Final Theses
Master theses
We supervise master theses in the research area of the group or in topics in between geomorphology, meteorology, hydrology, and climate sciences. Currently we are interested in research questions regarding indirect effects of extreme events on economy and society. Methodologically, we focus on modelling (agent-based models, network analysis, impact models, coupled models) and data analysis.
If you are interested in a master thesis in these areas, please contact us via email. We are also happy to discuss students' own ideas for a master thesis and help to concretize them.
Open MSc theses
- Agent-based modelling of climate change adaptation measures in flood risk management
- Impact-oriented forecasting and early warning systems. From concepts to first applications
- Analysis of compound fluvial and pluvial flooding events in Switzerland
- Analysing spatiotemporal rainfall patterns over Switzerland with complex networks approaches
- Visualization of indirect effects of floods
Running MSc theses
- Corina Tanner: Impact-oriented forecasting and early warning systems
- Florence Hammer: Vulnerability of Campsites to natural hazards
- Sibilla Ernst: Object protection against natural hazards
- Alexis Rüeger: Évolution spatio-temporelle du risque d’inondation dans la vallée du Rhône (CH) de 1800 à 2020
- Dominik Gerber: The influence of 9 different flooding scenarios on the accessibility of food retailers in Switzerland
- Elias Frey: Vegetation changes in protection forests and their impact on natural hazard risk
- Andreas Engstermann: Feedback processes between climate change and riverbed erosio
Finished MSc theses
- Sarah Lanz (2023): Exposure and vulnerability of hydropower production facilities to natural hazards
- Vanessa Wyer (2023): Risikobasierte Priorisierung von Hochwasserschutzmassnahmen im Saastal VS
- Nadine Kohler (2023): Die Entwicklung des Waldes im Kanton Bern basierend auf der klimabedingten Verschiebung der Vegetationshöhenstufen. Eine partizipative Modellierung von Berner Waldstandorttypen für die Periode 2070 – 2099 (PDF)
- Michele Grindat (2023): Welchen Effekt haben unterschiedliche Alarmmethoden auf den Ausgang von Evakuierungen? Agentenbasierte Modellierung eines hochwassergefährdeten Gebiets in Kandersteg (PDF)
- Adriana Holzer (2023): Das Dammerhöhungs-Äquivalent zur Berückischtigung des Klimawandels im Hochwasserschutz
- Brigitta Schmid (2022): Analysing the potential for river widening in Swiss cities
- Martin Demierre (2022): Entwicklung eines Modellierungsansatzes zur Bestimmung der Sedimentvolumina bei Stauseeentleerungen
- Manuel Hügli (2021): Sensitivity analysis of micro-scale surface water flood loss modelling in urban area
- Dominik Ummel (2021): Kartierung der Schutzziele entlang der Hauptflüsse in der Schweiz
- Eva Ammann (2021): Modellierung des Beitrags von Parkplatzflächen zu den Schäden durch Oberflächenabfluss im städtischen Raum
- Ernst, Ella (2021): Entwicklung der Flussebene der Kleinen Emme von 1800 bis heute.
- Broghammer, Florian (2020): Sensitivity analysis of surface water flood simulations
- Lang, Marco (2020): Modellierung der Fischdurchgängigkeit von Fliessgewässern bei Niedrigwasserabflüssen (Analysis of the resilience of river habitats to hydrological change). Masterarbeit Marco Lang (PDF, 10.4 MB)
- Buri, Noemi: Monitoring water residence times for climate change impact analysis on hydropower plants in the Grimsel area, Canton of Bern
- Vogt, Dominik: Modelling topological relations between levee failures and flood-affected buildings with a complex networks approach
- Wyss, Kevin: Evaluation of a low-cost sensor network for monitoring water resources for hydropower generation in a high alpine environment. Perspectives of design and setup in the Grimsel area, Canton of Bern
- Guidotti, Andrea: On the processes and factors shaping the Norway spruce’s (Picea abies) forests in the Southern Swiss Alps.
Bachelor theses
- Topics for Bachelor theses are published at the begin of the semester in the research course. Alternatively, please contact us per email.
Running BSc theses
Finished BSc theses
- Eliane Deininger: The historical development of the exposure of the road network to floods in Eastern Switzerland
- Kristina Schluechter: The historical development of the exposure of the road network to floods in the Cantons FR and VS
- Lorenz Caliezi: The historical development of the exposure of the road network to floods in the Canton of BE
- Flurina Durisch: Development of a method for sediment transport monitoring
- Simon Bürki: Evaluation of flood protection measures during the floods 2021
- Meier, Maurus: Rekonstruktion des historischen Flusslaufs der Aare zwischen Brienzersee und Thunersee
- Ummel, Dominik: Berechnung der Wiederkehrperiode des bordvollen Abusses an beliebigen Punkten im Hauptgewassernetz der Schweiz