2024 |
August |
“Climate-Induced Family Separation: Exploring the Nexus of Reproductive and Climate (In)justice within Transnational Labour Migration”, Presentation in panel “Geographies of (non)reproduction”, co-organized by Matilda Fitzmaurice and Sneha Krishnan at RGS-IBG conference, London, August 30. |
“’In-between’ strawberries and reproductive health: intimate liminality in Spain’s berry industry”, Presentation in panel “Mapping power relations in assemblages of health and care” co-organized by Mara Linden and Jessy Williams at RGS-IBG conference, London, August 29. |
June |
“Divided by Drought: Exploring the intersection of climate (in)justice and disrupted family ties in global labour migration”, Presentation in panel “Contemporary hydrosocial challenges. Water as risk and resource in the context of anthropogenic climate change” co-organized by Ida Andersson, Martina Angela Caretta and Moa Tunström at Nordic Geographers Meeting, Copenhagen, June 25 |
Mai |
«Intimate liminality in Spain’s berry industry». Presentation in panel Die politischen Räume des Planetarischen - Raumdenken im Lichte anthropozänischer und planetarischer Krisenverhältnisse, organized by Jan Winkler and Boris Michel, at Tagung Neue Kulturgeographie, Münster, May 24th |
Januar |
«Reproductive and Climate (In)Justice: Exploring the Nexus of Global Warming, Gendered Migration and Seasonal Agriculture». Presentation in FRIES seminar organized by the Food System Economics and Policy Group at ETH (https://frieseth.wixsite.com/friesethz), Zürich, January 17th. |
2023 |
November |
«Reproductive and Climate (In)Justice: Exploring the Nexus of Global Warming, Gendered Migration and Seasonal Agriculture». Presentation in panel Climate Justice and Feminist Political Ecology, organized by Rosa Philipp and Johanna Paschen, at Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Mendrisio, November 18th. |
September |
«Globale Lebensmittelketten und intime Erfahrungen von Erntearbeiter:innen: Über die Multiskalarität in Spaniens Erdbeerindustrie» Presentation in class on Globalen Herausforderungen und lokalen Brennpunkten organized by Moritz Gubler, Pädagogische Hochschule (PH) Bern, Bern, September 6th. |
“Gendered Constraints of Circular Labor Migration: Exploring the Intersections of Motherhood, Seasonal Labor, and Neoliberalism in Spain’s Berry Industry”, Presentation in panel Shaping moral norms of “good” parenthood and parenting across the reproductive process, organized by Edmée Ballif & Veronika Siegl, at Gender(ed) labor: Swiss Association of Gender Studies (SAGS) Conference 2023, Lausanne September 15th. |
“Situiertheit, Verkörperung und Machtgeladenheit von Wissen: Lehrbausteine für eine reflektierte und diverse Wissensproduktion in der geographischen Hochschullehre”, Presentation in panel Machtsensible Anforderungen an die geographische Hochschullehre, organized by Susanne Hübl & Jeannine Wintzer at the German Congress of Geography (DKG), Frankfurt, September 21th. |
2022 |
Dezember |
“Access to health care in temporary liminal spaces: geopolitics of im/mobility in Spain’s strawberry industry”, Presentation in Rencontres Scientifiques IGG, organized by Yvonne Riaño, Neuchâtel, December 8th. |
November |
“Access to reproductive health care in temporary liminal spaces: reproductive geopolitics of Spain’s strawberry industry”, Presentation in panel Feminist Geopolitics for a new world (without war), organized by Carolin Schurr, Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Lausanne, November 19th.
Juli |
“Family Life during Harvest Labor Abroad: Insights into the Reproductive Geopolitics of Spain’s Strawberry Industry”, Presentation on panel Migration and the Family, organized by Brenda Yeoh and Theodora Lam. IGU Annual Meeting, Paris, July 19th. |
2021 |
April |
“Collectivizing cleaning and care labor: how migrant women can gain agency through worker cooperatives”, Presentation on panel Labour Geographies “beyond the core” II: Resistance, Agency and Praxis, organisiert von Debolina Majumbder. AAG Annual Meeting, Seattle (online). |
2020 |
November |
"Worker Cooperatives’ Potential to Transform Migrant Women’s Social Position and Agency: A Case Study in New York City", Präsentation in der Diskussion "Geographies of Work and Workers' Experiences", Organisatorinnen Marisol Keller und Isabella Stringl. Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Zürich. |
Juli |
"Arbeiter*innenkooperativen im Reinigungs- und Sorgebereich: Erfahrungen aus New York City und deren Anwendung in der Schweiz", Präsentation der Masterarbeit im Communitycenter de_block, Bern |
2019 |
Mai |
“The social impacts of worker cooperatives on the lives of immigrant women in NYC”, Präsentation der Masterarbeit im Center for Family Life (NGO), Brooklyn NY |
2017 |
September |
“Veränderung der Grenzregime entlang der Balkanroute: Eine Reflexion aus der theoretischen Perspektive der staatlichen Territorialität.” Paper zum Panel Welche Geographien der Migration? am Deutschen Kongress für Geographie, Tübingen |