
Residency "Den Samen der Veränderung säen" - The EcoArtLab aims to use art to open up new perspectives on climate change.

The residency "Den Samen der Veränderung säen" at the mLAB and EcoArtLab examines climate change from an artistic perspective. Nora Gailer and Alisha Dutt Islam explore the temporal nature of living in climate-conflicted regions and address concepts such as abundance, scarcity, drought and flooding in relation to soil health. In an interview with BFH, they talk about their personal motivation and perspective on the project. Susan Thieme was also interviewed by SRF Regionaljournal Bern Freiburg Wallis about the exhibition at the Ballenberg Open-Air Museum.


New ASG thematic group Health & Wellbeing

Maaret Jokela-Pansini and Susan Thieme lead the new ASG thematic group "Health and Wellbeing". This brings together geography researchers to examine the factors that influence health and well-being and lead to inequalities. The group organizes workshops and events to promote the exchange and networking of experts in this field. Image: Dialog N

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Student Minds Network

The Student Minds Network connects student and youth organizations that campaign for mental health at universities on a national level. The University of Bern supports the project financially via U-Change and is a co-applicant through Prof. Dr. Susan Thieme.

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Transdisciplinary Research (TDR) Ringvorlesung

Prof. Dr. Susan Thieme with the lecture "Building Structures for TDR: Opportunities and Challenges" in the lecture series "Transdisciplinary Research. Its Nature and Value for Society".

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Susan Thieme with "Geographie im Gespräch" for the Geographische Gesellschaft Bern

Prof. Dr. Susan Thieme will moderate the discussion "Geography in Conversation" in the lecture series of the Geographical Society Bern on 14.11.2023 at 18.15 - 19.30 in the Alpine Museum of Switzerland.

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Lecture at Collegium generale by Prof. Dr. Susan Thieme and Luca Tschiderer

Prof. Dr Susan Thieme and Luca Tschiderer will hold an event on 15 November entitled "Breaking new ground: Local and international perspectives on work and sustainability in the health sector in Switzerland".

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Lecture by Luca Tschiderer for the Geographische Gesellschaft Bern

Luca Tschiderer in conversation with Dr Karina Liechti, Geographer, Centre for Development and Environment CDE at the University of Bern, on the topic "Von Gemeingütern zu einer nachhaltigen Gesellschaft der Zukunft?", moderated by Patrick Sieber from SECO.

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5th Global Science Filmfestival in Bern

In collaboration with the Swiss Science Film Academy, the mLab presents the 5th Global Science Film Festival on 28/29 October.

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New Publication

Prof. Dr. Susan Thieme with an article for the Almanach Entwicklungspolitik 2024 by Caritas

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Susan Thieme about identity at the Musikfestival Bern

Prof. Dr. Susan Thieme talks about the topic of identity with the composer Anda Kryeziu at the Music Festival Bern

Picture: Musikfestival Bern

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New Publication

New publication relating to Transdisciplinary Teaching and Care-Work by Prof Dr. Susan Thieme, Prof. Irene Vögeli, Mirko Winkel and Luca Tschiderer

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New Publication in GAIA

New publication published as part of an exciting special issue of GAIA on transdisciplinarity by Prof. Dr Susan Thieme and Prof. Dr Patricia Fry.

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Prize for Master's thesis

Eileen Schilliger wins the second SGAG-Price 2022 (Swiss Society for Applied Geography) for her Master Thesis with the title «Koproduktion von Wissen durch Film. Eine filmische Perspektive auf die Lebenswelten von Schafhirt*innen in der Schweiz»

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Student films "Narrating care-work"

As part of the course "Film and Geography," students produced various films on the topic of Work/Health/Care. The course was taught by Mirko Winkel, Luca Tschiderer, Susan Thieme, Irene Vögeli, Nora Longatti, Judith Weidmann, and Jana Thierfelder.

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Workshop "Creative Methods in Health Geographies"

Prof. Dr. Susan Thieme, Dr. Sarah Hartmann andLuca Tschiderer in Oxford at the Workshop "Creative Methods in Health Geographies", a collaboration between the School of Geography and the Environment, Oxford UK, as well as Critical Sustainability Studies and mLab, Institute of Geography at the University of Bern

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Installation "Spatial Narratives"

Spatial Narratives: The installation attends to the in/visibility of refugees in the public (healthcare system) and to their place in liminal space and reflects upon this through various modalities and media.

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Exhibition: Narrating care-work

Transdisciplinary Teaching Project between Geography and Artistic Practice

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Workshop with Dr. Rama Mani

Workshop "Our One Earth Home: An Embodied Journey of Transformation" with Dr. Rama Mani

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Filmscreening with Prof. Dr. Yvonne Riaño (Université de Neuchâtel)

Filmscreening "Weaving Threads Across Borders" with Prof. Dr. Yvonne Riaño (Université de Neuchâtel)

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New Research Project

New Research Project "EcoArtLab", an SNSF funded collaboration between the Institute for Practices and Theories of the Arts at the Bern Academy of the Arts HKB and our mLAB

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New Publication

New Publication by Susan Thieme and Thomas Schulte-Vels

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International Transdisciplinarity Conference ITD 2022

Mirko Winkel and Susan Thieme at the International Transdisciplinarity Conference ITD 2022

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Invitation to Workshop on 1 September

Invitation to workshop on Political Ecology in EE/CA

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New Publication

New Publication by Andrea Kölbel, Joanna Pfaff-Czarnecka and Susan Thieme

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