Nov 2024, University of Groningen, Pays-Bas. Oral presentation. 40 Years abortion legislation in the Netherlands.
- Debergh, Marlyse. “The situation in Switzerland forces us to go to Holland to get an abortion” (Swiss German Women’s Lib, 1978). An ethnography from past to present struggles for abortion care
Sept 2024, University of Basel, Suisse. Oral presentation. Congrès suisse de sociologie.
- Debergh, Marlyse. Behind closed doors. How to understand the failure of access to fieldwork in an ethnography on late-term abortion in Switzerland?
Sept 2024, University of Basel, Suisse. Panel organisation. Congrès suisse de sociologie.
- Debergh, Marlyse, Solène Gouilhers, Claudine Burton-Jeangros et Raphaël Hammer. Accessing healthcare institutions: what is at stake during negotiations to conduct fieldwork?
July 2024, University of Barcelona, Spain. Oral presentation. European Association of Social Anthropologists Conference. Doing and undoing with anthropology.
- Debergh, Marlyse. Professional and feminist care for transnational abortion in the Netherlands. An ethnographic study.
July 2024, University of Antwerpen, Belgium. Oral presentation. European of Health and Medical Sociology Conference. Intersectionality and inclusion in health.
- Debergh, Marlyse. Social inequalities in abortion health care.
July 2024, University of Antwerpen, Belgium. Oral presentation. European of Health and Medical Sociology Conference. Intersectionality and inclusion in health.
- Debergh, Marlyse and Burton-Jeangros, Claudine. Non-accessing health care institutions: what is at stake during negotiations to conduct fieldwork?
Feb 2024, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Oral presentation. Reproductive Justice Now ! International Conference.
- Debergh, Marlyse. Abortion Justice Now!
July 2023, University Jean Jaurès, Toulouse, France. Oral presentation. Troisième congrès international sur les études de genre.
- Debergh, Marlyse « Mettez un préservatif, protégez-vous. Ça marche pas comme ça dans la vraie vie. » Le Stealthing comme violence patriarcale.
June 2023, Gosteli Gespräche 2023, Berne, Switzerland. Oral presentation.
- Debergh, Marlyse «’On est vraiment programmées pour tomber enceinte’ – Ethnographie institutionelle d’un centre de santé sexuelle romand»
April 2023, King’s College, London. Oral presentation. Abortion at the borderlines. Gender Studies Network.
- Debergh, Marlyse Delays of abortion at the borderlines in Switzerland.
July 2021, University of Tunis, Tunisie. Oral presentation [online]. Virtual conference. Association internationale des sociologues de langue française (AISFL).
- Debergh, Marlyse Prophylaxie pré-exposition et pilule contraceptive: quelles similarités et quelles différences?
June 2021, University of Trento, Italie. Oral presentation [online]. Virtual Conference. 8th Ethnography and Qualitative Research Conference.
- Debergh, Marlyse. Doing gender in ethnography. A feminist comparative analysis between two sexual health institutions in Western Switzerland.
Feb. 2021, Porto Alegre, Brazil. Oral presentation [online]. Virtual conference. International Sociological Association Conference.
- Debergh, Marlyse. Debergh, Marlyse. "Have you taken an important risk ?" A sociological reflexion on the classification of sexual health risks. Conference virtuelle
Feb. 2021, University of Lausanne, Suisse. Oral presentation [online]. Virtual conference. Swiss Science and Technology Conference: Multiple Matters: From neglected things to arts of noticing fragility.
- Debergh, Marlyse. How to produce bodies at risk?
Aug 2020, University of Exeter, United Kingdom. Viral Masculinities Conference. Oral presentation [online]. Virtual conference.
- Debergh, Marlyse. Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP): from daily management to the social construction of risk and masculinities.
Aug 2020, Prague, Czech Republic. Oral presentation [online]. Virtual conference. European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST/4S).
- Debergh, Marlyse. Molecular Technologies, Risk, and Bodies: An Ethnographic Comparative Perspective between the Combined Oral Contraceptive Pill (COCP) and the Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP).
Aug 2020, San Francisco, United States. Oral presentation [online]. Virtual conference. American Sociological Association (ASA).
- Debergh, Marlyse. The Combined Oral Contraceptive Pill (COCP) and the Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) - a comparative Ethnographic Analysis, Switzerland.
Sept. 2019, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris, France. Oral presentation. Colloque Ignorance, pouvoir et santé. La production des savoirs médicaux au prisme des rapports de domination.
- Debergh, Marlyse & Torrent Sophie. Les ignorances ignorées de l’éducation à la santé sexuelle.
May 2019, University of Oviedo, Gijon, Espagne. Oral presentation. ATGENDER Spring Conference 2019 (European Association for Gender Research, Education and Documentation): Feminist Teaching Through Emotions, Feelings and Affects.
- Debergh, Marlyse. On Being Affected in Ethnography.
Dec 2018, University of Cambridge, Royaume-Uni. Oral presentation. International Conference on Gender Studies : Gender (Mis)reprensentation.
- Debergh, Marlyse. « It is my role as a sexual health professional to raise this question : Do you have a method of contraception ? » - A Sociological Reflexion on the Biomedicalization of Women.
June 2018, University of Lisbonne, Portugal. Oral presentation. 17th ESHMS Biennal Conference (European Society for Health and Medical Sociology).
- Debergh, Marlyse. Intersectionality in Health Inequalities Research : from an Ethnographic Tool to an Epistemological Reflexion.
April 2018, University of Lausanne, Suisse. Oral presentation. Ateliers Lausannois d’Ethnographie (ALE).
- Debergh, Marlyse. Négociations contrastées auprès d’un centre de santé sexuelle et d’un centre de santé communautaire de Suisse romande.