Geographisches Institut


I am a sociologist and postdoc researcher in socio-anthropology. My research interests include sexual and reproductive health, abortion, feminist theories and reproductive justice, and medical anthropology and sociology. I am a specialist of ethnographic methods (observations, in-depth interviews, focus groups), and qualitative analysis. I conducted fieldwork in various health institutions (sexual health centers, maternity hospital, and abortion clinics). My geographical focus covers both the international level as well as the local one (Swiss and Dutch contexts).

I studied social sciences (both sociology and anthropology) and political science at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland. I hold a PhD in sociology from the University of Geneva, Switzerland (La santé sexuelle à l’épreuve du local. Une ethnographie féministe en Suisse romande, 2022. Co-supervised by Prof. Claudine Burton-Jeangros, University of Geneva and Véronique Mottier, University of Lausanne, and Jesus College, University of Cambridge). My doctoral research aimed at analysing the trajectory of sexual health policy from the global to the local. By making use of ethnographic methods, I analysed how this international notion was framed at the international level from the 1970 and currently put into practice in Swiss sexual health centers. 

I also worked as a teaching assistant from 2016 until 2022 at the University of Geneva where I taught various seminars on qualitative methods, sexual and reproductive health politics, and feminist studies among other topics. 

During my PhD, I was awarded a Doc.Mobility grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation for a research fellowship at the Reproductive Sociology Research Group (ReproSoc) in the Department of Sociology at the University of Cambridge where I was hosted by Prof. Sarah Franklin (2019-2020).

After my PhD, I was awarded by a Postdoc.Mobility Grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation for a research fellowship in the Health Care and the Body group of the Department of Anthropology of the University of Amsterdam (2022-2024). My host professors were Prof. Jeannette Pols and Prof. Rachel Spronk. 

In 2024, I was awarded with a Return Grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation for a research fellowship at the University of Fribourg and the University of Bern. For the first part of this fellowship at the University of Fribourg, I was hosted by Prof. Francesca Poglia Mileti. I currently work for the second part of this fellowship in the Institute of Geography where I am hosted by Prof. Carolin Schurr.

My current postdoc research focuses on abortion travels for the Swiss and Dutch contexts from the perspectives and experiences of sexual and reproductive health professionals, and feminist pro-choice activists.

Since 2019, I am a member of the editorial board of the Swiss and French scientific and feminist journal Nouvelles questions féministes:

Fields of research

  • sexual and reproductive health
  • abortion
  • feminist theories and reproductive justice
  • medical anthropology and sociology
  • medical ethics
  • ethnography

Prizes, awards, scholarship

  • 2024 Return Grant SNSF
  • 2023 Equality Grant SNSF
  • 2022 Fellowship SNSF Postdoc.Mobility, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • 2019 Fellowship SNSF Doc.Mobility, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
  • 2014 Fellowship of MA exchange, Stellenbosch University, South Africa


Schwendener Corina L.*, Kiener Laura M.*, Jafflin Kristen*, Rouached Sarah*, Juillerat Anna, Meier Vincent, Schärli Susanna, Muggli Franco, Gültekin Nejla, Bauman Aron, Debergh Marlyse, Gruillot Catherine, Huber  Benedikt M., Merten Sonja, Buhl Andrea, Deml Michael J.*, Tarr Philip E*. HPV Vaccine Awareness, Knowledge and Information Sources among Youth in Switzerland: A Mixed Methodes Study. BMJ Open, 12(1), 1-11. e054419. URL: doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-054419


Debergh, Marlyse. Négocier pour accéder au terrain et conduire l’enquête – Une analyse comparative de processus contrastés entre deux institutions de santé sexuelle de Suisse romande. Rubrique Négocier un terrain d'enquête. Revue Cambouis. La Revue Des Sciences Sociales Aux Mains Sales. [Online]. doi: 10.52983/crev.vi0.81

Debergh, Marlyse. & Sophie Torrent. « C'est une pièce qui rentre dans une autre pièce »: Normer les corps par l'éducation à la santé sexuelle en Suisse romande. Revue Genre, sexualité & société. Genre, sexualité & société [Online], n°24. 

Debergh, Marlyse. Producing bodies at risk in sexual health – an ethnographic comparative analysis between the combined oral contraceptive pill and pre-exposure prophylaxis in Switzerland. Special issue Techn, Sex and Health : The Place of New Technologies in Sex, Sexual Health, and Human Intimacy. Health Sociology Review, vol.29, n°3. Archive ouverte UNIGE:

Special Issue


Ruault Lucile, Debergh, Marlyse, Hertz Ellen, Martin Hélène & Bachmann Laurence. L’Androcène : domination patriarcale, capitalisme et changement climatique. Editorial and coordination of special issue. Nouvelles Questions Féministes, vol. 2, n°40. URL :

Book Chapter


Debergh, Marlyse. Producing bodies at risk in sexual health – an ethnographic comparative analysis between the combined oral contraceptive pill and pre-exposure prophylaxis in Switzerland. Tech, Sex and Health : The Place of New Technologies in Sex, Sexual Health, and Human Intimacy. Edited by Power, Jenifer & Waling, Andrea. London: Routledge. Article initially published in Health Sociology Review, vol.29, n°3. Archive ouverte UNIGE:

Book Review


Debergh, Marlyse. Book : Marie Mathieu et Laurine Thizy. Sociologie de l’avortement (Paris, La Découverte, 2023). Nouvelles Questions Féministes, vol 43(2).

Debergh, Marlyse. Book : Jaime García-Iglesias. The Eroticizing of HIV. Viral Fantasies (Cham, Switzerland Palgrave Macmillan 2022). Lova Dutch Journal of Feminist Anthropology and Gender Studies, n°45.


Debergh, Marlyse. Book : Aurore Koechlin. La norme gynécologique. Ce que la médecine fait au corps des femmes. (Paris : Editions Amsterdam, 2022). Nouvelles Questions Féministes, vol. 1, n°39. URL :


Debergh, Marlyse. Book : Adam Adeline, Duplan Karine, Gallot Fanny, Gonzalez-Quijano Lola, Roucoux Guillaume, et Velzema Marie-Sherley (Eds) : La production de la santé sexuelle (Cahiers du Genre, vol. 1, n°60) ». Nouvelles Questions Féministes, vol. 1, n°39.  URL :


Debergh, Marlyse. Book: Sara R. Farris : In the Name of Women’s rights. The Rise of Femonationalism (Duke University Press, 207) ». Cahiers du Genre, vol. 1, n°66. URL :

Publication of Interview


Topini, Carolina et Debergh Marlyse [Equal contribution]. Rosangela Gramoni: militante féministe genevoise pour la santé des femmes depuis cinquante ans. « Il faut croire que la lutte féministe, ça conserve ! ». Interview with a feminist activist. Nouvelles Questions Féministe, vol. 2(42). URL :

  • Feb & May 2024 Reproductive justice now! A two parts international conference. University of Amsterdam & University College London (UCL). Organized by Debergh, Marlyse (Postdoc.Mobility, UvA), Topini, Carolina (Postdoc.Mobility, UCL), Siddiqui, Shahana (UVA), Martin, Phoebe (King’s College, London)
  • May 2023 Les enjeux de l’accès aux lieux de soins dans les enquêtes en sciences sociales. Université de Genève, Suisse. Organized by Burton-Jeangros, Claudine (University of Geneva), Debergh, Marlyse (Postdoc.Mobility, UvA), Gouilhers, Solène (University of Geneva), and Hammer, Raphaël (Haute Ecole de Santé Vaud).

  • Oct. 2020 Queer Feminist Approaches to Social Reproduction in the Environmental Crisis. University of Cambridge, Royaume-Uni. Organised by Debergh, Marlyse (Doc.Mobility, University of Cambridge, UNIGE), O’Shaugnessy, Aideen (University of Cambridge), Sandler, Elisabeth (University of Cambridge) and Topini, Carolina (Doc.Mobility, University of Cambridge, UNIGE).

  • Jan 2020 Analyse et écriture en ethnographie, Doctoral Program. Organised by Debergh, Marlyse (UNIGE), Pralong, Mélody (UNIL) and Sautier, Marie (UNIL).

  • April 2018 Gouverner les sexualités: construction historique et enjeux contemporains, Doctoral Program. Organised by Debergh, Marlyse (UNIGE), Crosetti, Anne-Sophie (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium).

  • March 2018 La Politique des ventres. Journée d'étude transdisciplinaire autour de la gestion des corps reproducteurs. Organized by Camille Bajeux (UNIGE), Debergh, Marlyse (UNIGE), Gouilhers, Solène (UNIGE) and Suva, Blaise (Association : *Trans 360).


Nov 2024, University of Groningen, Pays-Bas. Oral presentation. 40 Years abortion legislation in the Netherlands.

  • Debergh, Marlyse. “The situation in Switzerland forces us to go to Holland to get an abortion” (Swiss German Women’s Lib, 1978). An ethnography from past to present struggles for abortion care

Sept 2024, University of Basel, Suisse. Oral presentation. Congrès suisse de sociologie.

  • Debergh, Marlyse. Behind closed doors. How to understand the failure of access to fieldwork in an ethnography on late-term abortion in Switzerland?  

Sept 2024, University of Basel, Suisse. Panel organisation. Congrès suisse de sociologie.

  • Debergh, Marlyse, Solène Gouilhers, Claudine Burton-Jeangros et Raphaël Hammer. Accessing healthcare institutions: what is at stake during negotiations to conduct fieldwork?

July 2024, University of Barcelona, Spain. Oral presentation.  European Association of Social Anthropologists Conference. Doing and undoing with anthropology. 

  • Debergh, Marlyse. Professional and feminist care for transnational abortion in the Netherlands. An ethnographic study.

July 2024, University of Antwerpen, Belgium. Oral presentation. European of Health and Medical Sociology Conference. Intersectionality and inclusion in health.

  • Debergh, Marlyse. Social inequalities in abortion health care.

July 2024, University of Antwerpen, Belgium. Oral presentation. European of Health and Medical Sociology Conference. Intersectionality and inclusion in health.

  • Debergh, Marlyse  and Burton-Jeangros, Claudine. Non-accessing health care institutions: what is at stake during negotiations to conduct fieldwork?

Feb 2024, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Oral presentation. Reproductive Justice Now ! International Conference.

  • Debergh, Marlyse. Abortion Justice Now!


July 2023, University Jean Jaurès, Toulouse, France. Oral presentation. Troisième congrès international sur les études de genre.

  • Debergh, Marlyse « Mettez un préservatif, protégez-vous. Ça marche pas comme ça dans la vraie vie. » Le Stealthing comme violence patriarcale.

June 2023, Gosteli Gespräche 2023, Berne, Switzerland. Oral presentation.

  • Debergh, Marlyse «’On est vraiment programmées pour tomber enceinte’ – Ethnographie institutionelle d’un centre de santé sexuelle romand»

April 2023, King’s College, London. Oral presentation. Abortion at the borderlines. Gender Studies Network.

  • Debergh, Marlyse Delays of abortion at the borderlines in Switzerland.


July 2021, University of Tunis, Tunisie. Oral presentation [online]. Virtual conference. Association internationale des sociologues de langue française (AISFL).

  • Debergh, Marlyse Prophylaxie pré-exposition et pilule contraceptive: quelles similarités et quelles différences?

June 2021, University of Trento, Italie. Oral presentation [online]. Virtual Conference. 8th Ethnography and Qualitative Research Conference.

  • Debergh, Marlyse. Doing gender in ethnography. A feminist comparative analysis between two sexual health institutions in Western Switzerland.

Feb. 2021, Porto Alegre, Brazil. Oral presentation [online]. Virtual conference. International Sociological Association Conference.

  • Debergh, Marlyse. Debergh, Marlyse. "Have you taken an important risk ?" A sociological reflexion on the classification of sexual health risks. Conference virtuelle

Feb. 2021, University of Lausanne, Suisse. Oral presentation [online]. Virtual conference. Swiss Science and Technology Conference: Multiple Matters: From neglected things to arts of noticing fragility.

  • Debergh, Marlyse. How to produce bodies at risk?


Aug 2020, University of Exeter, United Kingdom. Viral Masculinities Conference. Oral presentation [online]. Virtual conference.

  • Debergh, Marlyse. Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP): from daily management to the social construction of risk and masculinities.

Aug 2020, Prague, Czech Republic. Oral presentation [online]. Virtual conference. European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST/4S).

  • Debergh, Marlyse. Molecular Technologies, Risk, and Bodies: An Ethnographic Comparative Perspective between the Combined Oral Contraceptive Pill (COCP) and the Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP).

Aug 2020, San Francisco, United States. Oral presentation [online]. Virtual conference. American Sociological Association (ASA).

  • Debergh, Marlyse. The Combined Oral Contraceptive Pill (COCP) and the Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) - a comparative Ethnographic Analysis, Switzerland.


Sept. 2019, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris, France. Oral presentation. Colloque Ignorance, pouvoir et santé. La production des savoirs médicaux au prisme des rapports de domination.

  • Debergh, Marlyse & Torrent Sophie. Les ignorances ignorées de l’éducation à la santé sexuelle.


May 2019, University of Oviedo, Gijon, Espagne. Oral presentation. ATGENDER Spring Conference 2019 (European Association for Gender Research, Education and Documentation): Feminist Teaching Through Emotions, Feelings and Affects.

  • Debergh, Marlyse. On Being Affected in Ethnography.


Dec 2018, University of Cambridge, Royaume-Uni. Oral presentation. International Conference on Gender Studies : Gender (Mis)reprensentation.

  • Debergh, Marlyse. « It is my role as a sexual health professional to raise this question : Do you have a method of contraception ? » - A Sociological Reflexion on the Biomedicalization of Women.


June 2018, University of Lisbonne, Portugal. Oral presentation. 17th ESHMS  Biennal Conference (European Society for Health and Medical Sociology).

  • Debergh, Marlyse. Intersectionality in Health Inequalities Research : from an Ethnographic Tool to an Epistemological Reflexion.


April 2018, University of Lausanne, Suisse. Oral presentation. Ateliers Lausannois d’Ethnographie (ALE).

  • Debergh, Marlyse. Négociations contrastées auprès d’un centre de santé sexuelle et d’un centre de santé communautaire de Suisse romande.


  • Feb-march 2017 Master lecture course Socioeconomy of the body and sexuality, University of Geneva


  • Sept 2021-Dec 2021   Bachelor seminar teaching, Qualitative Methods, University of Geneva

  • Feb 2017- Aug 2022  Bachelor seminar teaching, Introduction to scientific methodology, qualitative and quantitative Methods, University of Geneva

  • Sept 2016-2018 Bachelor seminar teaching, Sociology of Health and Reproduction, University of Geneva

  • Sept 2016-2018   Master seminar teaching, Qualitative Methods in Global Health, University of Geneva


  • Feb 2019-Aug 2022 Master Tutor, Advanced Qualitative methods, University of Geneva

  • Feb 2019-Aug 2022 Bachelor Tutor, Sociology of the family, University of Geneva

  • Feb 2016-2018 Bachelor Tutor, Sociology of Migration, University of Geneva

  • Feb 2016-2019 Bachelor Tutor, Film in Social Sciences, University of Geneva

Supervised Theses

  • June 2017-Aug 2022 Jury Member of 14 theses, BA and MA students.

Guest Lectures

  • Oct. 2014, Guest lecture. Bachelor en Sociologie. Prof. Francesca Poglia Mileti. University of Fribourg. Oral presentation
    • Debergh, Marlyse. Frontières abortives: une ethnographie aux Pays-Bas et en Suisse.
  • March 2024, Guest lecture. Bachelor course Reproduction, Health and Technologie. Dr. Erica van de Sijpt, Department of Anthropology, University of Amsterdam. Oral presentation.
    • Debergh, Marlyse. Abortion borders: an ethnography in the Dutch and Swiss contexts.
  • March 2023, Guest lecture. Bachelor course Reproduction, Health and Technology. Prof. Turdie Gerrits and PhD candidate Shahana Siddiqui. Department of Anthropology, University of Amsterdam.
    • Debergh, Marlyse. How to conduct an ethnography on second and third terms abortions in Switzerland ?
  • June 2022, Guest lecture. Master lecture Méthodes qualitatives avancées . Prof. Claudine Burton-Jeangros. University of Geneva. Oral presentation.
    • Debergh, Marlyse. Écriture scientifique : trucs et astuces.
  • Sept 2020, Guest lecture. Bachelor Seminar Pratiques de terrain. Prof. Daniela Cerqui Ducret and PhD candidate Marie Sautier. University of Lausanne. Oral presentation.
    • Debergh, Marlyse. Comment ethnographier la santé sexuelle?
  • April 2019, Guest lecture Master lecture Genre, Santé et Médecine. Prof. Cynthia Kraus and Prof.e Irène Maffi. University of Lausanne. Oral presentation.
    • Debergh, Marlyse. Ethnographier la santé sexuelle: enjeux méthodologiques et théoriques.
  • April 2019, Guest lecture Master lecture Méthodes Qualitatives Avancées. Prof. Claudine Burton-Jeangros. University of Geneva. Oral presentation.
    • Debergh, Marlyse. Ethnographier la santé sexuelle: retour sur la phase d'analyse.
  • March 2018, Guest lecture for the Master lecture Méthodes Qualitatives Avancées. Prof.e Claudine Burton-Jeangros. University of Geneva. Oral presentation.
    • Debergh, Marlyse. Négociations contrastées auprès d’un centre de santé sexuelle et d’un centre de santé communautaire de Suisse romande.
  • March 2018, Guest lecture for the Bachelor Seminar Les Etapes de la Recherche en Sociologie. Dr. Cornelia Hummel. University of Geneva. Oral presentation.
    • Debergh, Marlyse. « Ecoutez, ça me paraît compliqué ». Pistes de réflexion sur les processus de négociation en ethnographie.
  • Feb 2017, Guest lecture Master Seminar Qualitative Methods in Global Health. Prof. Claudine Burton-Jeangros. University of Geneva. Oral presentation.                           
    • Debergh, Marlyse. Exploratory Research on Reproductive Rights and Sexual Health.
  • Feb 2017, Guest lecture Master lecture Socioéconomie du Corps et de la Sexualité. Dr. Sylvie Burgnard. University of Geneva. Oral presentation.
    • Debergh, Marlyse. Du Droit de Mort au Pouvoir sur la Vie – La Perspective de Michel Foucault.