Climate Impact Research

© O. Romppainen-Martius, D. Steinfeld, S. Trefalt

The main goal of the research within the Climate Impact Group is to further the understanding of the physical and dynamic processes that result in extreme weather events in Switzerland and to describe them statistically. We focus on wind storms, severe convection, hail, and heavy precipitation.

We are further interested in the statistical properties of extreme events, such as the frequency, amplitude, and co-occurrence of extremes, the spatial and temporal clustering of extremes, and the spatial extent.

Our mission statements:

  • We explore, characterize, and quantify the dynamics and processes leading to mesoscale and synoptic-scale high-impact weather and study how these events change in a warmer climate.
  • We provide climatological information on high-impact weather events in Switzerland; this includes pertinent statistical properties.
  • Our analyses provide the basis for developing new forecasting and forecasting products.
  • Our results are shared with the scientific community through specialized journal articles and with the general public via public lectures and press articles.


We closely collaborate with the Mobiliar Lab for Natural Risks.

Final Thesis

We offer (bachelor's) master's thesis topics in atmospheric dynamics, weather systems, and extreme weather events. The master theses are usually carried out within one year. The folder ' Final Thesis ' lists an overview of this year's topics.



University of Bern | Institute of Geography | Climate Impacts | Hallerstrasse 12 | CH-3012 Bern

junior assistent: lara.zinkl [at]