Publications and other deliverables:
Special Issue on “Social-Ecological changes and transformation to Sustainability in Coastal Areas" - Science of the Total Environment
Elsevier's "Science of the Total Environment" (IF=5.58), has agreed to publish a special issue on social-ecological changes and transformation to sustainability in coastal areas. All manuscript submissions are subject to initial appraisal by the Guest Editors and if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees.
Humanity has entered a new phase of sustainability challenges arising from anthropogenic activities that increasingly influence earth’s climate and ecosystems. In this context, we are confronted with sustainably transforming our current systems to meet basic human needs for all, while ensuring environmental sustainability for future generations.
Coastal areas, where approximately 40% of global population lives within 100 km of the shore, are experiencing particularly acute sustainability challenges arising from shifting boundary conditions in both human and ecological domains. This includes salinization of coastal farmland, deforestation of mangroves, and rapid urbanization within coastal floodplains, among others.
Achieving long-term and sustainable societal transformation requires understanding human-nature interactions at both historical and contemporary time scales. The concept of social-ecological change as viewed through the lens of social-ecological systems (SES) research offers new theory, empirical methods, and insights through which human-nature interactions can be better understood. The objective of this special issue is to advance understanding of the social-ecological changes and transformation to sustainability in coastal areas through SES approaches and related analytical methods.
Scope and Potential Topics
We invite original research article, reviews, communication paper including, but not limited to, the following themes:
- Long-term trends, and transitions in interactions between coastal SES
- Spatial heterogeneity of social-ecological changes and sustainability
- Models for coastal social-ecological transformation to sustainability
- Quantitative (e.g. modelling, remote sensing) and qualitative (e.g. community perception, social networks) approaches for assessing coastal social - ecological changes and transformation to sustainability
- Sustainable management of land, water, and agricultural systems, as well as sustainable livelihoods and wellbeing in coastal areas
- Management and governance of social-ecological changes and transformation to sustainability in coastal zones
The number of expected papers to be published in this Special Issue: 10-15. The final selection of papers will be based on scientific quality of the papers through the peer review process according to the guideline of STOTEN.
Guest editors
Name: Dr. Md. Sarwar Hossain
Affiliation: Institute of Geography, University of Bern, Switzerland
Interests: Social-ecological systems analysis and modelling, system dynamics modelling, ecosystem services and human well-being, boundaries (e.g. safe and just operating space, tipping point) for sustainable development, coastal management, risk and resilience of social-ecological systems.
Name: Dr. Animesh K. Gain
Affiliation: Environmental Policy and Planning Group, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA
Interests: Social-ecological system; coastal management; water resources management
Name: Dr. Kimberly G. Rogers
Affiliation: Coastal Studies Institute, Department of Coastal Studies, East Carolina University, USA
Interests: Coupled human-natural systems; coastal hazards related to global change and anthropogenic processes; environmental governance; social-ecological-technical systems
Name: Prof. Chinwe Ifejika Speranza
Affiliation: Institute of Geography, University of Bern, Switzerland
Interests: Sustainable Land Management, Land use and land cover analysis, Climate variability and climate change adaptation and mitigation, Ecosystem services / natural resources, Social-ecological resilience, Environmental performance, Environmental justice, Environmental stewardship / Environmental policy, Conceptual and methodological development
Submission deadline: November 30, 2019