Matthias; Zeleke, Gete; Kassawmar, Tibebu; Yohannes, Aragie (2019). WLRC Land Cover Map 2016 (Overview Map Series) Scale: 1:500,000 [Map]. In: Thematic Standard Map Series 1:500,000. Bern: Centre for Development and Environment

Krauer, Jürg; Gämperli, Ursula; Hurni, Kaspar; Fries, Matthias; Würsch, Lukas; Zeleke, Gete; Kassawmar, Tibebu; Aragie, Yohannes (2019). Ethiopia Geographic Base Map: WLRC Land Use/Land Cover 2016 (Overview Map Series) Scale: 1:250,000 [Map]. In: Thematic Reference Map Series 1:250,000. Bern: Centre for Development and Environment

Hurni, Kaspar; Hodel, Elias; Krauer, Jürg; Gämperli, Ursula; Fries, Matthias; Würsch, Lukas; Zeleke, Gete; Kassawmar, Tibebu; Aragie, Yohannes (2019). Ethiopia Geographic Base Map: Population Distribution 2016 [Map]. In: Thematic Overview Map Series 1:1,000,000 / 1:1,500,000. Bern: Centre for Development and Environment

Hurni, Kaspar; Hodel, Elias; Krauer, Jürg; Gämperli, Ursula; Fries, Matthias; Würsch, Lukas; Zeleke, Gete; Kassawmar, Tibebu; Aragie, Yohannes (2019). Ethiopia Geographic Base Map: Annual Precipitation 2017 [Map]. In: Thematic Overview Map Series 1:1,000,000 / 1:1,500,000. Bern: Centre for Development and Environment


Adler, Carolina; Palazzi, Elisa; Kulonen, Aino; Balsiger, Jörg; Colangeli, Guido; Cripe, Douglas; Forsythe, Nathan; Goss-Durant, Grace; Guigoz, Yaniss; Krauer, Jürg; Payne, Davnah; Pepin, Nicholas; Peralvo, Manuel; Romero, José; Sayre, Roger; Shahgedanova, Maria; Weingartner, Rolf; Zebisch, Marc (2018). Monitoring Mountains in a Changing World: New Horizons for the Global Network for Observations and Information on Mountain Environments (GEO-GNOME). Mountain Research and Development, 38(3), pp. 265-269. International Mountain Society 10.1659/MRD-JOURNAL-D-8-00065.1

Sayre, Roger; Frye, Charlie; Karagulle, Deniz; Krauer, Jürg; Breyer, Sean; Aniello, Peter; Wright, Dawn J.; Payne, Davnah; Adler, Carolina; Warner, Harumi; VanSistine, D. Paco; Cress, Jill (2018). A New High-Resolution Map of World Mountains and an Online Tool for Visualizing and Comparing Characterizations of Global Mountain Distributions. Mountain Research and Development, 38(3), pp. 240-249. International Mountain Society 10.1659/MRD-JOURNAL-D-17-00107.1


Payne, Davnah Ruth; Adler, Carolina; Krauer, Jürg; Sayre, Roger (2017). The GEO-GNOME Mountain Explorer - visualizing and comparing commonly applied mountain definitions. In: 15th Swiss Geoscience Meeting (pp. 507-508). Swiss Academy of Science

Ebneter, Laura; Krauer, Jürg; Hodel, Elias; Liniger, Hanspeter (2017). Bodenerosion bei Starkniederschlägen im Schweizer Mittelland – Ursachen und Massnahmen für die künftige Prävention von Bodenerosion durch Wasser. BGS Bulletin, 38, pp. 19-26. Elvadata AG


Krauer, Jürg; Engesser, Matthias (January 2015). ASM formalisation atlas and map Mongolia: Final project report (Unpublished) Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

Krauer, Jürg; Singo, Patience; Tudev, Enkhtsetseg; Hodel, Elias; Fries, Matthias; Gämperli, Ursula (2015). Artisanal and small scale mining in Mongolia: Statistical overview based on survey data by suom 2012 [Map]. In: National Thematic Map Series. Ulaanbaataar, Mongolia: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE); Bern Open Publishing (BOP); Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)

Krauer, Jürg; Gämperli, Ursula; Hodel, Elias; Curtis, I (2015). River basins of Northern Bahr El Ghazal State, South Sudan: WES project [Map]. In: Thematic Reference Map Series. Bern, Switzerland: Geographica Bernensia


Krauer, Jürg; Fries, Matthias; Gämperli, Ursula; Hodel, Elias; Kassawmar, Tibebu; Zeleke, Gete; Aragie, Yohannes (2014). EthioGIS-2 data catalog: National geospatial database system Ethiopia Addis Abeba, Ethiopia: Water and Land Resource Centre (WLRC)


Krauer, Jürg; Hösli, Christoph (2009). GIS-Karte des Südsudans gewinnt Kartografie-Preis. arcAKTUELL, 2009(4), pp. 34-35. Esri Deutschland


Krauer, Jürg (2008). Geospatial Information for Natural Resources Management - EthioGIS: Supporting NSDI in Ethiopia. In: Zeleke, Gete; Alemu, Betre; Hergarten, Christian; Krauer, Jürg (eds.) Consultation Workshop on National Spatial Data Infrastructure and Ethio-GIS (2nd Release): Workshop Proceedings (pp. 5-16). Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) and NCCR North-South

Zeleke, Gete; Alemu, Betre; Hergarten, Christian; Krauer, Jürg (2008). Consultation Workshop on National Spatial Data Infrastructure and Ethio-GIS (2nd Release): Workshop Proceedings Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) and NCCR North-South


Krauer, Jürg (2004). E201 ESAPP Project Report 2004 (Unpublished) Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

  • GeoInformation Africa
  • Africa GIS
  • United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Operational Satellite Applications Programme (UNOSAT)
  • Environmental System Research Institute (ESRI)