
Land Systems and Sustainable Land Management Group

Master Thesis in LS-SLM

Photo Credits: Timon Lanz

The LS-SLM unit offers a broad selection of advertised Bachelor's and Master's thesis topics. The theses can be carried out qualitatively, quantitatively or with a mixed methods approach. Specifically, interviews, surveys, GIS analyses, soil analyses and much more can be applied.

The advertised topics of the two Geographies of Sustainability Units can be viewed in the following document:


It is also possible for students to propose their own thesis topic.

If you are interested in writing your bachelor's or master's thesis in the LS-SLM unit, you can get in touch directly with the person in charge. If you have any questions, please contact Robin Hartmann.


In the fact sheet of the Unit Geographies of Sustainability you can find all important information on Bachelor's and Master's theses:

You can find relevant information to the Master's thesis colloquium in the Ilias folder Master colloquium Geographies of Sustainability.

Please send password requests to Robin Hartmann.