News and Events


Warm welcome to our two new PhD Students and goodbye to Jérôme Kopp

Welcome to our two new PhD students, Firdewsa and Margaret. Firdewas is joining us after completing her Master's degree at ETH Zurich. She will work on the project's impact-based warnings of surface water floods with the Mobiliar Lab for Natural Risks. Conversely, Margaret joins us after completing her Master's degree in applied statistics at Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada. Her focus is combining indirect hail information from rada, lightning data, hail reports from the public, and data from hail sensors. Her goal is to create a posteriori hail footprint map and visualize the results so they are interpretable for stakeholders. Furthermore, Jérôme Kopp passed his Devense and is leaving us for a position as Project Manager Wind & Ice at Meteotest AG. All the best, Jérôme!


Warm welcome to our new masterstudents

We welcome our new master's students, Sandro Beer, Marina Ganci, and Melina Abeling. Sando Beers investigates the underlying drivers behind supercell occurrence and intensity changes within the Alpine area. Marina is focussing on classifying Mediterranean cyclones based on the stationarity of their tracks and analyzing selected quasi-stationary ones for their large-scale drivers and surface impacts. Meanwhile, Melina is looking at the performance of the hail growth model HAILCAST.


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Sum up EGU24

Several group members presented their work at the European Geoscience Union (EGU) General Assembly 2024, which took place from 14-19 April on-site and online in Vienna.

Here are all the contributions :

Poster EGU24 Alice Portal (PDF, 1.1 MB)


Swiss Global Change Day 2024

Our master students, Nicolas Hartmann, and Sandro Beer, participated in the 24th Swiss Global Change Day (SGCD24) at Freies Gymnasium Bern on April 2, 2024. Nicolas was presenting his poster about characterizing heatwaves in the northern hemisphere, whereas Sandro's poster was about identifying drivers behind future changes in supercell occurrence in Europe.

Poster for the 24th Swiss Global Change Day from Nicolas Hartmann (PDF, 1.5 MB) Poster for the 24th Swiss Global Change Day from Sandro Beer (PDF, 206KB)


Warm welcome to our two sabbatical visitors from the the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Please join us in warmly welcoming our two esteemed sabbatical guests, Sonia Lasher-Trapp and Jeff Trapp, from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Both are distinguished professors in the Department of Climate, Meteorology, and Atmospheric Sciences. They will focus on crafting an event-level climate-change attribution methodology throughout their stay, drawing from the PGW climate modelling approach. Furthermore, they will showcase the practical application of this methodology through an analysis of a severe hailstorm event in Switzerland. We look forward to their valuable contributions during their stay with us. Please don't hesitate to ask if you have any inquiries or seek further information about their project.


Warm welcome to our new Masterstudent and goodbye to our former ones

We welcome our new climate sciences master's student, Sonia Flückiger. Her thesis will be about radar datasets and ground-based hail observation. On the other hand, three of our master's students passed their master's defence. Congratulations, Joas Müller, Stella Bērziņa and Andrea Angelidou! Joas and Stella are going to be PhD candidates at ETH Zurich. Andrea will do an internship. We wish you all the best for your future!


Warm welcome to our new PostDoc and master students

From the first of May 2023, three new members joined our research group. Monika Feldmann is starting as a PostDoc. Claudia Pusch and Nicolas Hartmann will write their master's thesis for our group. We wish you all a good start!


Warm welcome to our new PostDoc's and Scientific employee

In the last month our two new PostDoc's have started their research in our Unit. A warm welcome to Edgar Dolores and Alice Portal. Edgar is focussing on Atmospheric blocking in storm-resolving climate models and Alice project is about to contribute to the MEDCYCLONES COST action with a systematic climatological analysis linking multivariate hazards (compound events) to Mediterranean cyclones and to large-scale climate drivers. Severin Kaderli is joining us as a scientific employee. We wish you all a good start!


Goodbye and all the best

In January there are some personnel changes in our unit. Since December 2023, Dr Raphaël Rousseau-Rizzi, Dr Alexandre Tuel and Tamara Baumann have left us. Raphaël went back to Montreal for his research, and Alexandre is continuing his research in the US. Dr Maxi Böttcher and Michael Herrmann will leave us as of 1 March 2023. Maxi will start her new position at Kantonspolizei Zürich and Michael Hermann will start at MeteoSuisse in autumn 2023. We wish them all a good new start and all the best for the future!

The Colloquium in Climatology, Climate Impact, Remote Sensing and Geocomputation will again take place on-site and will also be broadcast online via Zoom

Zoom link:  Password: 742196

When:   Wednesday, 2:15 pm
Where (new from this semester on): seminar room F -123, Lerchenweg 36, 3012 Bern (Uni Tobler)

No colloquium on: 3 April (Easter holiday), 10 April (Swiss Global Change day), and 17 April (EGU Vienna).