Number of items at this level: 457.
Castillo, María L.; Schaffner, Urs; Mbaabu, Purity R.; Shiferaw, Hailu; van Wilgen, Brian W.; Eckert, Sandra; Choge, Simon; Münzbergová, Zuzana; Le Roux, Johannes J.
Following in the footsteps of invasion: comparisons of founder and invasive genotypes of two independent invasions reveal site-specific demographic processes and no influence by landscape attributes on dispersal.
NeoBiota, 93, pp. 263-291.
Pensoft Publishers
Iheaturu, Chima; Okolie, Chukwuma; Ayodele, Emmanuel; Egogo-Stanley, Andy; Musa, Solomon; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Combining Google Earth historical imagery and UAV photogrammetry for urban development analysis.
MethodsX, 12
Oberholzer, Simon; Herrmann, Christa; Bodenhausen, Natacha; Krause, Hans-Martin; Mestrot, Adrien; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Jarosch, Klaus A.
No effect on biological or chemical soil properties when amended with effective microorganisms for improved cover crop decomposition.
Applied soil ecology, 197
Akinyemi, Felicia O.; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
(19 April 2024).
Changes to agricultural landscapes impact the quality of land: An African continent-wide assessment in gained and displaced agricultural lands.
EGU General Assembly 2024.
Oberholzer, Simon; Summerauer, Laura; Steffens, Markus; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Best performances of visible–near-infrared models in soils with little carbonate – a field study in Switzerland.
SOIL, 10(1), pp. 231-249.
Njar, Nnanjar G.; Iheaturu, Chima J.; Inyang, Utibe B.; Okolie, Chukwuma J.; Daramola, Olagoke E.; Orji, Michael J.
Dynamics of Land Cover Change in the Anambra River Basin of Nigeria and Implications for Sustainable Land Management.
Quaestiones Geographicae, 43(1), pp. 179-195.
von Suchodoletz, Hans; Khosravichenar, Azra; Fütterer, Pierre; Zielhofer, Christoph; Schneider, Birgit; Sprafke, Tobias; Tinapp, Christian; Fülling, Alexander; Werther, Lukas; Stäuble, Harald; Hein, Michael; Veit, Ulrich; Ettel, Peter; Werban, Ulrike; Miera, Jan
Holocene overbank sedimentation in Central Europe between natural and human drivers - The Weiße Elster River (Central Germany).
Geomorphology, 449
Elsevier Science
Owuor, Margaret; Santos, Thuareag M. T.; Otieno, Philip; Mazzuco, Ana Carolina A.; Iheaturu, Chima; Bernardino, Angelo F.
Flow of mangrove ecosystem services to coastal communities in the Brazilian Amazon.
Frontiers in Environmental Science, 12(1329006)
Frontiers Media
Zakari, Rufai Yusuf; Shafik, Wasswa; Kalinaki, Kassim; Iheaturu, Chima Jude
Internet of Forestry Things (IoFT) Technologies and Applications in Forest Management.
Advanced IoT Technologies and Applications in the Industry 4.0 Digital Economy (pp. 275-295).
Boca Raton: CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group
Akinyemi, Felicia O.; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Land transformation on multi-decadal timescales reveals expanding croplands and settlements at the expense of tree-covered areas and mangroves in Nigeria
Eckert, Sandra; Schmid, Luc; Messerli, Peter; Zaehringer, Julie G.
Spatiotemporal assessment of deforestation and forest degradation indicates spillover effects from mining activities and related biodiversity offsets in Madagascar.
Remote sensing applications : society and environment, 36
Zaehringer, Julie G.; Michelotti, Madlaina; Andriambalohary, Maëlle; Rajerison, Fenitra; Rakotoarinosy, Ambinintsoa; Eckert, Sandra; Ramamonjisoa, Bruno; Andriamihaja, Onintsoa Ravaka
How are large-scale extractive industries affecting progress toward the sustainable development goals in Madagascar? Perceived social-ecological impacts of mining investments.
Current Research in Environmental Sustainability, 8
Minna, Kaljonen; Jacobi, Johanna; Korhonen-Kurki, Kaisa; Lukkarinen, Jani P.; Ott, Anna; Peltomaa, Juha; Schneider, Flurina; Tribaldos, Theresa; Zaehringer, Julie G.
Reflexive use of methods: a framework for navigating different types of knowledge and power in transformative research.
Sustainability science
Gonzalez, Andrew; Vihervaara, Petteri; Balvanera, Patricia; Bates, Amanda E; Bayraktarov, Elisa; Bellingham, Peter J; Bruder, Andreas; Campbell, Jillian; Catchen, Michael D; Cavender-Bares, Jeannine; Chase, Jonathan; Coops, Nicholas; Costello, Mark J; Czúcz, Bálint; Delavaud, Aurélie; Dornelas, Maria; Dubois, Grégoire; Duffy, Emmett J; Eggermont, Hilde; Fernandez, Miguel; ...
Author Correction: A global biodiversity observing system to unite monitoring and guide action.
Nature ecology & evolution, 7(12), p. 2173.
Nature Publishing Group
Curatola Fernández, Giulia F.; Makowski Giannoni, Sandro; Delgado Florián, Ellen; Rengifo, Piero; Rascón, Jesús; Chichipe Vela, Elder; Butrich, Carolina; Salas López, Rolando; Oliva-Cruz, Manuel; Scheske, Christel
Mapping high-altitude peatlands to inform a landscape conservation strategy in the Andes of northern Peru.
Environmental Conservation, 50(4), pp. 212-219.
Cambridge University Press
Marfurt, Franziska; Haller, Tobias; Bottazzi, Patrick
Participatory guarantee systems in Senegal: shifting labour dynamics in agroecology.
The journal of peasant studies, 51(2), pp. 466-488.
Wingate, Vladimir R.; Akinyemi, Felicia O.; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Archetypes of remnant West African forest patches, their main characteristics and geographical distribution.
Applied geography, 158, p. 103024.
Rippstein, Vanessa; de Schrijver, Evan; Eckert, Sandra; Vicedo-Cabrera, Ana M.
Trends in tropical nights and their effects on mortality in Switzerland across 50 years.
PLoS climate, 2(4), e0000162.
Public Library of Science
Scherrer, Daniel; Baltensweiler, Andri; Bürgi, Matthias; Fischer, Christoph; Stadelmann, Golo; Wohlgemuth, Thomas
Low naturalness of Swiss broadleaf forests increases their susceptibility to disturbances.
Forest Ecology and Management, 532, p. 120827.
Piquer-Rodríguez, María; Friis, Cecilie; Andriatsitohaina, R. Ntsiva N.; Boillat, Sébastien; Roig-Boixeda, Paula; Cortinovis, Chiara; Geneletti, Davide; Ibarrola-Rivas, Maria-Jose; Kelley, Lisa C.; Llopis, Jorge C.; Mack, Elizabeth A.; Nanni, Ana Sofía; Zähringer, Julie G.; Henebry, Geoffrey M.
Global shocks, cascading disruptions, and (re-)connections: viewing the COVID-19 pandemic as concurrent natural experiments to understand land system dynamics.
Landscape ecology, 38(5), pp. 1147-1161.
Springer Netherlands
Iheaturu, Chima; Okolie, Chukwuma; Ayodele, Emmanuel; Egogo-Stanley, Andy; Musa, Solomon; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Dataset of urban development analysis in a section of Kuje Area Council, Abuja, Nigeria.
Data in brief, 46(108777), p. 108777.
Schwahn, Lea; Schulze, Tabea; Fülling, Alexander; Zeeden, Christian; Preusser, Frank; Sprafke, Tobias
Multi-method study of the Middle Pleistocene loess–palaeosol sequence of Köndringen, SW Germany.
E&G quaternary science journal, 72(1), pp. 1-21.
Copernicus Publications
Latthachack, Phokham; Llopis, Jorge C.; Heinimann, Andreas; Thongmanivong, Sithong; Vongvisouk, Thoumthone; Messerli, Peter; Zaehringer, Julie G.
Agricultural commercialization in borderlands: Capturing the transformation of a tropical forest frontier through participatory mapping.
Frontiers in sustainable food systems, 6
Dimopoulos, Thymios; Helfenstein, Julian; Kreuzer, Amelie; Mohr, Franziska; Sentas, Stratis; Giannelis, Rafail; Kizos, Thanasis
Different responses to mega-trends in less favorable farming systems. Continuation and abandonment of farming land on the islands of Lesvos and Lemnos, Greece.
Land use policy, 124(106435), p. 106435.
Elsevier Science
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Akinyemi, Felicia Olufunmilayo; Baratoux, David; Benveniste, Jérôme; Ceperley, Natalie Claire; Driouech, Fatima; Helmschrot, Jörg
Enhancing the Uptake of Earth Observation Products and Services in Africa Through a Multi-level Transdisciplinary Approach.
Surveys in geophysics, 44(1), pp. 7-41.
Torrez, Vania; Benavides-Frias, Camila; Jacobi, Johanna; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Ecological quality as a coffee quality enhancer. A review.
Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 43(1), p. 19.
Bär, Valentin; Akinyemi, Felicia O.; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Land cover degradation in the reference and monitoring periods of the SDG Land Degradation Neutrality Indicator for Switzerland.
Ecological indicators, 151, p. 110252.
Sprafke, Tobias
Parent materials: Loess.
Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment (Second Edition) 4 (pp. 42-47).
Marfurt, Franziska; Haller, Tobias; Bottazzi, Patrick
Green Agendas and White Markets: The Coloniality of Agroecology in Senegal.
Land, 12(7), p. 1324.
Hanbury, Hugo; Moser, Stephanie; Neubert, Sebastian; Bottazzi, Patrick; Bader, Christoph
Public support for worktime reductions in Switzerland in the context of a transition to a post-growth society.
Gaia : ecological perspectives for science and society, 32(3), pp. 304-311.
Oekom Verlag
Mohr, Franziska; Diogo, Vasco; Helfenstein, Julian; Debonne, Niels; Dimopoulos, Thymios; Dramstad, Wenche; García-Martín, Maria; Hernik, Józef; Herzog, Felix; Kizos, Thanasis; Lausch, Angela; Lehmann, Livia; Levers, Christian; Pazur, Robert; Ruiz-Aragón, Virginia; Swart, Rebecca; Thenail, Claudine; Ulfeng, Hege; Verburg, Peter H; Williams, Tim; ...
Why has farming in Europe changed? A farmers' perspective on the development since the 1960s.
Regional environmental change, 23(4), p. 156.
Mohr, Franziska; Lock, Susan; Stuber, Martin; Bürgi, Matthias
Oral history interviews (OHIs): Participatory research methods for sustainability ‐ toolkit #5.
Gaia : ecological perspectives for science and society, 32(1), pp. 91-93.
Oekom Verlag
Diogo, Vasco; Bürgi, Matthias; Debonne, Niels; Helfenstein, Julian; Levers, Christian; Swart, Rebecca; Williams, Tim G.; Verburg, Peter H.
Geographic similarity analysis for Land System Science: opportunities and tools to facilitate knowledge integration and transfer.
Journal of land use science, 18(1), pp. 227-248.
Taylor & Francis
Akinyemi, Felicia O.; Rufin, Philippe; Ibrahim, Esther Shupel; Hostert, Patrick; Ogunsumi, Lucia O.; Egbetokun, Olugbenga; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Untangling intercropping in heterogeneous smallholder maize-cassava farming systems with remote sensing
Aschinger, Roman; Boillat, Sébastien; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Smallholder livelihood resilience to climate variability in South-Eastern Kenya, 2012–2015.
Frontiers in sustainable food systems, 7
Bircher, P.; Liniger, H. P.; Prasuhn, V.
Comparison of long-term field-measured and RUSLE-based modelled soil loss in Switzerland.
Geoderma Regional, 31, e00595.
Iheaturu, Chima; Okolie, Chukwuma; Ayodele, Emmanuel; Egogo-Stanley, Andy; Musa, Solomon; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
A simplified structure-from-motion photogrammetry approach for urban development analysis.
Remote sensing applications : society and environment, 28, p. 100850.
Mutea, Emily; Hossain, Md Sarwar; Ahmed, Ali; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Shocks, socio-economic status, and food security across Kenya: policy implications for achieving the Zero Hunger goal.
Environmental Research Letters, 17(9), 094028.
IOP Publishing
Schulze, Tabea; Schwahn, Lea; Fülling, Alexander; Zeeden, Christian; Preusser, Frank; Sprafke, Tobias
Investigating the loess–palaeosol sequence of Bahlingen-Schönenberg (Kaiserstuhl), southwestern Germany, using a multi-methodological approach.
E&G quaternary science journal, 71(2), pp. 145-162.
Copernicus Publications
Debonne, Niels; Bürgi, Matthias; Diogo, Vasco; Helfenstein, Julian; Herzog, Felix; Levers, Christian; Mohr, Franziska; Swart, Rebecca; Verburg, Peter
The geography of megatrends affecting European agriculture.
Global environmental change, 75, p. 102551.
Iheaturu, Chima; Wingate, Vladimir; Akinyemi, Felicia; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
(27 May 2022).
An integrated method for validating spatially non-continuous remotely sensed forest patch dataset for West Africa.
EGU General Assembly 2022.
Agonvonon, Georges A.; Azihou, Akomian F.; Djagoun, Chabi A. M. S.; Assogbadjo, Achille E.; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
(27 May 2022).
Tree species diversity and functional traits in forest patches of Benin, West Africa.
EGU General Assembly 2022.
Akinyemi, Felicia O.; Bär, Valentin; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
(27 May 2022).
Creating land use-land cover baselines for monitoring Land Degradation Neutrality in Switzerland.
EGU General Assembly 2022.
Tabi Eckebil, Paule Pamela; Wingate, Vladimir Ruslan; Akinyemi, Felicia Olufunmilayo; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
(27 May 2022).
Ecosystem multifunctionality of forest patches in the tropics: A systematic literature review.
EGU General Assembly 2022.
Adenle, Ademola A.; Boillat, Sébastien; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Key dimensions of land users’ perceptions of land degradation and sustainable land management in Niger State, Nigeria.
Environmental challenges, 8, p. 100544.
Bekele, Ketema; EW Linders, Theo; Eschen, René; Shiferaw, Hailu; Haji, Jema; Legesse, Belaineh; Choge, Simon; Eckert, Sandra; Rima Mbaabu, Purity; Schaffner, Urs
How well do local stakeholders’ perceptions of environmental impacts of an invasive alien plant species relate to ecological data?
Ecological indicators, 137, p. 108748.
Adoyo, Beatrice; Schaffner, Urs; Mukhovi, Stellah; Kiteme, Boniface; Mbaabu, Purity Rima; Eckert, Sandra; Choge, Simon; Ehrensperger, Albrecht
Pathways towards the Sustainable Management of Woody Invasive Species: Understanding What Drives Land Users’ Decisions to Adopt and Use Land Management Practices.
Land, 11(4), p. 550.
Meyfroidt, Patrick; de Bremond, Ariane; Ryan, Casey M.; Archer, Emma; Aspinall, Richard; Chhabra, Abha; Camara, Gilberto; Corbera, Esteve; DeFries, Ruth; Díaz, Sandra; Dong, Jinwei; Ellis, Erle C.; Erb, Karl-Heinz; Fisher, Janet A.; Garrett, Rachael D.; Golubiewski, Nancy E.; Grau, H. Ricardo; Grove, J. Morgan; Haberl, Helmut; Heinimann, Andreas; ...
Ten facts about land systems for sustainability.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - PNAS, 119(7), e2109217118.
National Academy of Sciences NAS
Akinyemi, Felicia O.; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Agricultural landscape change impact on the quality of land: An African continent-wide assessment in gained and displaced agricultural lands.
International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation, 106, p. 102644.
Breidenbach, Johannes; Ellison, David; Petersson, Hans; Korhonen, Kari T.; Henttonen, Helena M.; Wallerman, Jörgen; Fridman, Jonas; Gobakken, Terje; Astrup, Rasmus; Næsset, Erik
Harvested area did not increase abruptly—how advancements in satellite-based mapping led to erroneous conclusions.
Annals of forest science, 79(1)
Springer Netherlands
Fitz, Juri; Adenle, Ademola A.; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Increasing signs of forest fragmentation in the Cross River National Park in Nigeria: Underlying drivers and need for sustainable responses.
Ecological indicators, 139, p. 108943.
Hamad, Amina A.; Kashaigili, Japhet J.; Eckert, Sandra; Eschen, René; Schaffner, Urs; Mbwambo, John Richard
Impact of invasive Lantana camara on maize and cassava growth in East Usambara, Tanzania.
Plant-environment interactions, 3(5), pp. 193-202.
Wingate, Vladimir R.; Akinyemi, Felicia O.; Iheaturu, Chima J.; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
A Remote Sensing-Based Inventory of West Africa Tropical Forest Patches: A Basis for Enhancing Their Conservation and Sustainable Use.
Remote sensing, 14(24), p. 6251.
Bürgi, Matthias; Celio, Enrico; Diogo, Vasco; Hersperger, Anna M.; Kizos, Thanasis; Lieskovsky, Juraj; Pazur, Robert; Plieninger, Tobias; Prishchepov, Alexander V.; Verburg, Peter
Advancing the study of driving forces of landscape change.
Journal of land use science, 17(1), pp. 540-555.
Taylor & Francis
Amuyou, Ushuki A.; Wang, Yi; Ebuta, Bisong Francis; Iheaturu, Chima J.; Antonarakis, Alexander S.
Quantification of Above-Ground Biomass over the Cross-River State, Nigeria, Using Sentinel-2 Data.
Remote sensing, 14(22), p. 5741.
Tsanga, Raphael; Cerutti, Paolo Omar; Tabi Eckebil, Paule Pamela; Edouard, Essiane Mendoula
Environmental and socio-economic impacts of community forestry and individual small-scale logging in Cameroon.
Bulkan, Janette; Palmer, John; Larson, Anne M.; Hobley, Mary
Routledge Handbook of Community Forestry (pp. 256-269).
London: Routledge
Norström, Albert V.; Agarwal, Bina; Balvanera, Patricia; Baptiste, Brigitte; Bennett, Elena M.; Brondízio, Eduardo; Biggs, Reinette; Campbell, Bruce; Carpenter, Stephen R.; Castilla, Juan Carlos; Castro, Antonio J.; Cramer, Wolfgang; Cumming, Graeme S.; Felipe-Lucia, María; Fischer, Joern; Folke, Carl; DeFries, Ruth; Gelcich, Stefan; Groth, Juliane; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; ...
The programme on ecosystem change and society (PECS) – a decade of deepening social-ecological research through a place-based focus.
Ecosystems and people, 18(1), pp. 598-608.
Taylor & Francis
Bircher, P.; Liniger, H. P.; Kupferschmied, P.; Prasuhn, V.
Tools for USLE-CP-factor calculation and actual erosion risk on field block level for Switzerland.
MethodsX, 8, p. 101569.
Feurer, Melanie; Rueff, Henri; Celio, Enrico; Heinimann, Andreas; Blaser, Juergen; Htun, Aung Myin; Zaehringer, Julie Gwendolin
Regional scale mapping of ecosystem services supply, demand, flow and mismatches in Southern Myanmar.
Ecosystem services, 52, p. 101363.
Matter, Selina; Boillat, Sébastien; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Buffer-Capacity-Based Livelihood Resilience to Stressors – An Early Warning Tool and Its Application in Makueni County, Kenya.
Frontiers in sustainable food systems, 5
Bottazzi, Patrick; Boillat, Sébastien
Political Agroecology in Senegal: Historicity and Repertoires of Collective Actions of an Emerging Social Movement.
Sustainability, 13(11), p. 6352.
Giger, Markus; Eckert, Sandra; Lay, Jann
Large-scale land acquisitions, agricultural trade, and zoonotic diseases: Overlooked links.
One earth, 4(5), pp. 605-608.
Rist, Stephan; Delgado, Freddy; Mukhovi, Stellah; Giger, Markus; Llanque, Aymara; Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth; Bessa, Adriana; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Jacobi, Johanna
(May 2021).
Manual for Participatory Food System Sustainability Assessments and Transformation (FoodSAT) – Steps towards Food Democracy
Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern
Pierri Daunt, Ana Beatriz; Sanna Freire Silva, Thiago; Bürgi, Matthias; Hersperger, Anna M.
Urban expansion and forest reserves: Drivers of change and persistence on the coast of São Paulo State (Brazil).
Land use policy, 101, p. 105189.
Elsevier Science
Bär, Roger; Reinhard, Jürgen; Ehrensperger, Albrecht; Kiteme, Boniface; Mkunda, Thomas; Wymann von Dach, Susanne
The future of charcoal, firewood, and biogas in Kitui County and Kilimanjaro Region: Scenario development for policy support.
Energy policy, 150(112067), p. 112067.
Akinyemi, Felicia O.; Ghazaryan, Gohar; Dubovyk, Olena
Assessing UN indicators of land degradation neutrality and proportion of degraded land for Botswana using remote sensing based national level metrics.
Land degradation & development, 32(1), pp. 158-172.
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Andriamihaja, O. Ravaka; Metz, Florence; Zaehringer, Julie G.; Fischer, Manuel; Messerli, Peter
Identifying agents of change for sustainable land governance.
Land use policy, 100, p. 104882.
Elsevier Science
Schmid, Marc; Heinimann, Andreas; Zaehringer, Julie G.
Patterns of land system change in a Southeast Asian biodiversity hotspot.
Applied geography, 126, p. 102380.
Adenle, Ademola A.; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Social-Ecological Archetypes of Land Degradation in the Nigerian Guinea Savannah: Insights for Sustainable Land Management.
Remote sensing, 13(1), p. 32.
Ofoegbu, C.; Ifejika Speranza, C.
Discourses on sustainable forest management and their integration into climate policies in South Africa.
International forestry review, 23(2), pp. 168-181.
Commonwealth Forestry Association
Feurer, Melanie; Zaehringer, Julie Gwendolin; Heinimann, Andreas; Naing, Su Myat; Blaser, Jürgen; Celio, Enrico
Quantifying local ecosystem service outcomes by modelling their supply, demand and flow in Myanmar’s forest frontier landscape.
Journal of land use science, 16(1), pp. 55-93.
Taylor & Francis
Beran, David; Pesantes, Maria Amalia; Berghusen, Maria Claudia; Hennig, Branwen J; Jacobi, Johanna; Lazo-Porras, Maria; Llanque, Aymara; Placella, Enrichetta; Robledo-Abad, Carmenza; Bayona, Marta Tufet; Miranda, J Jaime
Rethinking research processes to strengthen co-production in low and middle income countries.
BMJ, 372, m4785.
BMJ Publishing Group
Zaehringer, Julie Gwendolin; Messerli, Peter; Giger, Markus; Kiteme, Boniface; Atumane, Ali; Da Silva, Maya; Rakotoasimbola, Lovasoa; Eckert, Sandra
Large-scale agricultural investments in Eastern Africa: consequences for small-scale farmers and the environment.
Ecosystems and people, 17(1), pp. 342-357.
Taylor & Francis
Mertz, Ole; Bruun, Thilde Bech; Jepsen, Martin Rudbeck; Ryan, Casey M.; Zaehringer, Julie G.; Hinrup, Jeannette S.; Heinimann, Andreas
Ecosystem Service Provision by Secondary Forests in Shifting Cultivation Areas Remains Poorly Understood.
Human Ecology, 49(3), pp. 271-283.
Springer Science+Business Media S.A.
Li, Li; Fassnacht, Fabian Ewald; Bürgi, Matthias
Using a landscape ecological perspective to analyze regime shifts in social–ecological systems: a case study on grassland degradation of the Tibetan Plateau.
Landscape ecology, 36(8), pp. 2277-2293.
Springer Netherlands
Tappeiner, Ulrike; Leitinger, Georg; Zarina, Anita; Bürgi, Matthias
How to consider history in landscape ecology: patterns, processes, and pathways.
Landscape ecology, 36(8), pp. 2317-2328.
Springer Netherlands
Pazur, Robert; Prishchepov, Alexander V.; Myachina, Ksenya; Verburg, Peter H.; Levykin, Sergey; Ponkina, Elena; Kazachkov, Grigory; Yakovlev, Ilya; Akhmetov, Renat; Rogova, Natalia; Bürgi, Matthias
Restoring steppe landscapes: patterns, drivers and implications in Russia’s steppes.
Landscape ecology, 36(2), pp. 407-425.
Springer Netherlands
Kienast, Felix; Walters, Gretchen; Bürgi, Matthias
Landscape ecology reaching out.
Landscape ecology, 36(8), pp. 2189-2198.
Springer Netherlands
Schoon, Michael; Chapman, Mollie; Loos, Jacqueline; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Carr Kelman, Candice; Aburto, Jaime; Alexander, Steve; Baggio, Jacopo; Brady, Ute; Cockburn, Jessica; Cundill, Georgina; Garcia Lopez, Gustavo; Hill, Rosemary; Robinson, Catherine; Thondhlana, Gladman; Trimble, Micaela; Whittaker, Dane
On the frontiers of collaboration and conflict: how context influences the success of collaboration.
Ecosystems and people, 17(1), pp. 383-399.
Taylor & Francis
Osemwegie, Isimemem; da Cruz Delgado, Katelene; Arimiyaw, Abdul Wahid; Kanneh, Ambrose Bockarie; Todota, Christian Tchègoun; Faye, Amy; Akinyemi, Felicia Olufunmilayo
Diagnostic Analysis of the Canary Current System of West Africa: The need for a paradigm shift to proactive natural resource management.
Ocean and coastal research, 69(Supp 1), pp. 1-29.
Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de São Paulo
Gbopa, Adetola Olufunmilayo; Ayodele, Emmanuel Gbenga; Okolie, Chukwuma John; Ajayi, Akinwumi Olaitan; Iheaturu, Chima Jude
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Three‑dimensional Mapping and Change Detection Analysis.
Geomatics and environmental engineering, 15(1), pp. 41-61.
AGH University of Science and Technology
Adler, Carolina; Balsiger, Jörg; Grêt-Regamey, Adrienne; Heinimann, Andreas; Huggel, Christian; Weingartner, Rolf; Alcántara-Ayala, Irasema; Gebrekirstos, Aster; Grau, Ricardo; Jimenez, Elizabeth; Marchant, Robert; Mark, Bryan; Marshall, Shawn; Morin, Samuel; Shahgedanova, Maria; Shrestha, Mandira Singh; Xu, Jianchu
Making Connections for Our Changing Mountains: Future Directions for the Mountain Research Initiative (MRI).
Mountain Research and Development, 40(3), P1-P6.
International Mountain Society
Mukhovi, Stellah; Jacobi, Johanna; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Rist, Stephan; Kiteme, Boniface
Learning and Adaptation in Food Systems: Insights from Four Case Studies in the Global South.
International journal on food system dynamics, 11(4), pp. 312-328.
Arıkan, Bülent; Mohr, Franziska; Bürgi, Matthias
Exploring the common ground of landscape ecology and landscape archaeology through a case study from eastern Anatolia, Turkey.
Landscape ecology, 36(8), pp. 2295-2315.
Springer Netherlands
Pazúr, Robert; Lieskovský, Juraj; Bürgi, Matthias; Müller, Daniel; Lieskovský, Tibor; Zhang, Zhen; Prischchepov, Alexander V.
Abandonment and Recultivation of Agricultural Lands in Slovakia—Patterns and Determinants from the Past to the Future.
Land, 9(9), p. 316.
Swingedouw, Didier; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Bartsch, Annett; Durand, Gael; Jamet, Cedric; Beaugrand, Gregory; Conversi, Alessandra
Early Warning from Space for a Few Key Tipping Points in Physical, Biological, and Social-Ecological Systems.
Surveys in geophysics, 41(6), pp. 1237-1284.
Breu, Thomas; Bergöö, Michael; Ebneter, Laura; Pham-Truffert, Myriam; Bieri, Sabin; Messerli, Peter; Ott, Cordula; Bader, Christoph
Where to begin? Defining national strategies for implementing the 2030 Agenda: the case of Switzerland.
Sustainability science, 16(1), pp. 183-201.
Arnold, Tom; Blokland, Kees; Engel, Albert; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Losch, Bruno; Michel, Baudouin; Rampa, Francesco; Wieck, Christine; Zvarimwa, Mashiri
PRIORITIES FOR AFRICA’S FOOD AND NUTRITION SECURITY POST-COVID-19. A contribution from the Task Force Rural Africa (TFRA) to the AU-EU Summit, October 2020.
Task Force Rural Africa (TFRA)
Gorosábel, Antonella; Estigarribia, Lucrecia; Lopes, Luis Filipe; Martinez, Ana Maria; Martínez-Lanfranco, Juan Andrés; Adenle, Ademola Andrew; Rivera-Rebella, Carla; Oyinlola, Muhammed A.
Insights for policy-based conservation strategies for the Rio de la Plata Grasslands through the IPBES framework.
Biota Neotropica, 20(1), pp. 1-17.
Departamento de Biologia Vegetal Campinas
Bottazzi, Patrick; Boillat, Sébastien; Marfurt, Franziska; Mbossé Seck, Sokhna
Channels of Labour Control in Organic Farming: Toward a Just Agroecological Transition for Sub-Saharan Africa.
Land, 9(6), p. 205.
Gain, Animesh K.; Hossain, Md. Sarwar; Benson, David; Di Baldassarre, Giuliano; Giupponi, Carlo; Huq, Nazmul
Social-ecological system approaches for water resources management.
International journal of sustainable development & world ecology, 28(2), pp. 109-124.
Taylor & Francis
Daniel, Desiree; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
The Role of Blockchain in Documenting Land Users' Rights: The Canonical Case of Farmers in the Vernacular Land Market.
Frontiers in blockchain, 3(19)
Frontiers Media
Boillat, Sébastien; Bottazzi, Patrick
Agroecology as a pathway to resilience justice: peasant movements and collective action in the Niayes coastal region of Senegal.
International journal of sustainable development & world ecology, 27(7), pp. 662-677.
Taylor & Francis
Boillat, Sébastien
Decolonizing ecological knowledge: transdisciplinary ecology, place making and cognitive justice in the Andes.
Sarmiento, Fausto O.; Frolich, Larry M.
The Elgar Companion to Geography, Transdisciplinarity and Sustainability (pp. 307-319).
Edward Elgar Publishing
Hossain, Md Sarwar; Ramirez, Jorge Alberto; Haisch, Tina; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Martius, Olivia; Mayer, Heike; Keiler, Margreth
A coupled human and landscape conceptual model of risk and resilience in Swiss Alpine communities.
Science of the total environment, 730, p. 138322.
Boillat, Sébastien; Martin, Adrian; Adams, Timothy; Daniel, Desiree; Llopis, Jorge; Zepharovich, Elena; Oberlack, Christoph; Sonderegger, Gabi; Bottazzi, Patrick; Corbera, Esteve; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Pascual, Unai
Why telecoupling research needs to account for environmental justice.
Journal of land use science, 15(1), pp. 1-10.
Taylor & Francis
Mutea, Emily; Rist, Stephan; Jacobi, Johanna
Applying the Theory of Access to Food Security among Smallholder Family Farmers around North-West Mount Kenya.
Sustainability, 12(5), p. 1751.
Bircher, Pascal; Liniger, Hanspeter; Prasuhn, Volker
Berechnung des aktuellen Erosionsrisikos für das Ackerland einzelner Feldblöcke.
Anwendung des CP-Faktors auf die neue Karte des potentiellen Erosionsrisikos ERK2 (2019).
[Software & Other Digital Items]
Sohel, Sarwar; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Challenges and opportunities for operationalizing the safe and just operating space concept at regional scale.
International journal of sustainable development & world ecology, 27(1), pp. 40-54.
Taylor & Francis
Zaehringer, Julie G.; Lundsgaard-Hansen, Lara; Thein, Tun Tun; Llopis, Jorge C.; Tun, Nwe Nwe; Myint, Win; Schneider, Flurina
The cash crop boom in southern Myanmar: tracing land use regime shifts through participatory mapping.
Ecosystems and people, 16(1), pp. 36-49.
Taylor & Francis
Sohel, Sarwar; Ramirez, Jorge Alberto; Szabo, Sylvia; Eigenbrod, Felix; Johnson, Fiifi Amoako; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Dearing, John A
Participatory modelling for conceptualizing social-ecological system dynamics in the Bangladesh delta.
Regional environmental change, 20(1)
Jendoubi, Donia; Hossain, Md Sarwar; Giger, Markus; Tomićević-Dubljević, Jelena; Ouessar, Mohamed; Liniger, Hanspeter; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Local livelihoods and land users’ perceptions of land degradation in northwest Tunisia.
Environmental development, 33, p. 100507.
Mukhovi, Stellah Mikalitsa; Jacobi, Johanna; Llanque, Aymara; Rist, Stephan; Delgado, Freddy; Kiteme, Boniface; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Social Self-Organization and Social-Ecological Resilience in Food Systems: Lessons from Smallholder Agriculture in Kenya and Indigenous Guaraní Communities in Bolivia.
Food studies, 10(1), pp. 19-42.
Common Ground Research Networks
Le Cozannet, G.; Kervyn, M.; Russo, S.; Ifejika Speranza, C.; Ferrier, P.; Foumelis, M.; Lopez, T.; Modaressi, H.
Space-Based Earth Observations for Disaster Risk Management.
Surveys in geophysics, 41(6), pp. 1209-1235.
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Kiteme, Boniface
Tool for improving food systems [Movie].
Bächtold, Stefan; Bastide, Joan; Lundsgaard-Hansen, Lara
Assembling Drones, Activists and Oil Palms: Implications of a Multi-stakeholder Land Platform for State Formation in Myanmar.
The European journal of development research, 32(2), pp. 359-378.
Zafra-Calvo, Noelia; Balvanera, Patricia; Pascual, Unai; Merçon, Juliana; Martín-López, Berta; van Noordwijk, Meine; Mwampamba, Tuyeni Heita; Lele, Sharachchandra; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Arias-Arévalo, Paola; Cabrol, Diego; Cáceres, Daniel M.; O'Farrell, Patrick; Subramanian, Suneetha Mazhenchery; Devy, Soubadra; Krishnan, Siddhartha; Carmenta, Rachel; Guibrunet, Louise; Kraus-Elsin, Yoanna; Moersberger, Hannah; ...
Plural valuation of nature for equity and sustainability: Insights from the Global South.
Global environmental change, 63, p. 102115.
Ellison, David; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
From blue to green water and back again: Promoting tree, shrub and forest-based landscape resilience in the Sahel.
Science of the total environment, 739, p. 140002.
Adenle, Ademola A.; Eckert, Sandra; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Adedeji, Oluwatola I.; Ellison, David
Human-induced land degradation dominance in the Nigerian Guinea savannah between 2003 – 2018.
Remote sensing applications : society and environment, 19, p. 100360.
Hossain, Md. Sarwar; Gain, Animesh K.; Rogers, Kimberly G.
Sustainable coastal social-ecological systems: how do we define “coastal”?
International journal of sustainable development & world ecology, 27(7), pp. 577-582.
Taylor & Francis
Cockburn, Jessica; Schoon, Michael; Cundill, Georgina; Robinson, Cathy; Aburto, Jaime A.; Alexander, Steven M.; Baggio, Jacopo A.; Barnaud, Cecile; Chapman, Mollie; Garcia Llorente, Marina; García-López, Gustavo A.; Hill, Rosemary; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Lee, Jean; Meek, Chanda L.; Rosenberg, Eureta; Schultz, Lisen; Thondhlana, Gladman
Understanding the context of multifaceted collaborations for social-ecological sustainability: a methodology for cross-case analysis.
Ecology and Society, 25(3)
Resilience Alliance Publications
Jacobi, Johanna; Mukhovi, Stellah; Llanque, Aymara; Giger, Markus; Bessa, Adriana; Golay, Christophe; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Mwangi, Veronica; Augstburger, Horacio; Buergi-Bonanomi, Elisabeth; Haller, Tobias; Kiteme, Boniface P.; Delgado Burgoa, José M. F.; Tribaldos, Theresa M.; Rist, Stephan
A new understanding and evaluation of food sustainability in six different food systems in Kenya and Bolivia.
Scientific reports, 10(1), p. 19145.
Springer Nature
Hurtt, George C.; Chini, Louise; Sahajpal, Ritvik; Frolking, Steve; Bodirsky, Benjamin L.; Calvin, Katherine; Doelman, Jonathan C.; Fisk, Justin; Fujimori, Shinichiro; Klein Goldewijk, Kees; Hasegawa, Tomoko; Havlik, Peter; Heinimann, Andreas; Humpenöder, Florian; Jungclaus, Johan; Kaplan, Jed O.; Kennedy, Jennifer; Krisztin, Tamás; Lawrence, David; Lawrence, Peter; ...
Harmonization of global land use change and management for the period 850–2100 (LUH2) for CMIP6.
Geoscientific model development (GMD), 13(11), pp. 5425-5464.
Copernicus Publications
Sonderegger, Gabi; Oberlack, Christoph; Llopis, Jorge C.; Verburg, Peter H.; Heinimann, Andreas
Telecoupling visualizations through a network lens: a systematic review.
Ecology and Society, 25(4), p. 47.
Resilience Alliance Publications
Nanhthavong, Vong; Epprecht, Michael; Hett, Cornelia; Zaehringer, Julie G.; Messerli, Peter
Poverty trends in villages affected by land-based investments in rural Laos.
Applied geography, 124(102298), p. 102298.
Flück, Hannes; Mohr, Franziska; Reitmaier, Thomas
Over a 1000 mountains and through 150 valleys - making choices for the future in GIS of the archaeological records of the Canton of Grisons, Switzerland.
Österreichische Zeitschrift für Kunst und Denkmalpflege, 74(1-2), pp. 146-157.
Helfenstein, Julian; Diogo, Vasco; Bürgi, Matthias; Verburg, Peter; Swart, Rebecca; Mohr, Franziska; Debonne, Niels; Levers, Christian; Herzog, Felix
Conceptualizing pathways to sustainable agricultural intensification.
Bohan, David A.; Vanbergen, Adam J.
The Future of Agricultural Landscapes, Part I. Advances in Ecological Research: Vol. 63 (pp. 161-192).
Iheaturu, Chima Jude; Ayodele, Emmanuel Gbenga; Okolie, Chukwuma John
Geomatics, landmanagement and landscape, 2, pp. 65-82.
University of Agriculture in Krakow
Akinyemi, Felicia O.; Ikanyeng, Mphoentle; Muro, Javier
Land cover change effects on land surface temperature trends in an African urbanizing dryland region.
City and environment interactions, 4, p. 100029.
Mutea, Emily Ngutah; Bottazzi, Patrick; Jacobi, Johanna; Kiteme, Boniface; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Rist, Stephan
Livelihoods and Food Security Among Rural Households in the North-Western Mount Kenya Region.
Frontiers in sustainable food systems, 3
Shackleton, Sheona; Hebinck, Paul; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Masterson, Vanessa; Spear, Dian; Tengö, Maria
Livelihood and Landscape Change in Africa: Future Trajectories for Improved Well-Being under a Changing Climate.
Basel: MDPI
Daniel-Ortmann, Desiree Christina; Sutherland, Michael; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
The role of tenure documents for livelihood resilience in Trinidad and Tobago.
Land use policy, 87(104008), p. 104008.
Elsevier Science
Bircher, Pascal; Liniger, Hanspeter; Prasuhn, Volker
Aktualisierung und Optimierung der Erosionsrisikokarte (ERK2): Die neue ERK2 (2019) für das Ackerland der Schweiz : Schlussbericht
Bern: Bundesamt für Landwirtschaft
Bircher, Pascal; Liniger, Hanspeter; Prasuhn, Volker
Comparing different multiple flow algorithms to calculate RUSLE factors of slope length (L) and slope steepness (S) in Switzerland.
Geomorphology, 346, p. 106850.
Elsevier Science
Boillat, Sébastien; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
IPBES Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Chapter 3. Assessing progress towards meeting major international objectives related to nature and nature’s contributions to people
Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Adenle, Ademola Andrew; Boillat, Sébastien
Land Degradation Neutrality - Potentials for its operationalisation at multi-levels in Nigeria.
Environmental science & policy, 94, pp. 63-71.
Bottazzi, Patrick; Winkler, Mirko S.; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Flood governance for resilience in cities: The historical policy transformations in Dakar’s suburbs.
Environmental science & policy, 93, pp. 172-180.
Whitfield, Stephen; Beauchamp, Emilie; Boyd, Doreen S.; Burslem, David; Byg, Anja; Colledge, Francis; Cutler, Mark E.J.; Didena, Mengistu; Dougill, Andrew; Foody, Giles; Godbold, Jasmin A.; Hazenbosch, Mirjam; Hirons, Mark; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Jew, Eleanor; Lacambra, Carmen; Mkwambisi, David; Moges, Awdenegest; Morel, Alexandra; Morris, Rebecca; ...
Exploring temporality in socio-ecological resilience through experiences of the 2015–16 El Niño across the Tropics.
Global environmental change, 55, pp. 1-14.
Arnold, Tom; Blokland, Kees; Engel, Albert; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Losch, Bruno; Michel, Baudouin; Rampa, Francesco; Wieck, Christine; Zvarimwa, Mashiri
An Africa-Europe agenda for rural transformation
(Report by the Task Force Rural Africa).
European Union
Jacobi, Johanna; Mukhovi, Stellah; Llanque, Aymara; Toledo, Daniela; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Käser, Fabian David; Augstburger, Horacio Florian; Delgado, José Manuel Freddy; Kiteme, Boniface P.; Rist, Stephan
Actor-specific risk perceptions and strategies for resilience building in different food systems in Kenya and Bolivia.
Regional environmental change, 19(3), pp. 879-892.
Lemann, Tatenda; Roth, Vincent; Zeleke, Gete; Subhatu, Alemtsehay Teklay; Kassawmar, Tibebu; Hurni, Hans
Spatial and Temporal Variability in Hydrological Responses of the Upper Blue Nile basin, Ethiopia.
Water, 11(1), p. 21.
Feurer, Melanie; Heinimann, Andreas; Schneider, Flurina; Jurt, Christine; Myint, Win; Zähringer, Julie Gwendolin
Local Perspectives on Ecosystem Service Trade-Offs in a Forest Frontier Landscape in Myanmar.
Land, 8(3), p. 45.
Schneider, Flurina; Kläy, Andreas; Zimmermann, Anne; Buser, Tobias Johannes; Ingalls, Micah; Messerli, Peter
How can science support the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development? Four tasks to tackle the normative dimension of sustainability.
Sustainability science, 14(6), pp. 1593-1604.
Vijge, Marjanneke J.; Metcalfe, Robin; Wallbott, Linda; Oberlack, Christoph
Transforming institutional quality in resource curse contexts: The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative in Myanmar.
Resources policy, 61, pp. 200-209.
Oberlack, Christoph; Lundsgaard, Lara; Bastide, Joan
Governance innovations for sustainability transformations: the case of multi-stakeholder platforms on oil palm in Myanmar (Unpublished).
Leverage Points 2019: International Conference on Sustainability Research and Transformation.
Lüneburg, Germany.
06-08 February 2019.
Oberlack, Christoph
Governance in telecoupled land systems: The case of Thilawa Special Economic Zone, Myanmar (Unpublished).
COUPLED EU-ITN 4th Advanced Training Course: Justice, Governance and Sustainability Analysis.
Barcelona, Spain.
05–07 March 2019.
Oberlack, Christoph
Governance innovations for sustainability transformations: the case of multi-stakeholder platforms on oil palm concessions in Myanmar (Unpublished).
Workshop: New directions in agri-environmental governance.
Neuchatel, Switzerland.
28-29 May 2019.
Llopis, Jorge C.; Harimalala, Paul C.; Bär, Roger; Heinimann, Andreas; Rabemananjara, Zo Hasina; Zähringer, Julie Gwendolin
Effects of protected area establishment and cash crop price dynamics on land use transitions 1990–2017 in north-eastern Madagascar.
Journal of land use science, 14(1), pp. 52-80.
Taylor & Francis
Oberlack, Christoph; Breu, Thomas; Giger, Markus; Harari, Nicole; Herweg, Karl Günter; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Messerli, Peter; Moser, Stephanie; Ott, Cordula; Providoli, Isabelle; Tribaldos, Theresa M.; Zimmermann, Anne; Schneider, Flurina
Theories of change in sustainability science: Understanding how change happens.
GAIA - Ökologische Perspektiven für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft / ecological perspectives for science and society, 28(2), pp. 106-111.
Oekom Verlag
Oberlack, Christoph; Sietz, Diana; Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth; de Brémond, Ariane; Dell'Angelo, Jampel; Eisenack, Klaus; Ellis, Erle C.; Epstein, Graham; Giger, Markus; Heinimann, Andreas; Kimmich, Christian; Kok, Marcel TJ; Manuel-Navarrete, David; Messerli, Peter; Meyfroidt, Patrick; Václavík, Tomás; Villamayor-Tomas, Sergio
Archetype analysis in sustainability research: meanings, motivations, and evidence-based policy making.
Ecology and Society, 24(2)
Resilience Alliance Publications
Vadrevu, Krishna; Heinimann, Andreas; Gutman, Garik; Justice, Chris
Remote sensing of land use/cover changes in South and Southeast Asian Countries.
International journal of digital earth, 12(10), pp. 1099-1102.
Taylor & Francis
Bircher, Pascal; Liniger, Hanspeter; Prasuhn, Volker
Erosion risk map for arable land, with average soil erosion in tonnes /(ha*year) (Federal Office for Agriculture) [Map].
Erosionsrisikokarte des Ackerlandes, mittlerer Bodenabtrag in Tonnen/(ha*Jahr) (Bundesamt für Landwirtschaft).
Bern: Bundesamt für Landwirtschaft
Bircher, Pascal; Liniger, Hanspeter; Prasuhn, Volker
Erosion risk map for arable land – qualitative classification (Federal Office for Agriculture) [Map].
Erosionsrisikokarte des Ackerlandes, qualitative Einstufung (Bundesamt für Landwirtschaft).
Bern: Bundesamt für Landwirschaft
Bircher, Pascal; Liniger, Hanspeter; Prasuhn, Volker
Flow-path map for erosion risk (Federal Office for Agriculture) [Map].
Fliesswegkarte zum Erosionsrisiko (Bundesamt für Landwirtschaft).
Bern: Bundesamt für Landwirtschaft
Bircher, Pascal; Liniger, Hanspeter; Prasuhn, Volker
Field block map for erosion risk (Federal Office for Agriculture) [Map].
Feldblockkarte zum Erosionsrisiko (Bundesamt für Landwirtschaft).
Bern: Bundesamt für Landwirtschaft
Amin, Md Nurul; Hossain, Md Sarwar; Lobry de Bruyn, Lisa; Wilson, Brian
A systematic review of soil carbon management in Australia and the need for a social-ecological systems framework.
Science of the total environment, 719, p. 135182.
Pedde, Simona; Kok, Kasper; Hölscher, Katharina; Oberlack, Christoph; Harrison, Paula A.; Leemans, Rik
Archetyping shared socioeconomic pathways across scales: an application to central Asia and European case studies.
Ecology and Society, 24(4)
Resilience Alliance Publications
Jendoubi, Donia; Liniger, Hanspeter; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Impacts of land use and topography on soil organic carbon in a Mediterranean landscape (north-western Tunisia).
SOIL, 5(2), pp. 239-251.
Herrick, J.E.; Abrahamse, T.; Abhilash, P. C.; Ali, S.H.; Alvarez-Torres, P.; Barau, A.S.; Branquinho, C.; Chhatre, A.; Chotte, J.L.; Cowie, A.L.; Davis, K.F.; Edrisi, S.A.; Fennessy, M.S.; Fletcher, S.; Flores-Díaz, A.C.; Franco, I.B.; Ganguli, A.C.; Speranza, C. I.; Kamar, M.J.; Kaudia, A.A.; ...
Land Restoration for Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals - An
International Resource Panel Think Piece
(IRP Report).
Nairobi, Kenya: United Nations Environment Programme
Ellison, D.; Wang-Erlandsson, L.; van der Ent, R.; van Noordwijk, M.
Upwind forests: managing moisture recycling for nature-based resilience.
Unasylva, 70(1-251), pp. 14-26.
Jacobi, Johanna
Transdisciplinary Pathways to Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems: Obstacles and opportunities for co‐creating knowledge and transformative action (Unpublished).
(Habilitation, University of Bern, Faculty of Science)
Boillat, Sébastien
Le rôle de la microtoponymie dans la reconnaissance des savoirs autochtones en gestion territoriale rurale. Enjeux et défis.
Pomade, Adélie
Hommes-milieux - Vers un croisement des savoirs pour une méthodologie de l'interdisciplinarité (pp. 43-59).
Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes
Boillat, Sébastien; Gerber, Jean-David; Oberlack, Christoph; Zähringer, Julie Gwendolin; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Rist, Stephan
Distant Interactions, Power, and Environmental Justice in Protected Area Governance: A Telecoupling Perspective.
Sustainability, 10(11), p. 3954.
Boillat, Sébastien
(24 September 2018).
Brésil: le combat pour la survie des peuples indigènes. Le regard d’un chercheur suisse au Congrès international d’ethnobiologie.
Domaine Public(2219), pp. 5-8.
Zhang, Wei; Gowdy, John; Bassi, Andrea M.; Santamaria, Marta; DeClerck, Fabrice; Adegboyega, Adebiyi; Andersson, Georg K.S.; Augustyn, Anna Maria; Bawden, Richard; Bell, Andrew; Darnhofer, Ika; Dearing, John; Dyke, James; Failler, Pierre; Galetto, Leonardo; Hernández, Carlos Calvo; Johnson, Pierre; Jones, Sarah K.; Kleppel, Gary; Komarek, Adam M.; ...
Systems thinking: an approach for understanding ‘eco-agri-food systems’.
TEEB for Agriculture & Food: Scientifc and Economic Foundations (pp. 17-55).
Geneva: UN Environment
Zähringer, Julie Gwendolin; Llopis Sendino, Jorge Claudio; Latthachack, Phokham; Thein, Tun Tun; Heinimann, Andreas
A novel participatory and remote-sensing-based approach to mapping annual land use change on forest frontiers in Laos, Myanmar, and Madagascar.
Journal of land use science, 13(1-2), pp. 16-31.
Taylor & Francis
Magliocca, Nicholas R.; Ellis, Erle C.; Allington, Ginger R.H.; Brémond, Ariane Carole; Dell’Angelo, Jampel; Mertz, Ole; Messerli, Peter; Meyfroidt, Patrick; Seppelt, Ralf; Peter H., Verburg
Closing global knowledge gaps: Producing generalized knowledge from case studies of social-ecological systems.
Global environmental change, 50, pp. 1-14.
Kassawmar Nigussie, Tibebu; Eckert, Sandra; Hurni, Kaspar; Zeleke, Gete; Hurni, Hans
Reducing landscape heterogeneity for improved land use and land cover (LULC) classification across the large and complex Ethiopian Highlands.
Geocarto international, 33(1), pp. 53-69.
Taylor & Francis
Ornetsmüller, Christine; Heinimann, Andreas; Verburg, Peter H.
Operationalizing a land systems classification for Laos.
Landscape and urban planning, 169, pp. 229-240.
Barrueto, Andrea Karin; Merz, Jürg; Hodel, Elias; Eckert, Sandra
The suitability of Macadamia and Juglans for cultivation in Nepal: an assessment based on spatial probability modelling using climate scenarios and in situ data.
Regional environmental change, 18(3), pp. 859-871.
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Ochege, Friday U.; Nzeadibe, Thaddeus C.; Agwu, Agwu E.
Agricultural resilience to climate change in Anambra State, Southeastern Nigeria: Insights from public policy and practice.
Zinyengere, Nkulumo; Theodory, Theobald; Gebreyes, Million; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Beyond Agricultural Impacts. Multiple Perspectives on Climate Change and Agriculture in Africa (pp. 241-274).
Elsevier Academic Press
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Bikketi, Edward
Engaging with Gender in Water Governance and Practice in Kenya.
Fröhlich, Christiane; Gioli, Giovanna; Cremades, Roger; Myrttinen, Henri
Water Security Across the Gender Divide. Water Security in a New World (pp. 125-150).
Oberlack, Christoph; Boillat, Sébastien; Brönnimann, Stefan; Gerber, Jean-David; Heinimann, Andreas; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Messerli, Peter; Rist, Stephan; Wiesmann, Urs Martin
Polycentric governance in telecoupled resource systems.
Ecology and Society, 23(1)
Resilience Alliance Publications
Akrofi-Atitianti, Felix; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Bockel, Louis; Asare, Richard
Assessing Climate Smart Agriculture and Its Determinants of Practice in Ghana: A Case of the Cocoa Production System.
Land, 7(1), p. 30.
Szabo, Sylvia; Sohel, Sarwar; Renaud, Fabrice; Traore, Djaffra; Hussain, Abid; , ; Ahmad, Sate; Singh, Devendra Raj; Neumann, Barbara; Matthews, Zoë
Accelerating Progress Toward the Zero Hunger Goal in Cross-Boundary Climate Change Hotspots.
Environment : science and policy for sustainable development, 60(3), pp. 18-27.
Taylor & Francis
Whitehead, Paul; Bussi, Gianbattista; Hossain, Mohammed Abed; Dolk, Michaela; Das, Partho; Comber, Sean; Peters, Rebecca; Charles, Katrina J; Hope, Rob; Hossain, Sarwar
Restoring water quality in the polluted Turag-Tongi-Balu river system, Dhaka: Modelling nutrient and total coliform intervention strategies.
Science of the total environment, 631-632, pp. 223-232.
Bottazzi, Patrick; Winkler, Mirko; Boillat, Sébastien; Diagne, Abdoulaye; Maman Chabi Sika, Mashoudou; Kpangon, Arsène; Faye, Salimata; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Measuring Subjective Flood Resilience in Suburban Dakar: A Before–After Evaluation of the “Live with Water” Project.
Sustainability, 10(7), p. 2135.
Kassawmar, Tibebu; Gessesse, Gizaw Desta; Zeleke, Gete; Subhatu, Alemtsehay Teklay
Assessing the soil erosion control efficiency of land management practices implemented through free community labor mobilization in Ethiopia.
International soil and water conservation research, 6(2), pp. 87-98.
Theodory, Theobald F.; Zinyengere, Nkulumo; Gebreyes, Million; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Chapter 13 - Conclusion: Localize Responses to Climate Change Impacts.
Zingyengere, Nkulumo; Theodory, Theobald F.; Gebreyes, Million; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Beyond Agricultural Impacts. Multiple Perspectives on Climate Change and Agriculture in Africa (pp. 275-278).
Meyfroidt, Patrick; Chowdhury, Rinku Roy; Brémond, Ariane Carole; Ellis, Erle; Erb, Karlheinz; Filatova, Tatiana; Garrett, Rachael; Grove, J. Morgan; Heinimann, Andreas; Kuemmerle, Tobias; Kull, Christian A.; Lambin, Eric F.; Landon, Y.; le Polain de Waroux, Yann; Messerli, Peter; Müller, Daniel; Nielsen, Jonas; Peterson, Garry; García, V. Rodriguez; Schlüter, Maja; ...
Middle-range theories of land system change.
Global environmental change, 53, pp. 52-67.
Debonne, Niels; van Vliet, Jasper; Heinimann, Andreas; Verburg, Peter
Representing large-scale land acquisitions in land use change scenarios for the Lao PDR.
Regional environmental change, 18(6), pp. 1857-1869.
Messerli, Peter
Die Agenda 2030 – Herausforderung und Chance für die Geographie (Unpublished).
Geographie – Forschen und Bilden für eine nachhaltige Zukunft. Jubiläumstagung Geographiedidaktik Schweiz VGD/AGD.
Zürich, Schweiz.
08 Juni 2018.
Rüegg, Simon R.; Häsler, Barbara; Rosenbaum Nielsen, Liza; Buttigieg, Sandra C.; Santa, Mijalche; Aragrande, Maurizio; Canali, Massimo; Ehlinger, Timothy; Queenan, Kevin; Chantziaras, Ilias; Boriani, Elena; Radeski, Miroslav; Bruce, Mieghan; Keune, Hans; Bennani, Houda; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Carmo, Luìs P.; Esposito, Roberto; Filippitzi, Maria-Eleni; McIntyre, Marie K.; ...
A One Health evaluation framework.
Rüegg, Simon R.; Häsler, Barbara; Zinsstag, Jakob
Integrated approaches to health. A handbook for the evaluation of One Health (pp. 39-85).
Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Wüthrich, Tamara; Rüegg, Simon; Zinsstag, Jakob; Keune, Hans; Boillat, Sébastien; Blake, Lauren; Thieme, Susan; Degeling, Chris; Rist, Stephan
Evaluating the contributions of One Health initiatives to social sustainability.
Rüegg, Simon R.; Häsler, Barbara; Zinsstag, Jakob
Integrated approaches to health. A handbook for the evaluation of One Health (pp. 86-125).
Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers
McIntyre, Marie K.; Vogler, Barbara; Chantziaras, Ilias; Coelho, Ana Cláudia; García Díez, Juan; Esteves, Alexandra; Igrejas, Gilberto; Lurz, Peter; Martins, Sara Babo; Mastin, Alexander; Murray, Alexander; Parnell, Stephen R.; Poeta, Patricia; Ramos, Sónia; Saraiva, Cristina; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; McMahon, Barry J.
Assessing the ecological dimension of One Health.
Rüegg, Simon R.; Häsler, Barbara; Zinsstag, Jakob
Integrated approaches to health. A handbook for the evaluation of One Health (pp. 126-169).
Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers
Roth, Vincent; Lemann, Tatenda; Zeleke, Gete; Subhatu, Alemtsehay Teklay; Nigussie, Tibebu Kassawmar; Hurni, Hans
Effects of climate change on water resources in the upper Blue Nile Basin of Ethiopia.
Heliyon, 4(9), e00771.
Jucker Riva, Matteo; Baeza, Jaime; Bautista, Susana; Christoforou, Michalakis; Daliakopoulos, Ioannis N.; Hadjimitsis, Diofantos; Keizer, Jan Jacob; Liniger, Hanspeter; Quaranta, Giovanni; Ribeiro, Cristina; Salvia, Rosanna; Tsanis, Ioannis K.; Urgeghe, Anna M.; Valdecantos, Alejandro; Schwilch, Gudrun
How does land management contribute to the resilience of Mediterranean forests and rangelands? A participatory assessment.
Land degradation & development, 29(10), pp. 3721-3735.
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Lundsgaard-Hansen, Lara; Don Nuam, Cing; Nydegger, Katharina Barbara; Tun, Nwe Nwe; Tun, Aung Myin; Myint, Win; Schneider, Flurina
Voices of Land from Southern Myanmar: Hein Ze - A Rural Village in Yebyu Township about Land Use Change and Wellbeing
(Voices of Land from Southern Myanmar 1).
Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern
Lundsgaard-Hansen, Lara Maria; Nuam, Cing Don; Nydegger, Katharina Barbara; Tun, Nwe Nwe; Tun, Aung Myin; Myint, Win; Schneider, Flurina
Voices of Land from Southern Myanmar: Ein Da Rar Zar – A Karen Village in Yebyu Township about Land Use Change and Wellbeing
(Voices of Land from Southern Myanmar 2).
Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern
Jendoubi, Donia; Liniger, Hanspeter; Karbout, Nissaf; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Critchley, William
Effects of land use management, landscape forms and soil types on soil organic carbon in the watershed of Wadi Beja in Northwest of Tunisia (Unpublished).
Swiss Geosciences Meeting "A habitable planet".
Bern, Switzerland.
30 November - 1 December 2018.
Dearing, John A.; Hossain, Md. Sarwar
Recent Trends in Ecosystem Services in Coastal Bangladesh.
Ecosystem Services for Well-Being in Deltas (pp. 93-114).
Cham: Springer Nature
Bottazzi, Patrick; Wiik, Emma; Crespo, David; Jones, Julia P.G.
Payment for Environmental “Self-Service”: Exploring the Links Between Farmers' Motivation and Additionality in a Conservation Incentive Programme in the Bolivian Andes.
Ecological economics, 150(2018), pp. 11-23.
Nicholson, Pamela; Fathi, M A; Fischer, A; Mohan, C; Schieck, E; Mishra, N; Heinimann, Andreas; Frey, Joachim; Wieland, B; Jores, Jörg
Detection of Tilapia Lake Virus in Egyptian fish farms experiencing high mortalities in 2015.
Journal of fish diseases, 40(12), pp. 1925-1928.
Balvanera, Patricia; Calderón-Contreras, Rafael; Castro, Antonio J; Felipe-Lucia, María R; Geijzendorffer, Ilse R; Jacobs, Sander; Martín-López, Berta; Arbieu, Ugo; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Locatelli, Bruno; Pérez Harguindeguy, Natalia; Mercado, Ilse Ruiz; Spierenburg, Marja J; Vallet, Améline; Lynes, Laura; Gillson, Lindsey
Interconnected place-based social–ecological research can inform global sustainability.
Current opinion in environmental sustainability, 29, pp. 1-7.
Lemann, Tatenda; Roth, Vincent; Zeleke, Gete
Impact of precipitation and temperature changes on hydrological responses of small-scale catchments in the Ethiopian Highlands.
Hydrological sciences journal / Journal des sciences hydrologiques, 62(2), pp. 270-282.
Balvanera, Patricia; Daw, Tim M.; Gardner, Toby A.; Martín-López, Berta; Norström, Albert V.; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Spierenburg, Marja; Bennett, Elena M.; Farfan, Michelle; Hamann, Maike; Kittinger, John N.; Luthe, Tobias; Maass, Manuel; Peterson, Garry D.; Perez-Verdin, Gustavo
Key features for more successful place-based sustainability research on social-ecological systems: a Programme on Ecosystem Change and Society (PECS) perspective.
Ecology and Society, 22(1)
Resilience Alliance Publications
Eckert, Sandra; Ghebremicael, Selamawit Tesfay; Hurni, Hans; Kohler, Thomas
Identification and classification of structural soil conservation measures based on very high resolution stereo satellite data.
Journal of Environmental Management, 193, pp. 592-606.
Rüegg, Simon R.; McMahon, Barry J.; Häsler, Barbara; Esposito, Roberto; Nielsen, Liza Rosenbaum; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Ehlinger, Timothy; Peyre, Marisa; Aragrande, Maurizio; Zinsstag, Jakob; Davies, Philip; Mihalca, Andrei Daniel; Buttigieg, Sandra C.; Rushton, Jonathan; Gomes do Carmo, Luis Pedro; De Meneghi, Daniele; Canali, Massimo; Filippitzi, Maria E.; Goutard, Flavie Luce; Ilieski, Vlatko; ...
A Blueprint to Evaluate One Health.
Frontiers in Public Health, 5(20), p. 20.
Frontiers Research Foundation
Zähringer, Julie G.; Schwilch, Gudrun; Andriamihaja, O. Ravaka; Ramamonjisoa, Bruno; Messerli, Peter
Remote sensing combined with social-ecological data: The importance of diverse land uses for ecosystem service provision in north-eastern Madagascar.
Ecosystem services, 25, pp. 140-152.
Hurni, Kaspar; Schneider, Annemarie; Heinimann, Andreas; Nong, Duong; Fox, Jefferson
Mapping the Expansion of Boom Crops in Mainland Southeast Asia Using Dense Time Stacks of Landsat Data.
Remote sensing, 9(4), p. 320.
Boillat, Sébastien; Scarpa, Fabiano M; Robson, James P; Gasparri, Ignácio; Aide, T Mitchell; Aguiar, Ana Paula Dutra; Anderson, Liana O; Batistella, Mateus; Fonseca, Marisa Gesteira; Futemma, Célia; Grau, H Ricardo; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Metzger, Jean Paul; Ometto Balbaud, Jean Pierre Henry; Pedlowski, Marcos Antonio; Perz, Stephen G; Robiglio, Valentina; Soler, Luciana; Vieira, Ima and Brondizio, Eduardo S
Land system science in Latin America: challenges and perspectives.
Current opinion in environmental sustainability, 26-27, pp. 37-46.
Bürgi, Matthias; Ali, Panna; Chowdhury, Afroza; Heinimann, Andreas; Hett, Cornelia; Kienast, Felix; Mondal, Manoranjan Kumar; Upreti, Bishnu Raj; Verburg, Peter H.
Integrated Landscape Approach: Closing the Gap between Theory and Application.
Sustainability, 9(8), p. 1371.
Heinimann, Andreas; Mertz, Ole; Frolking, Steve; Egelund Christensen, Andreas; Hurni, Kaspar; Sedano, Fernando; Parsons Chini, Louise; Sahajpal, Ritvik; Hansen, Matthew; Hurtt, George
A global view of shifting cultivation: Recent, current, and future extent.
PLoS ONE, 12(9), e0184479.
Public Library of Science
Mapfumo, Paul; Nyasimi, Mary; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Wamukoya, George; Kinyangi, James
Climate Smart Agriculture Partnership for Africa: Prospects and Challenges.
Mwaniki, Ruchathi; Khaemba, Winnie; Kimotho, Stephen; Ochieng, Cosmas
Climate and environmental justice in Africa (pp. 99-128).
Nairobi: ACTS Press, African Centre for Technology Studies
Ofoegbu, Chidiebere; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Assessing rural peoples’ intention to adopt sustainable forest use and management practices in South Africa.
Journal of sustainable forestry, 36(7), pp. 729-746.
Taylor & Francis
Zinyengere, Nkulumo; Theodory, Theobald; Gebreyes, Million; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Beyond Agricultural Impacts. Multiple Perspectives on Climate Change and Agriculture in Africa.
Elsevier Academic Press
Heinimann, Andreas; Flint, Chris; Bernhard, Rasso; Hett, Cornelia
Putting upland agriculture on the map: The TABI experience in Laos.
Cairns, Malcom
Shifting Cultivation Policies: Balancing Environmental and Social Sustainability (pp. 819-835).
Wallingford, United Kingdom: CABI
Ebneter, Laura; Krauer, Jürg; Hodel, Elias; Liniger, Hanspeter
Bodenerosion bei Starkniederschlägen im Schweizer Mittelland – Ursachen und Massnahmen für die künftige Prävention von Bodenerosion durch Wasser.
BGS Bulletin, 38, pp. 19-26. Elvadata AG
Lundsgaard-Hansen, Lara M.; Tun, Nwe Nwe; Schneider, Flurina; Bastide, Joan; Thein, U Shwe; Mynt, Win; Oberlack, Christoph; Fischer, Manuel; Messerli, Peter
The potential of social learning for a land governance transformation in Southern Myanmar: Multi-stakeholder platform for the review of oil palm concessions (Unpublished).
Resilience Conference.
Stockholm, Sweden.
21-23 August 2017.
Lundsgaard-Hansen, Lara Maria; Tun, Nwe Nwe; Bastide, Joan; Mynt, Win; Schneider, Flurina; Oberlack, Christoph
How political evidence seeking can affect data collection - Experiences from Myanmar (Unpublished).
ICRD Conference.
Bern, Switzerland.
05-08 September 2017.
Roth, Vincent; Nigussie, Tibebu Kassawmar; Lemann, Tatenda
Model parameter transfer for streamflow and sediment loss prediction with SWAT in a tropical watershed.
Environmental Earth Science, 75(19)
Jucker Riva, Matteo; Liniger, Hanspeter; Valdecantos, Alejandro; Schwilch, Gudrun
Impacts of land management on the resilience of mediterranean dry forests to fire.
Sustainability, 8(10), p. 981.
Lemann, Tatenda; Zeleke, Gete; Amsler, Caroline; Giovanoli, Luciano; Suter, Hannes; Roth, Vincent
Modelling the effect of soil and water conservation on discharge and sediment yield in the upper blue Nile basin.
Applied geography, 73, pp. 89-101.
Bircher, Pascal; Liniger, Hanspeter; Prasuhn, Volker
(22 April 2016).
Comparison of different multiple flow algorithms for topographic RUSLE factor (LS) calculation in Switzerland.
EGU General Assembly 2016.
Breu, Thomas; Bader, Christoph; Messerli, Peter; Heinimann, Andreas; Rist, Stephan; Eckert, Sandra
Large-scale land acquisition and its effects on the water balance in investor and host countries.
PLoS ONE, 11(3), e0150901.
Public Library of Science
Roth, Vincent; Lemann, Tatenda
Comparing CFSR and conventional weather data for discharge and soil loss modelling with SWAT in small catchments in the Ethiopian Highlands.
Hydrology and earth system sciences, 20(2), pp. 921-934.
European Geosciences Union EGU
Schmocker, Jacqueline; Liniger, Hanspeter; Ngeru, J. N.; Brugnara, Yuri; Auchmann, Renate; Brönnimann, Stefan
Trends in mean and extreme precipitation in the Mount Kenya region from observations and reanalyses.
International journal of climatology, 36(3), pp. 1500-1514.
Bikketi, Edward; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Bieri, Sabin; Haller, Tobias; Wiesmann, Urs
Gendered division of labour and feminisation of responsibilities in Kenya; Implications for development interventions.
Gender, Place and Culture, 23(10), pp. 1432-1449.
Jaquet, Stéphanie; Shrestha, Gitta; Kohler, Thomas; Schwilch, Gudrun
The Effects of Migration on Livelihoods, Land Management, and Vulnerability to Natural Disasters in the Harpan Watershed in Western Nepal.
Mountain Research and Development, 36(4), pp. 494-505.
International Mountain Society
Zähringer, Julie
Landscape dynamics and ecosystem service benefits in the biodiversity hotspot of north-eastern Madagascar. Generating knowledge for navigating conservation-development trade-offs (Unpublished).
(Dissertation, University of Bern, Switzerland, Faculty of Science)
Rist, Stephan; Golay, Christophe; Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth; Delgado Burgoa, Freddy; Kiteme, Boniface P.; Haller, Tobias; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Towards food sustainability: Reshaping the coexistence of different food systems in South America and Africa – project description
(Towards Food Sustainability Working Paper 1).
Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Kiteme, Boniface; Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Jörin, Jonas
Community-based water development projects, their effectiveness, and options for improvement: lessons from Laikipia, Kenya.
African geographical review, pp. 1-21.
Taylor & Francis
Hurni, Hans; Molden, David; Zimmermann, Anne B.; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Price, Martin F.; Thibault, Marlène; Mosher, Debby; Ingraham, Kathleen
Mountain Research and Development, 36(1-4).
International Mountain Society
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
(21 October 2015).
Climate Smart Agriculture in the African Context (Unpublished).
Unlocking Africa’s Agricultural Potentials for Transformation to Scale.
Abdou Diouf International Conference Center Dakar, Senegal.
Messerli, Peter; Bader, Christoph; Hett, Cornelia; Epprecht, Michael; Heinimann, Andreas
Towards a spatial understanding of trade-offs in sustainable development: A meso-scale analysis of the nexus between land use, poverty, and environment in the Lao PDR.
PLoS ONE, 10(7), e0133418.
Public Library of Science
Amin, Ariane; Zähringer, Julie; Schwilch, Gudrun; Koné, Inza
People, protected areas and ecosystem services: a qualitative and quantitative analysis of local people's perception and preferences in Côte d'Ivoire.
Natural resources forum, 39(2), pp. 97-109.
Hurni, Hans; Molden, David; Zimmermann, Anne B.; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Price, Martin F.; Thibault, Marlène; Mosher, Debby
Mountain Research and Development, 35(1-4).
International Mountain Society
Verburg, Peter H.; Crossman, Neville; Ellis, Erle C.; Heinimann, Andreas; Hostert, Patrick; Mertz, Ole; Nagendra, Harini; Sikor, Thomas; Erb, Karl-Heinz; Golubiewski, Nancy; Grau, Ricardo; Grove, Morgan; Konaté, Souleymane; Meyfroidt, Patrick; Parker, Dawn C.; Chowdhury, Rinku Roy; Shibata, Hideaki; Thomson, Allison; Zhen, Lin
Land system science and sustainable development of the earth system: A global land project perspective.
Anthropocene, 12, pp. 29-41.
Zähringer, Julie Gwendolin; Eckert, Sandra; Hett, Cornelia; Ramamonjisoa, Bruno; Messerli, Peter
A novel approach for assessing shifting cultivation dynamics in a regional conservation hotspot - insights from nort-eastern Madagascar.
27th International Congress for Conservation Biology. Abstract Book. 4th European Congress for Conservation Biology (p. 768).
Montpellier, France: Society for Conservation Biology
Zähringer, Julie Gwendolin; Ramamonjisoa, Bruno; Messerli, Peter
Linking livelihood strategies with a regional level landscape mosaic to explore trade-offs between forest conservation and human wellbeing in a Madagascar biodiversity hotspot (Unpublished).
First Annual FLARE Network Conference.
Paris, France.
Jendoubi, Donia; Schwilch, Gudrun; Liniger, Hanspeter; Hurni, Hans; Ouessar, Mohamed; Moussa, Mohamed; Hamrouni, Hedi
WOCAT tools as decision-support tools for assessing land degradation and realising sustainable land management, Study Case of El Mkhachbiya Catchment, Northwest of Tunisia (Unpublished).
International conference on Integrated Land and Water Resources Management in the Dry Areas under Climate Change (ILDAC 2015).
Djerba, Tunisia.
Jendoubi, Donia; Schwilch, Gudrun; Liniger, Hanspeter; Hurni, Hans; Ouessar, Mohamed; Moussa, Mohamed; Hamrouni, Hedi
Assessment of land degradation in the Cereal land use and options for sustainable land management: Study case from Northwest Tunisia (Unpublished).
International Congress on Landscape Ecology.
Antalya, Turkey.
Lemann, Tatenda; Roth, Vincent; Zeleke, Gete
Assessing the impact of precipitation and temperature on hydrological responses in three small-scale catchments in the Ethiopian Highlands (Unpublished).
International Soil and Water Assessment Tool Conference.
Sardinia, Italy.
Roth, Vincent; Lemann, Tatenda
Assessment of uncertainty in SWAT using variable spatial data resolution and sensitivity calibration in a meso-scale watershed in the Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia (Unpublished).
International Soil and Water Assessment Tool Conference.
Sardinia, Italy.
Hurni, Hans
Paleoglaciated landscapes in Simen and other high-mountain areas of Ethiopia.
Billi, Paolo
Landscapes and landforms of Ethiopia (pp. 139-146).
Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer
Schwilch, Gudrun; Liniger, Hanspeter; Hurni, Hans
Sustainable Land Management (SLM) Practices in Drylands: How Do They Address Desertification Threats?
Environmental management, 54(5), pp. 983-1004.
Fessehaye, Mussie; Abdul-Wahab, Sabah A.; Savage, Michael J.; Kohler, Thomas; Gherezghiher, Tseggai; Hurni, Hans
Fog-water collection for community use.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 29, pp. 52-62.
Vongvisouk, Thoumthone; Mertz, Ole; Thongmanivong, Sithong; Heinimann, Andreas; Phanvilay, Khamla
Shifting cultivation stability and change: Contrasting pathways of land use and livelihood change in Laos.
Applied geography, 46, pp. 1-10.
Nyssen, Jan; Frankl, Amaury; Haile, Mitiku; Hurni, Hans; Descheemaeker, Katrien; Crummey, Donald; Ritler, Alfons; Portner, Brigitte; Nievergelt, Bernhard; Moeyersons, Jan; Munro, Neil; Deckers, Jozef; Billi, Paolo; Poesen, Jean
Environmental conditions and human drivers for changes to north Ethiopian mountain landscapes over 145 years.
Science of the total environment, 485-486, pp. 164-179.
Reynard, Emmanuel; Bonriposi, Mariano; Graefe, Olivier; Homewood, Christine; Huss, Matthias; Kauzlaric, Martina Catharina; Liniger, Hanspeter; Rey, Emmanuel; Rist, Stephan; Schädler, Bruno; Schneider, Flurina; Weingartner, Rolf
Interdisciplinary assessment of complex regional water systems and their future evolution: how socioeconomic drivers can matter more than climate.
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, 1(4), pp. 413-426.
Portner, Brigitte; Ehrensperger, Albrecht; Nezir, Zufan; Breu, Thomas Michael; Hurni, Hans
Biofuels for a Greener Economy? Insights from Jatropha Production in Northeastern Ethiopia.
Sustainability, 6(9), pp. 6188-6202.
Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs Martin
Transdisciplinarity in Practice. Experience from a Concept-based Research Programme Addressing Global Change and Sustainable Development.
GAIA - ökologische Perspektiven für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft / ecological perspectives for science and society, 23(3), pp. 275-277.
Oekom Verlag
Weingartner, Rolf; Schädler, Bruno; Reynard, Emmanuel; Bonriposi, Mariano; Graefe, Olivier; Herweg, Karl Günter; Homewood, Christine; Huss, Matthias; Kauzlaric, Martina Catharina; Liniger, Hanspeter; Rey, Emmanuel; Rist, Stephan; Schneider, Flurina
MontanAqua: Wasserbewirtschaftung in Zeiten von Knappheit und globalem Wandel Wasserbewirtschaftungsoptionen für die Region Crans-Montana-Sierre im Wallis
(NFP 61).
Schweizerischer Nationalfonds
Amare, Tadele; Zegeye, Assefa Derebe; Yitaferu, Birru; Steenhuis, Tammo S.; Hurni, Hans; Zeleke, Gete
Combined effect of soil bund with biological soil and water conservation measures in the northwestern Ethiopian highlands.
Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology, 14(3), pp. 192-199.
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Rist, Stephan
An indicator framework for assessing livelihood resilience in the context of social–ecological dynamics.
Global environmental change, 28, pp. 109-119.
Hurni, Hans; Molden, David; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Zimmermann, Anne
Focus Issue: Family Farming in Mountains—Institutional and Organizational Arrangements in the Context of Globalization.
Mountain Research and Development, 34(4), pp. 313-314.
International Mountain Society
Hurni, Hans; Molden, David; Zimmermann, Anne B.; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Price, Martin F.; Thibault, Marlène; Mosher, Debby
Mountain Research and Development, 34(1-4).
International Mountain Society
Verma, Ritu; Molden, David; Hurni, Hans; Zimmermann, Anne; Wymann von Dach, Susanne
Special Issue: Gender and Sustainable Development in Mountains—Transformative Innovations, Tenacious Resistances.
Mountain Research and Development, 34(3), pp. 185-187.
International Mountain Society
Adegoke, Jimmy; Jagtap, Shrikant; Jimoh, David; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Ukeje, Julie; Anuforom, Anthony
Nigeria’s Changing Climate: Risks, Impacts & Adaptation in the Agriculture Sector.
Adegoke, Jimmy; Ibe, Chidi; Araba, Adebisi
National Agricultural Resilience Framework (NARF). A Report by the Advisory Committee on Agricultural Resilience in Nigeria (ACARN) (pp. 7-18).
Abuja, Nigeria: Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Nigeria
Vermeulen, Sonja; Abubakar, Yusuf; Conway, Gordon; Dziba, Luthando; Hoevel, Michael; Ibe, Chidi; Ibrahim, Asma; Olokor, Julius; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Ademiluyi, Adeyemi; Ajeigbe, Hakeem; Mbow, Cheikh; Saleh Moussa, Abdoulaye; Ouedraogo, Mathieu; Vervoort, Joost
Agricultural Research and Technology Development for Climate Resilient Agriculture.
Adegoke, Jimmy; Ibe, Chidi; Araba, Adebisi
National Agricultural Resilience Framework (NARF). A Report by the Advisory Committee on Agricultural Resilience in Nigeria (ACARN) (pp. 51-68).
Abuja, Nigeria: Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Nigeria
Ibe, Chidi; Adegoke, Jimmy; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Shisanya, Chris; Conway, Gordon; Araba, Adebisi; Obatola, Parcy; Areola, Foluke Tsewinor; Hoevel, Michael; Abdulkadir, Aisha; Akle, Moise; Cervigni, Raffaello; Bromhead, Marjorie-Ann Bisong; Babarinde, Segun; Nzekwu, Richard; Msheila, Mustapha; Bombata, Fashina
Policy Interventions in Support of Agricultural Resilience in Nigeria.
Adegoke, Jimmy; Ibe, Chidi; Araba, Adebisi
National Agricultural Resilience Framework (NARF). A Report by the Advisory Committee on Agricultural Resilience in Nigeria (ACARN) (pp. 81-109).
Abuja, Nigeria: Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Nigeria
Messerli, Peter; Heinimann, Andreas; Giger, Markus; Breu, Thomas Michael; Schoenweger, Oliver
From 'land grabbing' to sustainable investments in land: potential contributions by land change science.
Current opinion in environmental sustainability, 5(5), pp. 528-534.
Wolfgramm, Bettina; Gareyeva, Aida; Shokirov, Qobil; Liniger, Hanspeter
Adapting to climate change through sustainable land management
(Evidence for Policy Series, Regional edition Central Asia 7).
Bern: NCCR North-South
Hurni, Hans; Molden, David; Zimmermann, Anne; Wymann von Dach, Susanne
Mountain Research and Development, 33(2), p. 121.
International Mountain Society
Liniger, Hanspeter; Wolfgramm, Bettina; Zähringer, Julie Gwendolin; Lehrman, Zvi; Stevenson, Shane
(April 2013).
Adapting to climate change through sustainable land management: experiences of a pilot project in Tajikistan.
2nd UNCCD Scientific Conference.
Bonn, Deutschland.
Hurni, Hans; Molden, David; Zimmermann, Anne; Wymann von Dach, Susanne
Mountain Research and Development, 33(1), p. 3.
International Mountain Society
Hurni, Kaspar; Hett, Cornelia; Heinimann, Andreas; Messerli, Peter; Wiesmann, Urs
Dynamics of Shifting Cultivation Landscapes in Northern Lao PDR Between 2000 and 2009 Based on an Analysis of MODIS Time Series and Landsat Images.
Human ecology, 41(1), pp. 21-36.
New-York, NY: Springer
Castella, Jean-Christophe; Lestrelin, Guillaume; Hett, Cornelia; Bourgoin, Jeremy; Fitriana, Yulia Rahma; Heinimann, Andreas; Pfund, Jean-Laurent
Effects of Landscape Segregation on Livelihood Vulnerability: Moving From Extensive Shifting Cultivation to Rotational Agriculture and Natural Forests in Northern Laos.
Human ecology, 41(1), pp. 63-76.
New-York, NY: Springer
Prasuhn, Volker; Liniger, Hanspeter; Gisler, Simon; Herweg, Karl Günter; Candinas, Anton; Clément, Jean-Pierre
A high-resolution soil erosion risk map of Switzerland as strategic policy support system.
Land use policy, 32, pp. 281-291.
Amsterdam: Elsevier Science
Bourgoin, Jeremy; Castella, Jean-Christophe; Hett, Cornelia; Lestrelin, Guillaume; Heinimann, Andreas
Engaging Local Communities in Low Emissions Land-Use Planning: a Case Study from Laos.
Ecology and Society, 18(2), p. 9.
Resilience Alliance Publications
Heinimann, Andreas; Hett, Cornelia; Hurni, Kaspar; Messerli, Peter; Epprecht, Michael; Jørgensen, Lars; Breu, Thomas Michael
Socio-Economic Perspectives on Shifting Cultivation Landscapes in Northern Laos.
Human ecology, 41(1), pp. 51-62.
Notter, Benedikt; Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Ngana, James O.
Evaluating watershed service availability under future management and climate change scenarios in the Pangani Basin.
Physics and chemistry of the earth, 61-62, pp. 1-11.
Amare, Tadele; Hergarten, Christian; Hurni, Hans; Wolfgramm, Bettina; Yitaferu, Birru; Selassie, Yihenew G.
Prediction of soil organic carbon for Ethiopian highlands using soil spectroscopy.
ISRN Soil Science, 2013, pp. 1-11.
Hurni, Hans; Molden, D; Zimmermann, Anne B.; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Price, Martin F.; Thibault, Marlène
Mountain Research and Development, 33(1-4).
International Mountain Society
Mekdaschi Studer, Rima; Liniger, Hanspeter
La collecte de l'eau: directives pour de bonnes pratiques.
Bern: Centre for Development and Environment
Mekdaschi Studer, Rima; Liniger, Hanspeter
Water harvesting: guidelines to good practice.
Bern: Centre for Development and Environment
Hurni, Hans
Global change and mountain livelihoods.
Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Romeo, Rosalaura; Vita, Alessia; Wurzinger, Maria; Kohler, Thomas
Mountain farming is family farming (pp. 14-15).
Rome: FAO
Providoli, Isabelle; Zeleke, Gete; Tena, A; Hurni, Hans
Investments in land & water in the Nile basin and transboundary water management nexus: state of the art – science perspective.
World Water Week.
Stockholm, Schweden.
01.-06. Sep. 2013.
Hergarten, Christian; Nazarmavloev, Farrukh; Wolfgramm, Bettina
Building a soil spectral library for Tajikistan comparing local and global modeling approaches.
Bornimer Agrartechnische Berichte, 82, pp. 265-269.
Hett, Cornelia; Zähringer, Julie Gwendolin; Messerli, Peter; Eckert, Sandra; Huafang, Chen; Schmidt-Vogt, Dietrich
Landscape mosaics maps as a basis for spatial assessment and negotiation of ecosystem services and their trade-offs at the meso-scale: Examples from Laos, Madagascar and China.
6th Annual International ESP Conference 2013. Making ecosystem services count!.
Kläy, Andreas; Schäfer, Natalie; Zimmermann, Anne
Eine universitäre Lehre die zu nachhaltiger Entwicklung beiträgt: wie fördern wir die dazu notwendige Öffnung wissenschaftlicher Disziplinen?
Conférence Suisse Inter- et Transdisciplinarité ITD.
Bern, Schweiz.
Kläy, Andreas; Schneider, Flurina; Bieri, Sabin
Gerechtigkeit, Freiheit und Integration: Wie kann die Wissenschaft den Übergang in Post-Wachstumsgesellschaften fördern?
Kongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Soziologie: Ungleichheit und Integration in der Krise.
Bern, Schweiz.
Liniger, Hanspeter; Harari, Nicole
Use of audiovisual messages from land user to land user for sharing knowledge about SLM: experiences from a pilot project in Kenya and Tajikistan.
2nd UNCCD Scientific Conference.
Bonn, Deutschland.
9.-12. Apr. 2013.
Liniger, Hanspeter; Schwilch, Gudrun; Mekdaschi, Rima; Providoli, Isabelle; Bunning, Sally; Biancalani, Riccardo; van Lynden, Godert
Tools for better SLM knowledge management and informed decision-making in addressing land degradation at different scales: the WOCAT–LADA–DESIRE methodology.
2nd UNCCD Scientific Conference.
Bonn, Deutschland.
9.-12. Apr. 2013.
Zähringer, Julie Gwendolin; Hett, Cornelia; Eckert, Sandra; Ramamonjisoa, Bruno; Messerli, Peter
Ecosystem service trade-offs and stakeholder claims - a meso-scale study from a Madagascar biodiversity hotspot.
6th Annual international ESP conference 2013. Making ecosystem services count!.
Zähringer, Julie Gwendolin; Hett, Cornelia; Eckert, Sandra; Ramamonjisoa, Bruno; Messerli, Peter
Paysages, acteurs et services environnementaux au nord-est de Madagascar – une analyse éco-régionale (Unpublished).
La biodiversité et les populations dans le contexte du changement climatique.
Antananarivo, Madagaskar.
Hurni, Hans; Breu, Thomas Michael; Messerli, Peter; Portner, Brigitte
Key implications of land conversions in agriculture.
Trade and environment review, 2013, pp. 220-233.
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Achermann, Sarah; Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Kiteme, Boniface
Lessons learnt – climate change and development project: towards effective community-based adaptation and ecosystem-based adaptation
Bern: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Michel, Claudia; Heim, Eva Maria; Zimmermann, Anne; Herweg, Karl Günter; Breu, Thomas Michael
Maximising the impact of research: the NCCR North-South approach: Fourth NCCR North-South Report on Effectiveness
(NCCR North-South Dialogue 48).
Bern: NCCR North-South
Michel, Claudia; Paulsson, Maria; Heim, Eva Maria; Zimmermann, Anne B.; Herweg, Karl; Breu, Thomas
Promoting research-user collaboration: an assessment of funding schemes: Fifth NCCR North-South Report on Effectiveness
(NCCR North-South Dialogue 49).
Bern: NCCR North-South
Dear, Chad; Shigaeva, Jyldyz; Wolfgramm, Bettina
Assessing the state of Sustainable Land Management research in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.
Mountain Research and Development, 33(4), pp. 443-452.
International Mountain Society
Hurni, Hans; Molden, David; Zimmermann, Anne; Wymann von Dach, Susanne
Focus Issue: Water Governance in Mountains.
Mountain Research and Development, 33(3), pp. 193-194.
International Mountain Society
Hurni, Hans; Molden, David; Zimmermann, Anne; Wymann von Dach, Susanne
MountainNotes Becomes MountainAgenda: MRD's Third Peer-reviewed Section.
Mountain Research and Development, 33(4), pp. 362-363.
International Mountain Society
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Scholz, Imme
Special issue ‘Adaptation to climate change: analysing capacities in Africa’.
Regional environmental change, 13(3), pp. 471-475.
Reynard, Emmanuel; Bonriposi, Mariano; Graefe, Olivier; Herweg, Karl Günter; Homewood, Christine; Huss, Matthias; Kauzlaric, Martina Catharina; Liniger, Hanspeter; Rey, Emmanuel; Rist, Stephan; Schädler, Bruno; Schneider, Flurina; Weingartner, Rolf
MontanAqua: anticiper le stress hydrique dans les Alpes – Scénarios de gestion de l’eau dans la région de Crans-Montana-Sierre (Valais): résultats finaux et recommandations
Universités de Berne, Lausanne et Fribourg
Breu, Thomas Michael; Michel, Claudia; Shabdolov, Alisher; Hurni, Hans
Looking back: plausible links between a research intervention and the course of development in the Tajik Pamirs.
Michel, Claudia; Heim, Eva Maria; Zimmermann, Anne B.; Herweg, Karl; Breu, Thomas
Maximising the impact of research: the NCCR North-South approach. NCCR North-South Dialogue: Vol. 48 (pp. 45-52).
Bern: NCCR North-South
Hurni, Hans; Debele, Berhanu; Lemann, Tatenda; Roth, Vincent; Zeleke, Gete
Impacts of watershed management on runoff in the Eastern Nile Tributaries (Unpublished).
New Nile Perspectives Conference.
Khartoum, Sudan.
Hett, Cornelia; Castella, Jean-Christophe; Heinimann, Andreas; Messerli, Peter; Pfund, Jean-Laurent
A landscape mosaics approach for characterizing swidden systems from a REDD+ perspective.
Applied geography, 32(2), pp. 608-618.
Oxford: Elsevier
Amare, Tadele; Hergarten, Christian; Hurni, Hans; Wolfgramm, Bettina; Yitaferu, Birru; Selassie, Yihenew G.
Prediction of soil organic carbon for Ethiopian highlands using soil spectroscopy.
International Conference on Research for Development (ICRD). Research for Global Transformation (p. 248).
Bern: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Fessehaye, Mussie; Abdul-Wahab, Sabah A.; Savage, Michael J.; Kohler, Thomas; Gherezghiher, Tseggai; Hurni, Hans
Testing fog-water collection along the eastern escarpment of Eritrea.
International Conference on Research for Development (ICRD). Research for Global Transformation, 20.-22.8.2012, Bern, Switzerland (p. 198).
Bern: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Koblowsky, Peter; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Afrikanische Entwicklungstrends: Konkurrierende institutionelle Arrangements für Klimapolitik: der Fall Nigeria
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 13).
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
Pohl, C.; Rist, Stephan; Zimmermann, Anne; Fry, P.; Gurung, G.S.; Schneider, Flurina; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Kiteme, B.; Boillat, Sébastien; Serrano, E.; Hirsch-Hadorn, G.; Wiesmann, Urs
Roles de los investigadores en la coproducción de conocimiento: Experiencias de la investigación sobre sostenibilidad en Kenia, Suiza, Bolivia y Nepal
(NCCR North-South Dialogue 41).
Bern: CDE / NCCR North-South
Hurni, Hans; Molden, David; Zimmermann, Anne B.; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Price, Martin F.; Thibault, Marlène
Mountain Research and Development, 32(1-4).
International Mountain Society
Ulrich, Anne; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Roden, Paul; Kiteme, Boniface; Wiesmann, Urs; Nüsser, Marcus
Small-scale farming in semi-arid areas: Livelihood dynamics between 1997 and 2010 in Laikipia, Kenya.
Journal of rural studies, 28(3), pp. 241-251.
Oxford: Pergamon
Hurni, Kaspar
Detecting landscapes dominated by shifting cultivation at different scales in the Lao PDR.
International Conference on Research for Development (ICRD). Research for Global Transformation.
Bern: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Hergarten, Christian; Nazarmavloev, Farrukh; Wolfgramm, Bettina
Measuring soil quality using spectroscopy
(Evidence for Policy Series, Regional edition Central Asia 4).
Bern: NCCR North-South and Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Hurni, Hans; Zeleke, Gete; Debele, Berhanu; Hergarten, Christian
A four-way win for agricultural development.
Bern: CDE / NCCR North-South
Parita, Shah; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Opiyo, Romanus; Ngaina, Joshua
Options for improving the communication of seasonal rainfall forecasts to smallholder farmers - the case of Kenya
(Briefing Paper 17).
Bonn: Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik
Schönweger, Oliver; Heinimann, Andreas; Epprecht, Michael
Large-scale land acquisitions in Lao PDR: Beyond anecdotal evidence.
International Conference on Research for Development (ICRD). Research for Global Transformation (p. 60).
Bern: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Zeleke, Gete; Heinimann, Andreas
Landscape transformation: Changing services of land in a globalised world.
International Conference on Research for Development (ICRD). Research for Global Transformation (p. 67).
Bern: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Hurni, Hans
Transboundary implications of land degradation and management in the Ethiopian highlands: An overlooked issue in the age-old Nile debate.
International Conference on Research for Development (ICRD). Research for Global Transformation.
Bern: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Zeleke, Gete; Kassawmar, Tibebu; Assfaw, Woldie; Heinimann, Andreas; Hurni, Kaspar; Hurni, Hans; Debele, Berhanu
The changing environment: Spatiotemporal analysis of landscape transformation along major development axes in Ethiopia.
International Conference on Research for Development (ICRD). Research for Global Transformation.
Bern: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Grist, Natasha; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Climate Change and African Development.
Lundsgaarde, Erik
Africa toward 2030: Challenges for development policy (pp. 105-137).
Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
Hett, Cornelia; Heinimann, Andreas; Epprecht, Michael; Messerli, Peter; Hurni, Kaspar
Carbon pools and poverty peaks in Lao PDR.
Mountain Research and Development, 32(4), pp. 390-399.
Boulder, Colo.: International Mountain Society
Mertz, Ole; Müller, Daniel; Sikor, Thomas; Hett, Cornelia; Heinimann, Andreas; Castella, Jean-Christophe; Lestrelin, Guillaume; Ryan, Casey M.; Reay, David S.; Schmidt-Vogt, Dietrich; Danielsen, Finn; Theilade, Ida; Noordwijk, Meine van; Verchot, Louis V.; Burgess, Neil D.; Berry, Nicholas J.; Pham, Thu Thuy; Messerli, Peter; Xu, Jianchu; Fensholt, Rasmus; ...
The forgotten D: challenges of addressing forest degradation in complex mosaic landscapes under REDD+.
Geografisk tidskrift - Danish journal of geography, 112(1), pp. 63-76.
København: Routledge; Taylor & Francis Group
Notter, Benedikt; Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs; Abbaspour, Karim C.
Modelling water provision as an ecosystem service in a large East African river basin.
Hydrology and earth system sciences, 16(1), pp. 69-86.
München: European Geosciences Union EGU
Stringer, Lindsay; Dougill, Andrew; Thomas, Andrew; Stracklen, Dominick; Chesterman, Sabrina; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Rueff, Henri; Riddell, Mike; Williams, Mat; Beedy, Tracy; Abson, David; Klintenberg, Patrick; Syampungani, Stephen; Powell, Philip; Palmer, Anthony; Seely, Mary; Mkwambisi, David; Falcao, Mario; Sitoe, Almeida; Ross, Sally; ...
Challenges and opportunities in linking carbon sequestration, dryland livelihoods and ecosystem service provision.
Environmental science & policy, 19-20(19-20), pp. 121-135.
Oxford: Elsevier
Breu, Thomas; Wiesmann, Urs; Zimmermann, Anne; Herweg, Karl
Research capacity in the South: A key to sustainable development.
IAU horizons, 18(2), p. 27.
Paris: Internat. Universities Bureau
Koblowsky, Peter; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Nigeria: The making of a climate policy - a multistakeholder discourse.
Environmental policy and law, 42(2), pp. 130-132.
Amsterdam: IOS Press
Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Zimmermann, Anne; Hurni, Hans
MRD's editorial policy for publishing transdisciplinary work.
International Conference on Research for Development, 20.-22.8.2012, Bern, Switzerland.
Bern: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Pauw, Pieter; Kaplan, Marcus; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
(December 2011).
Klimawandel-Entschädigung: Entwicklungsländer müssen initiativ werden.
Ben Hagan, Essel; Mulugetta, Yacob; Gujba, Haruna; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Walimwipi, Hartley; Teklehaimanot, Zewge; Sokona, Youba
(November 2011).
Critical Issues in Bioenergy for Africa: Exploring the Opportunities, Constraints and Trade-Offs
(Working Papers 11).
Addis Ababa, Äthiopien: UNECA
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
(October 2011).
Die nächste Hungersnot kommt bestimmt
(Die aktuelle Kolumne).
Bonn, Deutschland: German Development Institut (GDI) / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
Kaplan, Marcus; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
(14 September 2011).
Die beste Entwicklungspolitik stärkt die Bauern.
Kaplan, Marcus; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
The famine in East Africa: how far are climate change and the long neglect of agriculture to blame?
(The current column).
Bonn, Deutschland: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
Prasuhn, Volker; Liniger, Hanspeter; Gisler, Simon
(February 2011).
Die hoch aufgelöste Erosionsrisikokarte ERK2 als Hilfsmittel für den Vollzug.
Jahrestagung: Knappe Resource Boden eine Herausforderung.
Frauenfeld, Schweiz.
Schwilch, Gudrun; Bestelmeyer, Brandon; Bunning, Sally; Critchley, William; Herrick, Jeffrey; Kellner, Klaus; Liniger, Hanspeter; Nachtergaele, Freddy; Ritsema, Coen; Schuster, Brigitte; Tabo, Ramadjita; van Lynden, Godert; Winslow, Mark
Experiences in Monitoring and Assessment of Sustainable Land Management.
Land degradation & development, 22(2), pp. 214-225.
Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Liniger, Hanspeter; Mekdaschi Studer, Rima; Hauert, Christine; Gurtner, Mats
La pratique de la gestion durable des terres: Directives et bonnes pratiques en Afrique subsaharienne, FAO, Rome, Italy
Bern: Geographisches Institut der Universität Bern
Liniger, Hanspeter; Mekdaschi Studer, Rima; Hauert, Christine; Gurtner, Mats
Sustainable Land Management in Practice: Guidelines and Best Practices for Sub-Saharan Africa, FAO, Rome, Italy
Bern: Geographisches Institut der Universität Bern
Ogbazghi, Woldeselassie; Stillhardt, Brigitta; Herweg, Karl
Sustainable Land Management - A textbook with a focus on Eritrea, First edition, Geographica Bernensia and Hamelmalo Agricultural College, Bern and Keren [Textbook]
Bern: Geographisches Institut der Universität Bern
Fenton, Nina; Lindelow, Magnus; Heinimann, Andreas; Thomas, Ian
The socio-geography of mining and hydro in Lao PDR: Analysis Combining GIS Information with Socioeconomic Data
Washington D.C., USA: The World Bank
Wolfgramm, Bettina; Stevenson, Shane; Lerman, Zvi; Zähringer, Julie; Liniger, Hanspeter
Final Report for Tajikistan Pilot Programme for Climate Resilience, Component A5: Phase 1 On Agriculture & Sustainable Land Management
Mekdaschi Studer, Rima; Liniger, Hanspeter; Schwilch, Gudrun
The LADA-WOCAT-DESIRE partnership: Centre for Development and Environment.
Bern: Geographisches Institut der Universität Bern
Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Hurni, Hans
Research for sustainable development: Foundations, experiences, and perspectives.
Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Reseaarch (NCCR) North-South, University of Bern: Vol. Vol. 6.
Bern, Switzerland: Geographica Bernensia
Breu, Thomas; Hurni, Hans; Portner, Brigitte; Schwilch, Gudrun; Wolfgramm, Bettina; Messerli, Peter; Herweg, Karl
Sustainable land management and global development: Factors affecting land users' efforts to adopt and sustain the productive use of natural resources.
Wiesmann, Urs; Hurni, Hans; ,
Research for Sustainable Development: Foundations, Experiences, and Perspectives. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South: Vol. 6 (pp. 427-449).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Hurni, Hans; Debele, Berhanu
Water Governance in the Nile Basin: Box 15.
Berrahmouni, Nora; Romeo, Rosalaura; McGuire, Douglas; Zelaya, Sergio; Maselli, Daniel; Kohler, Thomas
Highlands and Drylands. Mountains, a source of resilience in arid regions (p. 92).
Rom, Italien: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Centre of Development and Environment (CDE)
Hurni, Hans; Debele, Berhanu; Zeleke, Gete
Sustainable land management in the Ethiopian Highlands. Adaptive Management in Agriculture: Box 9.
Berrahmouni, Nora; Romero, Rosalaura; McGuire, Douglas; Zelaya, Sergio; Maselli, Daniel; Kohler, Thomas
Highlands and Drylands. Mountains, a source of resilience in arid regions (p. 76).
Rom, Italien: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Centre of Development and Environment (CDE)
Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs Martin
Global change research for sustainable development.
Wiesmann, Urs; Hurni, Hans
Research for Sustainable Development: Foundations, Experiences, and Perspectives. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South: Vol. 6 (pp. 15-42).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Wiesmann, Urs; Hurni, Hans; Ott, Cordula; Zingerli, Claudia
Combining the concepts of transdisciplinarity and partnership in research for sustainable development.
Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Hurni, Hans
Research for Sustainable Development: Foundations, Experiences, and Perspectives. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South: Vol. 6 (pp. 43-70).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Wiesmann, Urs; Ott, Cordula; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Kiteme, Boniface; Müller-Böker, Ulrike; Messerli, Peter; Zinsstag, Jakob
A human actor model as a conceptual orientation in interdisciplinary research for sustainable development.
Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Hurni, Hans
Research for Sustainable Development: Foundations, Experiences, and Perspectives. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South: Vol. 6 (pp. 231-256).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Zinsstag, Jakob; Tanner, Marcel; Nguyen Viet, Hung; Obrist, Brigitte; Cissé, Guéladio; Bonfoh, Bassirou; Schertenleib, Roland; Zurbrügg, Christian; Yitaferu, Birru; Bantider, Amare; Hurni, Hans
Interdisciplinary approaches in research for sustainable development.
Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Hurni, Hans
Research for Sustainable Development: Foundations, Experiences, and Perspectives. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South: Vol. 6 (pp. 207-228).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Prashun, Volker; Liniger, Hanspeter; Gisler, Simon
Die hoch auflösende Erosionsrisikokarte der Schweiz als Hilfsmittel für den Vollzug.
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft : "Böden verstehen, Böden nutzen, Böden fit machen.".
Berlin / Potsdam, Deutschland.
3.-9. September 2011.
Zähringer, Julie; Liniger, Hanspeter; Wolfgramm, Bettina
Sustainable Land Management (SLM) and Resilience to Climate Change in Tajikistan.
Tropentag, 5.-7.10.2011, Bonn Germany.
Witzenhausen: DITSL
Bantider, Amare; Hurni, Hans; Zeleke, Gete
Responses of rural households to the impacts of population and land-use changes along the Eastern Escarpment of Wello, Ethiopia.
Norsk geografisk tidsskrift / Norwegian journal of geography, 65(1), pp. 42-53.
Oslo: Taylor & Francis
Hett, Cornelia; Heinimann, Andreas; Messerli, Peter
Spatial assessment of carbon stocks of living vegetation at the national level in Lao PDR.
Geografisk tidskrift - Danish journal of geography, 111(1), pp. 11-26.
København: Routledge; Taylor & Francis Group
Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs Martin
Kleinbauern als "Global Players" von morgen.
UniPress - Forschung und Wissenschaft an der Universität Bern(150), pp. 20-22.
Bern: Abteilung Kommunikation, Universität Bern
Hurni, Hans; Zimmermann, Anne; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Price, Martin; Thibault, Marlène
Mountain Research and Development, 31(1-4).
International Mountain Society
Kläy, Andreas; Heim, Thomas; Minsch, Jürg; Stauffacher, Michael; Zingerli, Claudia
Welche Forschung führt zu Innovationen für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung?
GAIA - ökologische Perspektiven für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft / ecological perspectives for science and society, 20(3), pp. 214-216.
München: Oekom Verlag
Desta, Gizaw; Hurni, Hans
Farmers' participatory soil erosion assessment and soil conservation improvement: application of local erosion indicators
Bern, Switzerland: ESAPP
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Future hunger emergencies likely if business as usual continues
(The current column).
Bonn, Deutschland: German Development Institute (GDI) / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Mixed blessings: Conservation agriculture as a means for adapting to climate variability and change (Unpublished)
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Promoting gender equality in responses to climate change: The case of Kenya
(Discussion Paper 5).
Bonn, Deutschland: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Resilience Indicators for Measuring Progress in Adaptation to Climate Change in Sub-Saharan African Agriculture (Unpublished).
The Third Lagos State Summit on Climate Change: Charting the Roadmap for Combating Climate Change in Nigeria.
Victoria Island, Lagos.
8.-10. February 2011.
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
A conceptual framework for analysing resilience in livelihoods-related social-ecological research (Unpublished).
Resilience 2011.
Pheonix, Arizona.
11.-16. March 2011.
Kaplan, Marcus; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Die Hungerkrise in Ostafrika: welche Rolle spielen der Klimawandel und die jahrelange Vernachlässigung der Landwirtschaft?
(Die aktuelle Kolumne).
Bonn, Deutschland: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
Oludhe, Christopher; Abiodun, Babatunde; Oguntunde, Philip; Ogallo, Laban; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
African climate change: past and future.
Addressing Climate Change Challenges in Africa: A Practical Guide Towards Sustainable Development (pp. 4-20).
Nairobi, Kenya: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Pauw, Pieter; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; van de Sand, Isabel; Kaplan, Marcus; Schraven, Benjamin
Anpassung an den Klimawandel: institutionelle und finanzielle Herausforderungen
(Policy Paper 35).
Bonn, Deutschland: Stiftung Entwicklung und Frieden (SEF)
Pauw, Pieter; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; van de Sand, Isabel; Kaplan, Marcus; Schraven, Benjamin
Climate Change Adaptation: Challenges in Institutionalization and Financing
(Policy Paper 35).
Bonn: Stiftung Entwicklung und Frieden (SEF)
Pauw, Pieter; Kaplan, Marcus; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Durban’s “African” climate summit: Adaptation in Africa
(The current column).
German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
Pauw, Pieter; Kaplan, Marcus; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Durbans „afrikanischer“ Klimagipfel – Anpassung in Afrika
(Die aktuelle Kolumne).
German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
Ruppel, Oliver; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Institutional legal and policy frameworks.
Addressing Climate Change Challenges in Africa: A Practical Guide Towards Sustainable Development (pp. 170-202).
Nairobi, Kenya: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Theesfeld, Insa; Schmidt, Oscar; Scheumann, Waltina; Herrfahrdt-Pähle, Elke; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Adapting agricultural water governance to climate change: Experiences from Germany, Spain and California
(Discussion Paper 6).
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
Adam, Yussuf; Kläy, Andreas; Affentranger, Lukas
“Se querem que façamos algo pela floresta tem que nos pagar”: As lógicas da participação dos camponeses nos Comités de Gestão dos Recursos Naturais nos distritos de Palma e Mocimboa da Praia em 2009: Relatório do trabalho de campo em Namiune, Nkonga e 5º Congresso, Maputo, Dezembro de 2010
Maputo, Mozambique: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Neubert, Susanne
Decentralised strategic grain reserves are needed to combat hunger crises
(The current column).
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
Koblowsky, Peter; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
(October 2010).
Institutional challenges to developing a Nigerian climate policy (Unpublished).
The 2010 Berlin Conference on the human dimensions of global environmental change: Social dimensions of environmental change and governance.
Berlin, Deutschland.
Mwambene, Pius; Mashingo, Mary; Mwakalile, Ignatius; Höggel, Udo
(October 2010).
Pastoral-Farmer conflicts over natural resources in the Lake Rukwa basin : Challenges facing policy makers in Tanzania (Unpublished).
5th All African Conference of Animal Production; Commercialization of Livestock Agriculture in Africa: Challenges and opportunities.
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Zimmermann, Anne; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Hurni, Hans
(September 2010).
MRD's role as a journal with a global community of peers and readers: Sound knowledge for local to global sustainable mountain development (Unpublished).
Perth II, Global Change and the World's Mountains Conference.
Perth, UK.
26.-30. September 2010.
Zimmermann, Anne; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Wachs, Theodore; Hurni, Hans
(September 2010).
Bringing results to fruition through publication: An analysis of a peer-reviewed, open access and context-focused journal's editorial practice.
td-conference: Implementation in Inter- and Transdisciplinary Research, Practice and Teaching.
Geneva, Switzerland.
15.-17. September 2010.
Hurni, Hans; Bantider, Amare; Zeleke, Gete; Yitaferu, Birru
Improving ecosystem services for food security in Ethiopia
(Evidence for Policy Series, Regional edition Horn of Africa 1).
Bern: NCCR North-South
Hurni, Hans
(January 2010).
Long-term effects of watershed management on surface runoff and sediment loss in the Ethiopian Highlands.
Conference on Water Resources in Ethiopia.
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
12.-16. January 2010.
Chasek, Pamela; Reed, Mark; Requier-Desjardins, Mélanie; Sperlich, Stefan; Stringer, Lindsay; Bachmann, Felicitas; Schwilch, Gudrun; Liniger, Hanspeter
Monitoring and Assessment of Desertification and Land Degradation: Knowledge Management, Institutions and Economics: White Paper of the DSD Working Group 3
(UNU Desertification Series 9).
Ontario, Canada: The United Nations University
Höggel, Udo
Climate Change as a Challenge to Soil and Land Management: Rewarding sustainable soil- and land management in the face of climate change (Unpublished).
Forum SLM.
Bern, Switzerland.
24. Juni 2010.
Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs Martin
Global Change and Sustainable Development: A Synthesis of Regional Experiences from Research Partnerships.
Perspectives / NCCR North-South: Vol. 5.
Bern, Schweiz: Geographica Bernensia
Hurni, Hans; Abate, Solomon; Bantider, Amare; Debele, Berhanu; Ludi, Eva; Portner, Brigitte; Yitaferu, Birru; Zeleke, Gete
Land degradation and sustainable land management in the Highlands of Ethiopia.
Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs
Global Change and Sustainable Development: A Synthesis of Regional Experiences from Research Partnerships. Perspectives / NCCR North-South: Vol. 5 (pp. 187-207).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Kiteme, Boniface P.; Obrist, Brigit; Kessy, Flora; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Misana, Salomé; Mvena, Zebedayo; Lelo, Francis; Wiesmann, Urs
Features of successful syndrome mitigation: Enhancing resilience and empowering the vulnerable in East Africa.
Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs
Global Change and Sustainable Development: A Synthesis of Regional Experiences from Research Partnerships. Perspectives / NCCR North-South: Vol. 5 (pp. 131-147).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Maselli, Daniel; Arynova, Nazgulmira; Ershova, Natalya; Ivanova, Natalya; Bilenko, Viktor; Liniger, Hanspeter
Managing water in a dynamic setting: The challenges of change in Central Asia.
Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs
Global Change and Sustainable Development: A Synthesis of Regional Experiences from Research Partnerships. Perspectives / NCCR North-South: Vol. 5 (pp. 223-239).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Wolfgramm, Bettina; Shigaeva, Jyldyz; Nekushoeva, Gulniso; Bonfoh, Bassirou; Breu, Thomas Michael; Liniger, Hanspeter; Maselli, Daniel
Kyrgyz and Tajik land use in transition: Challenges, responses and opportunities.
Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs
Global Change and Sustainable Development: A Synthesis of Regional Experiences from Research Partnerships. Perspectives / NCCR North-South: Vol. 5 (pp. 241-254).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Liniger, Hanspeter; Schwilch, Gudrun
Knowledge Management and Decision Support for Sustainable Land Management.
Tropentag 2010.
Zurich, Switzerland.
14.-16. September 2010.
Rakoto, Ratsimba Harifidy; Rajoelisaon, Gabrielle; Rakotondrasoa, L.O.; Eckert, Sandra; Hergarten, Christian; Ehrensperger, Albrecht
Dégradation des forêts et stock de carbone dans la biomasse épigée de la forêt dense humide de Manompana - Nord Est de Madagascar (Unpublished).
Technologies for Development, Tech4Dev International Conference.
Lausanne, Switzerland.
Bühlmann, Erik; Wolfgramm, Bettina; Maselli, Daniel; Hurni, Hans; Sanginov, Sanginboy; Liniger, Hanspeter
Geographic information system-based decision support for soil conservation planning in Tajikistan.
Journal of soil & water conservation, 65(3), pp. 151-159.
Ankeny, Iowa: Soil and Water Conservation Society
Ledermann, Thomas; Herweg, Karl Günter; Liniger, Hanspeter; Schneider, Flurina; Hurni, Hans; Prasuhn, Volker
Applying erosion damage mapping to asses and quantify off-site effects of soil erosion in Switzerland.
Land degradation & development, 21(4), pp. 353-366.
Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Ossés de Eicker, Margarita; Hischier, Roland; Kulay, Luiz Alexandre; Lehmann, Martin; Zah, Rainer; Hurni, Hans
The applicability of non-local LCI data for LCA.
Environmental impact assessment review, 30(3), pp. 192-199.
Amsterdam: Elsevier
Michel, Claudia; Heim, Eva; Herweg, Karl; Breu, Thomas
Exploring the effectiveness of development research with a monitoring and learning approach.
Knowledge management for development journal, 6(2), pp. 105-119.
Abingdon, UK: Routledge, Taylor & Francis
Kohler, Thomas; Giger, Markus; Hurni, Hans; Ott, Cordula; Wiesmann, Urs; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Maselli, Daniel
Mountains and Climate Change: A Global Concern.
Mountain Research and Development, 30(1), pp. 53-55.
Boulder, Colo.: International Mountain Society
Hurni, Hans; Wachs, Ted; Zimmermann, Anne; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Price, Martin; Thibault, Marlène
Mountain Research and Development, 30(1-4).
International Mountain Society
Weingartner, Rolf; Herweg, Karl; Liniger, Hanspeter; Rist, Stephan; Schädler, Bruno; Graefe, Olivier; Hoelzle, Martin; Reynard, Emmanuel
Water scarcity in inner-Alpine regions - options for sustainable water use in the region Crans-Montana-Sierre (Valais canton).
Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung, 54(4), pp. 251-252.
Koblenz: Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde
Heim, Eva Maria; Michel, Claudia; Zimmermann, Anne; Breu, Thomas; Messerli, Peter; Herweg, Karl; Salmi, Annika
Partnership Actions for Mitigating Syndromes (PAMS): Experience with a transdisciplinary tool in the NCCR North-South programme (Unpublished).
Transdisciplinarity Net Conference.
Geneva, Switzerland.
15.-17. September 2010.
de Eicker, Margarita Osses; Hischier, Roland; Hurni, Hans; Zah, Roland
Using non-local databases for the environmental assessment of industrial activities. The case of Latin America.
Environmental impact assessment review, 30(3), pp. 145-157.
Amsterdam: Elsevier
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Kiteme, Boniface; Ambenje, Peter; Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Makali, Samuel
Indigenous knowledge related to climate variability and change: insights from droughts in semi-arid areas of former Makueni District, Kenya.
Climatic change, 100(2), pp. 295-315.
Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands
Hagmann, Tobias; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
European Journal of Development Research: New Avenues for Pastoral Development in sub-Saharan Africa.
European Journal of Development Research: Vol. 22.
Basingstoke, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan
Gabathuler, Ernst; Bachmann, Felicitas; Kläy, Andreas; Giger, Markus
Reshaping Rural Extension: Learning for Sustainability (LforS): An Integrative and Learning-Based Advisory Approach for Rural Extension (Unpublished).
First Intercontinental Meeting of the Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services.
Viña del Mar, Chile.
Giger, Markus; Kläy, Andreas; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Messerli, Peter
Competence-Mapping CDE : Resultate einer Umfrage im Herbst 2009 (Unpublished)
Bern: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Herweg, Karl Günter; Rist, Stephan; Liniger, Hanspeter; Prasuhn, Volker; Schneider, Flurina; Ledermann, Thomas; Fry, Patricia; Zimmermann, Anne; Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs Martin
Transdisciplinarity – An Option for Applied Landscape Ecology in Complex and Uncertain Contexts.
Erde, 141, pp. 321-339.
Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin
Hett, Cornelia; Hurni, Kaspar; Heinimann, Andreas; Mueller, Daniel
Assessing landscape changes in Laos using MODIS Enhanced Vegetation Index (Unpublished).
Integrated Training and Capitalising on Experience (ITC).
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Resilient Adaptation to Climate Change in African Agriculture.
Studies / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik: Vol. 54.
Bonn: Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) / German Development Institute (GDI)
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Drought coping and adaptation strategies: Understanding adaptations to climate change in agro-pastoral livestock production in Makueni district, Kenya.
European Journal of Development Research, 22(5), pp. 623-642.
Palgrave Macmillan
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Flood disaster risk management and humanitarian interventions in the Zambezi river basin: Implications for adaptation to climate change.
Climate and Development, 2(2), pp. 176-190.
Taylor & Francis
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Ayiemba, Elias; Gimbage, Mbeyale; Ludi, Eva; Onganyi, Paul; Mwamfupe, Davis
Strengthening policies and institutions to support adaptation to climate variability and change in the drylands of East Africa.
Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs
Global Change and Sustainable Development: A Synthesis of Regional Experiences from Research Partnerships. Perspectives / NCCR North-South: Vol. 5 (pp. 107-130).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Miron, Schmude; Schmole, Hannah
"Mainstreaming Adaptation" in der deutschen EZ Ansätze, Erfahrungen, Schlussfolgerungen (Unpublished).
Bericht zum DIE-Fachgespräch.
Bonn, Deutschland.
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Neubert, Susanne
Dezentrale strategische Getreidereserven sind erforderlich zur Bekämpfung von Hungerkrisen
(Die aktuelle Kolumne).
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; van de Sand, Isabel
Can the rural economy deliver ecosystem services?
CAB Reviews, 5(031), pp. 1-16.
CAB International
Mshelia, Huzi; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Damian, Ihedioha; Peter, Ritchie
Establishing a low emission development strategy in Nigeria
Schwilch, Gudrun; Hauert, Christine; Liniger, Hanspeter; Bunning, Sally
Coping with degradation through SLWM: SOLAW Background Thematic Report - TR12
Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Wren, Susie; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
The struggle to diversify rural livelihoods: Bio-enterprise development initiatives and their impacts on agro-/pastoral communities in the drylands of Kenya.
European Journal of Development Research, 22(5), pp. 751-769.
Palgrave Macmillan
Hurni, Hans
(11 October 2009).
Gemeinsam gegen den Hunger.
Programm Hörmal Radio RaBe.
Hurni, Hans; Osman-Elasha, Balgis; Giger, Markus; Klaey, Andreas; Ott, Cordula; Hoeggel, Udo; Rist, Stephan; Portner, Brigitte
Context, conceptual framework and sustainability indicators.
McIntyre, Beverly D.; Herren, Hans; Wakhungu, Judi; Watson, Robert T.
Agriculture at a Crossroads: Global Report. International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (pp. 1-56).
Washington: Island Press
Hurni, Hans; Wachs, Ted; Zimmermann, Anne; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Price, Martin; Thibault, Marlène
Mountain Research and Development, 29(1-4).
International Mountain Society
Kläy, Andreas; Ott, Cordula
The efficiency of simplicity. A comprehensive evolutionary perception of the earth can help to improve the management of subsystems: Transforming institutions to managing a carbon constrained world.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 6(22), p. 222002. Copenhagen, Denmark: IOP Publishing
Gessesse, Gizaw D.; Klik, Andreas; Hurni, Hans
Assessment of soil erosion and soil conservation practices in Angereb watershed, Ethiopia: Technological and land user context.
Biophysical and socio-economic frame conditions for the sustainable management of natural resources: Book of abstracts, p. 52. Witzenhausen, Deutschland: DITSL
Hurni, Hans; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Zimmermann, Anne; Wachs, Theodore
Mountain Research and Development, 29(1), pp. 3-4.
Boulder, Colo.: International Mountain Society
Neubert, Susanne; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Ökologische Landwirtschaft als Anpassungsstrategie?
Ludwig, Sabine; Wilhelm, Jürgen
Klimawandel und Entwicklungspolitik (pp. 135-146).
Dienheim: Iatros Verlag
Hurni, Hans
Climate change and development (Unpublished).
Klimakurs Rüttihubelbad.
Walkringen, Schweiz.
Hurni, Hans
Conserving land: a luxury in face of global challenges? (Unpublished).
International Conference "Land Conservation" - LANDCON 0905.
Tara Mountains, Serbia.
Hurni, Hans
Energie, Nahrungssicherheit und Globaler Wandel (Unpublished).
NATUR Kongress 4/09: Workshop "Wie bringen wir die Energie für 9 Mia. Menschen auf den Teller?".
Basel, Schweiz.
Hurni, Hans
Food security and natural resource use (Unpublished).
Biofuels and Food Security. ThinkTank SDC.
Bern, Switzerland.
Hurni, Hans
Gibt es eine Nische in der globalen Landwirtschaft? (Unpublished).
Neue Bauernkoordination Schweiz.
Gossau, Schweiz.
Hurni, Hans
Landwirtschaft, die Zukunft schafft (Unpublished).
Kulturkommission Agensteinhaus.
Erlenbach, Schweiz.
Hurni, Hans
Schweizerische Entwicklung der partnerschaftlichen Forschung für Entwicklungsländer. Die Schnittstelle der Forschung mit der Umsetzung in Politik und Praxis (Unpublished).
Water Policy of the Future - What can we learn from 30 years of experience?: Honorary Symposium for Ueli Bundi and Roland Schertenleib.
Dübendorf, Schweiz.
Hurni, Hans; Giger, Markus
Welche Zukunft für die ländliche Entwicklung und den Kleinbauernsektor in Entwicklungsländern? (Unpublished).
Zürich, Schweiz.
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Kiteme, Boniface; Opondo, Maurice
Adapting public agricultural extension services to climate change: Insights from Kenya (Unpublished).
Amsterdam Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change.
Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Kläy, Andreas; Ott, Cordula
Innovation für eine bessere Zukunft: Die Nicht-Nachhaltigkeit der Schweiz erfordert ein Umdenken.
Umwelt Perspektiven, 2009(3), p. 3.
Zingerli, Claudia; Fry, Patricia; Bachmann, Felicitas; Flury, Manuel; Förster, Ruth; Kläy, Andreas; Küffer, Christoph
Kommunikationskompetenz: Eine Bedingung für erfolgreichen Wissensaustausch.
GAIA - ökologische Perspektiven für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft / ecological perspectives for science and society, 18(3), pp. 264-266.
Oekom Verlag
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Navigating gender equality between the tradition and the modern.
Feministisches Geo-RundMail(40), pp. 5-7.
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; van de Sand, Isabel; Bourgin, Cécil; Schmude, Miron
Anpassung an den Klimawandel in Afrika: Erfahrungen, Herausforderungen und Chancen
Bonn, Deutschland: Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
Portner, Brigitte; Salmi, Annika; Kläy, Andreas; Kakridi Enz, Fani; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Ehrensperger, Albrecht
Bioenergy for the poor: Two sides of a coin
(InfoResources Focus 3/09).
Zollikofen, Switzerland: InfoResources
Gitonga, J.L.; Ngeru, J.N.; Liniger, Hanspeter
Impacts of Conservation Tillage on Soil Water and Crop Production - A case Study in the Northwest Footslopes of Mount Kenya.
Goddard, Tom; Zoebisch, Michael A.; Gan, Yantai; Ellis, Wyn; Watson, Alex; Sombatpanit, Samran
No-Till Farming Systems. Special Publication: Vol. 3 (pp. 373-382).
Bangkok: World Association of Soil and Water Conservation
Wallner, Astrid; Rist, Stephan; Liechti, Karina; Wiesmann, Urs Martin
Protection: A Means for Sustainable Development? The Case of the Jungfrau-Aletsch-Bietschhorn World Heritage Site in Switzerland.
Galvin, Marc; Haller, Tobias
People, Protected Areas and Global Change: Participatory Conservation in Latin America, Africa, Asia and Europe. Perspectives of the NCCR North-South: Vol. 3 (pp. 471-504).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Fry, Patricia; Bachmann, Felicitas; Bose, Lisa; Flury, Manuel; Förster, Ruth; Kläy, Andreas; Küffer, Christoph; Zingerli, Claudia
Von implizitem Know-how zu expliziten Thesen Inter- und transdisziplinärer Wissensaustausch.
GAIA - ökologische Perspektiven für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft / ecological perspectives for science and society, 17(3), pp. 318-320.
München: Oekom Verlag
Giger, Markus; Hurni, Hans; Portner, Brigitte; Scheidegger, Urs
Globale Landwirtschaft vor alten und neuen Herausforderungen.
GAIA - ökologische Perspektiven für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft / ecological perspectives for science and society, 17(3), pp. 280-286.
München: Oekom Verlag
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Kiteme, Boniface; Wiesmann, Urs Martin
Droughts and famines: The underlying factors and the causal links among agro-pastoral households in semi-arid Makueni district, Kenya.
Global environmental change, 18(1), pp. 220-233.
Amsterdam: Elsevier
Pohl, Christian; Rist, Stephan; Zimmermann, Anne; Fry, Patricia; Gurung, Ghana S.; Schneider, Flurina; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Kiteme, Boniface P.; Boillat, Sébastien; Serrano, Elvira; Hirsch Hadorn, Gertrude; Wiesmann, Urs
The Roles of Researchers in Co-producing Knowledge.
International Conference on Research for Development (ICRD 2008). Pre-conference Proceedings University of Bern, Switzerland, 2-4 July 2008. NCCR North-South Dialogue: Vol. 21 (p. 79).
Bern: CDE / NCCR North-South
Wolfgramm, Bettina; Liniger, Hanspeter; Hurni, Hans
An Efficient Approach for Monitoring Land Resources at a Regional Scale.
International Conference on Research for Development (ICRD 2008): Pre-conference Proceedings. NCCR North-South Dialogue: Vol. 21 (p. 70).
Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) and NCCR North-South
Zinsstag, Jakob; Tanner, Marcel; Hung, Nguyen-Viet; Obrist, Brigit; Cissé, Gueladio; Bonfoh, Bassiron; Schertenleib, Roland; Zurbrügg, Chris; Yitaferu, Birru; Bandtider, Amare; Hurni, Hans
A Comparative Assessment of Research Approaches for Sustainable Development: Towards an Integrated Methodology.
International Conference on Research for Development (ICRD 2008): Pre-conference Proceedings. NCCR North-South Dialogue: Vol. 21 (p. 86).
Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) and NCCR North-South
Schwilch, Gudrun; Bachmann, Felicitas; Liniger, Hanspeter; Gabathuler, Ernst
Decision support for effective implementation and up-scaling of SLM.
WOCAT Symposium "Promoting Sustainable Land Management for its Local and Global Impacts", 20 October 2008, Bern, Switzerland. Proceedings (p. 14).
Bern: CDE / NCCR North-South
Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Zimmermann, Anne; Hurni, Hans
Mountain Research and Development, 28(1), p. 3.
Boulder, Colo.: International Mountain Society
Birru, Yitaferu; Hurni, Hans
Pressure-State-Response in Land Resource Changes, Lake Tana Basin, Ethiopia.
International Conference on Research for Development (ICRD 2008) (p. 1).
NCCR North-South
Giger, Markus; Hurni, Hans
Armut, Klimawandel und nachhaltige Entwicklung: Herausforderungen für die globale Landwirtschaft (Unpublished).
Fränkische geographische Gesellschaft.
Erlangen, Germany.
Ossés de Eicker, Margarita; Zah, Rainer; Hurni, Hans
Estimating Emissions in Latin America: An Alternative to Traffic Models.
International Conference on Research for Development (ICRD 2008): Pre-conference Proceedings. NCCR North-South Dialogue: Vol. 21.
Bern, Switzerland: NCCR North-South
Kiteme, Boniface P.; Liniger, Hanspeter; Notter, Benedikt; Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Kohler, Thomas
Dimensions of Global Change in African Mountains: The Example of Mount Kenya.
IHDP Update, 2008(2), pp. 18-23.
IHDP International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change
Rist, Stephan; Herweg, Karl Günter; Giger, Markus
Erfahrungen aus der nachhaltigen Nutzung natürlicher Ressourcen im Nord-Süd-Kontext: Wissen gemeinsam erarbeiten.
Hotspots(17), pp. 22-25.
Forum Biodiversität Schweiz
Wolfgramm, Bettina; Hergarten, Christian; Schwilch, Gudrun; Liniger, Hanspeter
A systematized workflow for assessing land resources using readily available spatial datasets (Unpublished).
4th Workshop of the EARSeL / GISDECO 8.
Istanbul, Turkey.
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Kiteme, Boniface; Ogalleh, Sarah; Gwamzhi, Ringpon Joseph
Assessment of indigenous knowledge to improve resilience to environmental and climate change: Case studies from Kenya and Nigeria
Sydney, Australia: Climate Change Research Centre
Schwilch, Gudrun; Bachmann, Felicitas; Liniger, Hanspeter
Guidelines for WB3 Part III: Stakeholder workshop 2: Selection and decision on prevention and mitigation strategies to be implemented
(DESIRE report series 17).
Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Schwilch, Gudrun; Bachmann, Felicitas; Gabathuler, Ernst; Liniger, Hanspeter
A methodology for appraising and selecting strategies to mitigate desertification based on stakeholder participation and global best practices
Budapest, Hungary: Geographical Research Institute
Wolfgramm, Bettina; Gerber, Kurt; Hergarten, Christian
Capacity building in the use of geospatial tools for natural resource management in Tajikistan: Final Report
Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Wolfgramm, Bettina; Hergarten, Christian
Capacity building in the use of geospatial tools for natural resource management in Tajikistan: Inception report BNWPP project
Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Haslinger, Andrea; Breu, Thomas; Hurni, Hans; Maselli, Daniel
Opportunities and risks in reconciling conservation and development in a post-Soviet setting: The example of the Tajik National Park.
International journal of biodiversity science and management, 3(3), pp. 157-169.
London: Taylor & Francis
Heinimann, Andreas; Messerli, Peter; Schmidt-Vogt, Dietrich; Wiesmann, Urs
The Dynamics of Secondary Forest Landscapes in the Lower Mekong Basin: A Regional-Scale Analysis.
Mountain Research and Development, 27(3), pp. 232-241.
Boulder, Colo.: International Mountain Society
Hoeck, Tobias; Droux, Roman; Breu, Thomas; Hurni, Hans; Maselli, Daniel
Rural energy consumption and land degradation in a post-soviet setting:An example from the west Pamir mountains in Tajikistan.
Energy for sustainable development, 11(1), pp. 48-57.
Bangalore (India): International Energy Initiative
Prasuhn, Volker; Liniger, Hanspeter; Hurni, Hans; Friedli, Simon
Carte du risque d’érosion du sol en Suisse.
Agrarforschung, 14(3), pp. 120-127.
Bern: Bundesamt für Landwirtschaft
Prasuhn, Volker; Liniger, Hanspeter; Hurni, Hans; Friedli, Simon
Carte du risque d'érosion du sol en Suisse.
Revue de la Recherche agronomique Suisse, 14(3), pp. 120-127.
Wolfgramm, Bettina; Seiler, Bruno; Kneubühler, Mathias; Liniger, Hanspeter
Spatial Assessment of Erosion and its Impact on Soil Fertility in the Tajik Foothills.
EARSeL eProceedings, 6(1), pp. 12-25.
Liniger, Hanspeter; Critchley, William; Gurtner, Mats; Schwilch, Gudrun; Mekdaschi Studer, Rima
Where the land is greener: Case studies and analysis of soil and water conservation initiatives worldwide.
Wageningen et al.: World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies (WOCAT)
Ergashev, Murod; Nekushoeva, Gulniso; Wolfgramm, Bettina
Conversion of grazing land to fruit and fodder plots.
Liniger, Hanspeter; Critchley, William; Gurtner, Mats; Schwilch, Gudrun; Mekdaschi Studer, Rima
Where the land is greener: Case studies and analysis of soil and water conservation initiatives worldwide 2.2 (pp. 189-192).
Wageningen: World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies (WOCAT)
Hurni, Hans
Nachhaltige Entwicklung in Afrika: Globale Agenda und lokales Handeln.
Bearth, Thomas; Becker, Barbara; Kappel, Rolf; Krüger, Gesine; Pfister, Roger
Afrika im Wandel. Zürcher Hochschulforum: Vol. 40 (pp. 123-136).
Zürich: vdf Hochschulverlag
Sanginov, Sanginboy; Wolfgramm, Bettina
Orchard-based agroforestry.
Liniger, Hanspeter; Critchley, William; Gurtner, Mats; Schwilch, Gudrun; Mekdaschi Studer, Rima
Where the land is greener: Case studies and analysis of soil and water conservation initiatives worldwide 2.2 (pp. 197-200).
Wageningen, Netherlands: World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies (WOCAT)
Hurni, Hans
Challenges for sustainable rural development in Ethiopia
Addis Ababa, Äthiopien: University of Addis Abeba
Seiler, Bruno; Kneubühler, Mathias; Wolfgramm, Bettina; Itten, Klaus
Quantitative assessment of soil parameters in Western Tajikistan using a soil spectral library approach.
Proceedings of the ISPRS Working Group VII/1 Workshop ISPMSRS'07, XXXVI(7/C50), pp. 451-455. International Society for Photogrammery and Remote Sensing
Kläy, Andreas; Vasco Mutimucuio, Inocente
Testing the 'Learning for Sustainabiliy' Approach in a Training for Trainers: Contribution to new learning theory and approaches (Unpublished).
4th WEEC 2007.
Durban, South Africa.
Rist, Stephan; Chiddambaranathan, Mani; Escobar, Cesar; Kläy, Andreas; Wiesmann, Urs
The multidimensionality of social learning processes in sustainable natural resource use – insights form India, Africa and Latin America (Unpublished).
4th WEEC 2007.
Durban, South Africa.
Bachmann, Felicitas; Schwilch, Gudrun; Gabathuler, Ernst; Liniger, Hanspeter
Guidelines for WB3 Part I: Desertification and land degradation: Identification of existing and potential prevention and mitigation strategies
(DESIRE report series 6).
Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Hurni, Hans; Bantider, Amare; Herweg, Karl; Portner, Brigitte; Veit, Heinz
Landscape Transformation and Sustainable Development in Ethiopia: Background information for a study tour through Ethiopia, 4-20 September 2006
Bern, Switzerland: Geographisches Institut, Universität Bern
Schwilch, Gudrun; Bachmann, Felicitas; Liniger, Hanspeter
Guidelines for WB3 Part II: Assessment of conservation strategies
(DESIRE report series).
Bern, Switzerland: World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies (WOCAT)
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Wiesmann, Urs
Post-harvest management strategies, drought vulnerability and food security.
Risk 21 - Coping with Risks Due to Natural Hazards in the 21st Century: Proceedings of the RISK21 Workshop, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, 28 November - 3 December 2004, pp. 127-138. London: Taylor & Francis
Mitiku, Haile; Herweg, Karl; Stillhardt, Brigitta
Sustainable land management: A new approach to soil and water conservation in Ethiopia.
Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) and NCCR North-South
Hurni, Hans; Giger, Markus; Meyer, Konrad
Soils on the global agenda. Developing international mechanisms for sustainable land management.
Bern, Switzerland: Geographica Bernensia
Breu, Thomas
Spatial Environmental Risk Modelling in the Pamir-Alai Mountains: Application of a fuzzy-logic based GIS approach.
International Disaster Reduction Conference (IDRC). Proceedings.
Davos, Switzerland.
Liniger, Hanspeter; Schwilch, Gudrun; Hurni, Hans; Critchley, William
Soil and Water Conservation, Global Change, and the Millennium Development Goals: An Evaluation by WOCAT.
ISCO-14 Proceedings, [1-6]. International Soil Conservation Organization
Wolfgramm, Bettina; Seiler, Bruno; Guntli, David; Liniger, Hanspeter; Shepherd, Keith; Kneubühler, Mathias; Kellenberger, Tobias
Combining soil spectral reflectance data and satellite imagery to assess impacts of land use on soil fertility in Tajikistan.
Röder, Achim; Hill, Joachim
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Processing in the Assessment and Monitoring of Land Degradation and Desertification (pp. 611-617).
Trier: Remote Sensing Department, University Trier
Critchley, William; Liniger, Hanspeter
WOCAT: A framework for monitoring and evaluation of soil and water conservation initiatives.
De Graaf, Jan; Cameron, John; Sombatpanit, Samran; Pieri, Christian; Woodhill, Jim
Monitoring and evaluation of soil conservation and watershed development projects (pp. 477-491).
New Hampshire, USA: Science Publishers
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Gender-based analysis of vulnerability to drought among agro-pastoral households in semi-arid Makueni district, Kenya.
Premchander, Smita; Müller, Christine
Gender and Sustainable Development: Case Studies from NCCR North-South. Perspectives of the NCCR North-South: Vol. 2 (pp. 119-146).
Bern, Switzerland: Geographica Bernensia
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Competition for natural resources between unequal stakeholders: A case of the semi-arid areas in Makueni District, Kenya (Unpublished).
"Desertification and Global Change" by the Work Package on "Natural Resources in Sustainable Development".
Bern, Switzerland.
Premchander, Smita; Müller, Christine
Gender and Sustainable Development: Case Studies from NCCR North-South.
Perspectives / NCCR North-South: Vol. 2.
Bern, Schweiz: Geographica Bernensia
Breu, Thomas Michael; Maselli, Daniel; Hurni, Hans
Knowledge for sustainable development in the Tajik Pamir Mountains.
Mountain Research and Development, 25(2), pp. 139-146.
International Mountain Society
Hurni, Hans; Breu, Thomas Michael; Ludi, Eva; Portner, Brigitte
Der Tadschikische Pamir: Entwicklungsprobleme und Perspektiven einer Hochgebirgsregion in Zentralasien.
Geographische Rundschau, 56(10), pp. 60-65.
Messerli, Peter; Ludi, Eva; Hurni, Hans; Herweg, Karl Günter
Das Dilemma der Subsaharischen Subsistenzwirtschaft am Beispiel Äthiopiens.
Entwicklung und ländlicher Raum, 96(4), pp. 12-15.
Eschborn: Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit (GtZ)
Hurni, Hans; Egger, Paul; Reinhardt, Peter
Nachhaltige Bodennutzung in Entwicklungsländern: Fakten und Zusammenhänge, Lösungsansätze und Beispiele: Ergebnisse der Tagung vom 16.-17. November 1992 in Fribourg
(Berichte zu Entwicklung und Umwelt 7).
Bern, Schweiz: Institute of Geography
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