Research studio

The research workshop of the Unit Political Urbanism and Sustainable Spatial Development addresses students of geography at master level with demonstrated interest in land-use planning and its overarching questions. In particular, the research workshop aims to open up access to practice and to enable students to apply and deepen their knowledge on a concrete case study. The aim is to create a comprehensive understanding of the approach and working methods in spatial planning and to practice dealing with challenges which confront spatial planners on a daily basis. The learning process of the students is based on an analysis of scientific texts and spatial planning instruments. In addition, it is supported with contents of the lecturers as well as with their direct supervision.

In the studio of the fall semester 2021 the connection between land-use planning and (de)growth has been explored. Historically, land-use planning has been associated with growth and corresponding urban expansion. Planning instruments were developed in a time of land profusion, and the planners are trained for and know best how to develop green fields. Today, growth is getting questioned by those who point out that the earth is finite, and many resources are essentially non-renewable. In this context the following question is raised: Is land-use planning able to reduce our society’s footprint and promote new forms of resource use compatible with a post-growth society?