Plastic use in agriculture has tremendously increased in the past decades resulting in soil pollution with plastic residues forming besides macroplastics micro (MP) and nanoplastics (NP). MINAGRIS aims to contribute to healthy soils in Europe by providing a deeper understanding and tools to assess the impact of MP and NP in agricultural soil health.
To create an overview of the actual situation across Europe, MINAGRIS will assess the use of different plastic polymers in agricultural systems in 11 case study sites across Europe and identify the resulting types and concentrations of MPs and NPs. Concentrations of other stressors in soils such as pesticides and veterinary drugs will be additionally assessed.
Work package 2, led by the University of Bern, aims to coordinate all activities taking place at the 11 European case study sites. In addition, the University of Bern is responsible for investigating the transport of microplastics in agricultural soils. Together with Darmstadt University, the University of Bern is responsible for the analysis of micro- and nano-plastics sampled in all European case study sites.
PhD student: Adrian Grunder
Master student: Sinh Ly
Supervisor: PD Abdallah Alaoui, Prof. Moritz Bigalke (Darmstadt University)