
Fall semester 2024

  • term of applications starts on 12 August 2024 for all courses (courses with limited attendance 12.8.24 – 25.8.24)
  • Lecture period starts on 16 Semptember 2024 and ends on 20 December 2024

Completion of studies per end of spring semester 2024

You do NOT need to enroll again for the administrativ completion if you …

  • have completed all academic requirements before the beginning of the new semester (i.e. until Friday, 13 September 2024).
  • pass an examination as your last academic requirement (written or oral) at the latest on Friday, 13 September 2024.
  • have completed the final version of the BSc thesis according to the last academic requirements (notification of grade and digital version submitted to the directorate of studies) at the latest on Friday, 13 September 2024.
  • have submitted the final version of the MSc thesis (incl. assessment) to the Dean’s Office as your last academic requirement, by the latest on Friday, 13 September 2024.
  • has held the Master's presentation no later than Friday, 13 September 2024.

For further information about the completion of studies, please consult the leaflet «Guidance to completion»

Transition bachelor > master spring semester 2024 / fall semester 2024

Individuals who want to start with a consecutive MSc in Geography directly after completing the BSc in Geography can register until mid-October 2024. The conditions are: all BSc grades appear in CTS, the bachelor thesis was completed in time (see above), and the minor were concluded by the respective directorate of studies in CTS. No pre-registration for the master is required.

The matriculation service will inform you about changing course - options "Changing from bachelor to master"

Submission of BSc thesis and MSc theses

According to the rules, supervisors are allowed 1 month time for the assessment of the thesis. Theses should therefore be submitted 1 month prior to the deadline to be assessed. An early consultation with your supervisor is recommended.