Final theses (Bsc theses or Msc theses)

Foto: Daria Lehmann

Examples of past works:


Selected past final theses (Bsc, Msc) are available on:

Interested in a Bsc thesis or Msc thesis in the hydrology group?

Bsc: Visit our Forschungspraktikum in the first week of each semester (fall and spring semesters).

Msc: Possible Master's thesis topics, within the Hydrology Group or in collaboration with external partners (from academia, the private sector and administration), can be found in the following links.
In any case, please contact the GIUB staff first (and not the external partners directly).

Master Thesis in Hydrology




Master Thesis in Hydrological Modelling in High-Mountain Catchments

contact: Justine Berg (



Master Thesis in Hydrolgical Modelling




Master Thesis in Hydrology


Are you interested in getting your hands wet and diving into hydrological process research?
These master projects span a variety of approaches, including field-based studies (e.g., forest hydrology, stable isotope gradients or tree-water use), electronics lab work (e.g., designing sap-flow sensors or “smart rocks”), classic lab research (e.g., stable isotopes of water, geochemical tracers), and literature-based analyses (e.g., environmental DNA or traditional hydrological knowledge). A good project will speak and should be adapted to your specific interests, commitment level  (30 or 60 ECTS) and might even integrate hands-on learning into your academic work.   These topics are continually changing and evolving so far the most uptodate information, please schedule an appointment. All process research will contribute to cutting-edge hydrological research.