Gubler, M., Brügger, A., Eyer, M. (2019): Adolescents’ Perceptions of the Psychological Distance to Climate Change, Its Relevance for Building Concern About It, and the Potential for Education. Climate Change and the Role of Education. Climate Change Management (S. 129-147). Cham: Springer 10.1007/978-3-030-32898-6_8
Brönnimann, S., R. Allan, L. Ashcroft, S. Baer, M. Barriendos, R. Brázdil, Y. Brugnara, M. Brunet, M. Brunetti, B. Chimani, R. Cornes, F. Domínguez-Castro, J. Filipiak, D. Founda, R. García Herrera, J. Gergis, S. Grab, L. Hannak, H. Huhtamaa, K. S. Jacobsen, P. Jones, S. Jourdain, A. Kiss, K. E. Lin, A. Lorrey, E. Lundstad, J. Luterbacher, F. Mauelshagen, M. Maugeri, N. Maughan, A. Moberg, R. Neukom, S. Nicholson, S. Noone, Ø. Nordli, K. B. Ólafsdóttir, P. R. Pearce, L. Pfister, K. Pribyl, R. Przybylak, C. Pudmenzky, D. Rasol, D. Reichenbach, L. Řezníčková, F. S. Rodrigo, R. Rohde, C. Rohr, O. Skrynyk, V. Slonosky, P. Thorne, M. A. Valente, J. M. Vaquero, N. E. Westcottt, F. Williamson, and P. Wyszyński (2019): Unlocking pre-1850 instrumental meteorological records - A global inventory. Bull. Amer. Meteorol. Soc. 100, ES389–ES413. doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0040.1
Hegerl, G. C., Brönnimann, S., Cowan, T., Friedman, A. R., Hawkins, E., Iles, C., Müller, W., Schurer, A., and Undorf, S. (2019): Causes of climate change over the historical record. Environmental Research Letters 14, 123006. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/ab4557
Brugnara, Y., Good, E., Squintu, A. A., Schrier, G. and Brönnimann, S. (2019): The EUSTACE global land station daily air temperature dataset. Geoscience Data Journal, 6(2), S. 189-204. Royal Meteorological Society, doi: 10.1002/gdj3.81
Brönnimann, S. (2019): Climate of the free troposphere and mountain peaks. Oxford Encyclopedia of Climate Change (accepted).
Schurer, A. P., Hegerl, G. C., Luterbacher, J., Brönnimann, S., Cowan, T., Tett, S., Zanchettin, D., and Timmreck, C. (2019): Disentangling the causes of the European year without a Summer of 1816. Environmental Research Letters, 14, 094019. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/ab3a10
Zamuriano, M., Froidevaux, P., Moreno, I., Vuille, M., and Brönnimann, S. (2019): Synoptic and Mesoscale atmospheric features associated with an extreme Snowstorm over the Central Andes in August 2013. Nat Haz. Earth Sys. Sci. Disc., doi:10.5194/nhess-2019-286
Pfister, L., Brönnimann, S., Schwander, M., Isotta, F. A., Horton, P., and Rohr, C. (2019): Statistical Reconstruction of Daily Precipitation and Temperature Fields in Switzerland back to 1864. Clim. Past Disc., doi:10.5194/cp-2019-124
Brönnimann, S. (2019): Der Ausbruch des Tambora und das „Jahr ohne Sommer“ 1816 – The Tambora eruption and the “Year Without a Summer” of 1816. Deutsche Meteorologische Gesellschaft DMG (Eds.) Meteorologischer Kalender 2020: Wetter, Klima, Vulkane Klima.
Brugnara, Y., Auchmann, R., Rutishauser, T., Gehrig, R., Pietragalla, B., Begert, M., Sigg, C., Knechtl, V., Konzelmann, T., Calpini, B., and Brönnimann, S. (2019): Homogeneity Assessment of Phenological Records from the Swiss Phenology Network. International Journal of Biometeorology, doi:10.1007/s00484-019-01794-y
Brönnimann, S., Franke J., Nussbaumer S. U., Zumbühl H. J., Steiner D., Trachsel M., Hegerl G. C., Schurer A., Worni M., Malik A., Flückiger J., and Raible C. C. (2019): Last phase of the Little Ice Age forced by volcanic eruptions. Nature Geoscience, 12, 650-656. doi:10.1038/s41561-019-0402-y
Neukom R., Barboza L. A., Erb M. P., Shi F., Emile-Geay J., Evans M. N., Franke J., Kaufman D., Lücke L., Rehfeld K., Schurer A., Valler V., Zhu F., Brönnimann S., Hakim G. J., Henley B. J., Ljungqvist F. C., McKay N., and von Gunten L. (2019): Consistent multidecadal variability in global temperature reconstructions and simulations over the Common Era. Nature Geoscience, 12, 643-649. doi:10.1038/s41561-019-0400-0
Hemming D. L., Garforth J., Park T., Richardson A. D., Rutishauser T., Sparks T. H., Thackeray S. J., and Myneni R. (2019): Phenology of primary producers, State of the Climate in 2018. Chapter 2: Global Climate, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.
Rutishauser, T., Jeanneret, F., Brügger, R., Brugnara, Y., Röthlisberger, C., Bernasconi, A., Bangerter, P., Portenier, C., Villiger, L., Lehmann, D., Meyer, L., Messerli, B., and Brönnimann, S. (2019): The BernClim plant phenological data set from the canton of Bern (Switzerland) 1970–2018. Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 11, 1645–1654, doi:10.5194/essd-11-1645-2019
Slivinski, L. C., Compo G. P., Whitaker J. S., Sardeshmukh P. D., Giese B., McColl C., Brohan P., Allan R., Yin X., Vose R., Titchner H., Kennedy J., Rayner N., Spencer L. J., Ashcroft L., Brönnimann S., Brunet M., Camuffo D., Cornes R., Cram T. A., Crouthamel R., Domínguez-Castro F., Freeman J. E., Gergis J., Hawkins E., Jones P. D., Jourdain S., Kaplan A., Kubota H., Le Blancq F., Lee T. C., Lorrey A., Luterbacher J., Maugeri M., Mock C. J., Kent Moore G. W., Przybylak R., Pudmenzky C., Reason C., Slonosky V. C., Smith C., Tinz B., Trewin B., Valente M. A., Wang X. L., Wilkinson C., Wood K., and Wyszynski P. (2019): Towards a more reliable historical reanalysis: Improvements for version 3 of the Twentieth Century Reanalysis system. Q J R Meteorol Soc. 2019, 145, 2876– 2908. doi:10.1002/qj.3598
Brugnara, Y, and Maugeri, M. (2019): Daily precipitation variability in the southern Alps since the late 19th century. Int J Climatol. 2019; 39: 3492– 3504. doi:10.1002/joc.6034
Martius, O., Brönnimann, S., and Scherrer, S. (2019): Standpunkt: Schweizer Städte im Klima der Zukunft. focus 3/19, Schweizer Städteverband, p. 1.
Brönnimann, S. (2019): Meinung: Klimawandel: Was erwartet uns? WOHNEN, Juni 2019, p. 11.
Brönnimann, S. (2019): Dem Empiriker über die Schulter geschaut. Messen, Sammeln, Ordnen, Darstellen: Humboldts Umgang mit Klimadaten. GeoAgenda 2019/2, 22-25.
Brönnimann, S., Stucki, P., and Zischg, A. (2019): Simulation des Hochwassers von 1868 und Lehren für die Zukunft. Lernen aus Extremereignissen. Forum für Wissen 2019, Heft 78, WSL Birmensdorf, pp. 13-20.
Graf, M., Scherrer, S. C., Schwierz, C., Begert, M., Martius, O., Raible, C. C., and Brönnimann, S. (2019): Near‐surface mean wind in Switzerland: Climatology, climate model evaluation and future scenarios. Int J Climatol. 2019, 39, 4798– 4810. doi:10.1002/joc.6108
Fessehaye, M., Brugnara, Y., Savage, M. J., and Brönnimann, S. (2019): A note on air temperature and precipitation variability and extremes over Asmara: 1914–2015. International Journal of Climatology, doi:10.1002/joc.6134
Rohrer, M., Brönnimann, S., Martius, O., Raible, C. C., and Wild, M. (2019): Decadal variations of blocking and storm tracks in centennial reanalyses. Tellus A, 71, 1586236, doi:10.1080/16000870.2019.1586236
Lenggenhager, S., Croci-Maspoli, M., Brönnimann, S., and Martius, O. (2019): On the dynamical coupling between atmospheric blocks and heavy precipitation events: A discussion of the southern Alpine flood in October 2000. Q. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc. 145, 530–545, doi:10.1002/qj.3449
Pfister, L., Hupfer, F., Brugnara, Y., Munz, L., Villiger, L., Meyer, L., Schwander, M., Isotta, F. A., Rohr, C., and Brönnimann, S. (2019): Swiss Early Instrumental Meteorological Measurements. Climate of the Past 15, 1345-1361, doi:10.5194/cp-15-1345-2019
Imfeld, N., Barreto Schuler, C., Milagros Correa Marrou, K., Sedlmeier, K., Gubler, S., Jacques-Coper, M., and Brönnimann, S. (2019): Summertime precipitation deficits in the Peruvian Highlands since 1964. Int. J. Climatol., doi:10.1002/joc.6087, accepted
Zamuriano, M., Martynov, A., Panziera, L., and Brönnimann, S. (2019): Characteristics of a Hailstorm over the Andean La Paz Valley. Nat Haz. Earth Sys. Sci., doi:10.5194/nhess-2019-27, in review
Brönnimann, S., Frigerio, L., Schwander, M., Rohrer, M., Stucki, P., and Franke, J. (2019): Causes for increased flood frequency in central Europe in the 19th century. Climate of the Past, 15, 1395–1409, doi:10.5194/cp-15-1395-2019
Burgdorf, A.-M., Brönnimann, S. and Franke, J. (2019): Two types of North American droughts related to different atmospheric circulation patterns. Climate of the Past, 15(6), 2053–2065, doi:10.5194/cp-15-2053-2019
Labbé, T., Pfister, C., Brönnimann, S., Rousseau, D., Franke, J., and Bois, B. (2019): The longest homogeneous series of grape harvest dates. Beaune 1354–2018, and its significance for the understanding of past and present climate, Clim. Past., 15, 1485-1501, doi:10.5194/cp-15-1485-2019
Malik, A., Nowack, P. J., Haigh, J. D., Cao, L., Atique, L., and Plancherel, Y. (2019): Tropical Pacific Climate Variability under Solar Geoengineering: Impacts on ENSO Extremes, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., doi:10.5194/acp-2018-1312, in review
Valler, V., Franke, J., and Brönnimann, S. (2019): Impact of different estimations of the background-error covariance matrix on climate reconstructions based on data assimilation. Clim. Past, 15, 1427-1441, doi:10.5194/cp-15-1427-2019
Brönnimann, S., and Wintzer, J. (2019): Climate Data Empathy. WIREs Climate Change, 10, e559, doi:10.1002/wcc.559
Squintu, A.A., van der Schrier, G., Brugnara, Y., and Klein Tank, A. (2019): Homogenization of daily temperature series in the European Climate Assessment & Dataset. Int J Climatol., 39, 1243– 1261. doi:10.1002/joc.5874
Delaygue, G., Brönnimann, S., Jones, P., Blanchet, J., and Schwander, M. (2019): Reconstruction of Lamb weather type series back to the 18th century. Clim. Dyn., 52, 6131-6148. doi:10.1007/s00382-018-4506-7
Brönnimann, S., Martius, O., Rohr, C., Bresch, D.N., and Kuan‐Hui, L.E. (2019): Historical weather data for climate risk assessment. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1436, 121-137, doi:10.1111/nyas.13966
Oberlack, C., Boillat, S., Brönnimann, S., Gerber, J.-D., Heinimann, A., Messerli, P., Rist, S., Ifejika Speranza, C., and Wiesmann, U. (2018): Polycentric governance in telecoupled resource systems. Ecology & Society, 23(10), 16, doi:10.5751/ES-09902-230116
Horton, P., and Brönnimann, S. (2019): Impact of global atmospheric reanalyses on statistical precipitation downscaling. Climate Dynamics, 52, 5189-5211. doi:10.1007/s00382-018-4442-6
Gubler, M., Brügger, A., Eyer, M. (2019) Adolescents’ Perceptions of the Psychological Distance to Climate Change, Its Relevance for Building Concern About It, and the Potential for Education. In: Climate Change and the Role of Education. Climate Change Management (S. 129-147). Cham: Springer 10.1007/978-3-030-32898-6_8
Brönnimann, S., R. Allan, L. Ashcroft, S. Baer, M. Barriendos, R. Brázdil, Y. Brugnara, M. Brunet, M. Brunetti, B. Chimani, R. Cornes, F. Domínguez-Castro, J. Filipiak, D. Founda, R. García Herrera, J. Gergis, S. Grab, L. Hannak, H. Huhtamaa, K. S. Jacobsen, P. Jones, S. Jourdain, A. Kiss, K. E. Lin, A. Lorrey, E. Lundstad, J. Luterbacher, F. Mauelshagen, M. Maugeri, N. Maughan, A. Moberg, R. Neukom, S. Nicholson, S. Noone, Ø. Nordli, K. B. Ólafsdóttir, P. R. Pearce, L. Pfister, K. Pribyl, R. Przybylak, C. Pudmenzky, D. Rasol, D. Reichenbach, L. Řezníčková, F. S. Rodrigo, R. Rohde, C. Rohr, O. Skrynyk, V. Slonosky, P. Thorne, M. A. Valente, J. M. Vaquero, N. E. Westcottt, F. Williamson, P. Wyszyński (2019) Unlocking pre-1850 instrumental meteorological records: A global inventory. Bull. Amer. Meteorol. Soc. 100, ES389–ES413. doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0040.1
Hegerl, G. C., Brönnimann, S., Cowan, T., Friedman, A. R., Hawkins, E., Iles, C., Müller, W., Schurer, A., and Undorf, S. (2019) Causes of climate change over the historical record. Environmental Research Letters 14, 123006. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/ab4557
Horton, P., and S. Brönnimann (2019) Impact of global atmospheric reanalyses on statistical precipitation downscaling. Climate Dynamics, 52, 5189-5211. doi:10.1007/s00382-018-4442-6
Delaygue, G., Brönnimann, S., Jones, P., Blanchet, J., and Schwander, M. (2019) Reconstruction of Lamb weather type series back to the 18th century. Clim. Dyn., 52, 6131-6148. doi:10.1007/s00382-018-4506-7
Squintu, AA., van der Schrier, G., Brugnara, Y., and Klein Tank, A. (2019) Homogenization of daily temperature series in the European Climate Assessment & Dataset. Int J Climatol., 39, 1243– 1261. doi:10.1002/joc.5874
Brönnimann, S. (2019) Climate of the free troposphere and mountain peaks. Oxford Encyclopedia of Climate Change (accepted).
Schurer, A. P., Hegerl, G. C., Luterbacher, J., Brönnimann, S., Cowan, T., Tett, S., Zanchettin, D., and Timmreck, C. (2019) Disentangling the causes of the European year without a Summer of 1816. Environmental Research Letters, 14, 094019. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/ab3a10
Zamuriano, M., Froidevaux, P., Moreno, I., Vuille, M., and Brönnimann, S. (2019) Synoptic and Mesoscale atmospheric features associated with an extreme Snowstorm over the Central Andes in August 2013. Nat Haz. Earth Sys. Sci. Disc., doi:10.5194/nhess-2019-286
Pfister, L., Brönnimann, S., Schwander, M., Isotta, F. A., Horton, P., and Rohr, C. (2019) Statistical Reconstruction of Daily Precipitation and Temperature Fields in Switzerland back to 1864. Clim. Past Disc., doi:10.5194/cp-2019-124
Brugnara, Y., Auchmann, R., Rutishauser, T., Gehrig, R., Pietragalla, B., Begert, M., Sigg, C., Knechtl, V., Konzelmann, T., Calpini, B., and Brönnimann, S. (2019) Homogeneity Assessment of Phenological Records from the Swiss Phenology Network. International Journal of Biometeorology, doi:10.1007/s00484-019-01794-y
Brönnimann, S., Franke J., Nussbaumer S. U., Zumbühl H. J., Steiner D., Trachsel M., Hegerl G. C., Schurer A., Worni M., Malik A., Flückiger J., and Raible C. C. (2019) Last phase of the Little Ice Age forced by volcanic eruptions. Nature Geoscience, 12, 650-656. doi:10.1038/s41561-019-0402-y
Neukom R., Barboza L. A., Erb M. P., Shi F., Emile-Geay J., Evans M. N., Franke J., Kaufman D., Lücke L., Rehfeld K., Schurer A., Valler V., Zhu F., Brönnimann S., Hakim G. J., Henley B. J., Ljungqvist F. C., McKay N., and von Gunten L. (2019) Consistent multidecadal variability in global temperature reconstructions and simulations over the Common Era. Nature Geoscience, 12, 643-649, doi:10.1038/s41561-019-0400-0
Hemming D. L., Garforth J., Park T., Richardson A. D., Rutishauser T., Sparks T. H., Thackeray S. J., and Myneni R. (2019) Phenology of primary producers, in: State of the Climate in 2018. Chapter 2: Global Climate, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.
Rutishauser, T., Jeanneret, F., Brügger, R., Brugnara, Y., Röthlisberger, C., Bernasconi, A., Bangerter, P., Portenier, C., Villiger, L., Lehmann, D., Meyer, L., Messerli, B., and Brönnimann, S.: The BernClim plant phenological data set from the canton of Bern (Switzerland) 1970–2018, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 11, 1645–1654, doi:10.5194/essd-11-1645-2019
Slivinski, L. C., Compo G. P., Whitaker J. S., Sardeshmukh P. D., Giese B., McColl C., Brohan P., Allan R., Yin X., Vose R., Titchner H., Kennedy J., Rayner N., Spencer L. J., Ashcroft L., Brönnimann S., Brunet M., Camuffo D., Cornes R., Cram T. A., Crouthamel R., Domínguez-Castro F., Freeman J. E., Gergis J., Hawkins E., Jones P. D., Jourdain S., Kaplan A., Kubota H., Le Blancq F., Lee T. C., Lorrey A., Luterbacher J., Maugeri M., Mock C. J., Kent Moore G. W., Przybylak R., Pudmenzky C., Reason C., Slonosky V. C., Smith C., Tinz B., Trewin B., Valente M. A., Wang X. L., Wilkinson C., Wood K., and Wyszynski P. (2019) Towards a more reliable historical reanalysis: Improvements for version 3 of the Twentieth Century Reanalysis system. Q J R Meteorol Soc. 2019, 145, 2876–2908. doi:10.1002/qj.3598
Brugnara, Y, and Maugeri, M. (2019) Daily precipitation variability in the southern Alps since the late 19th century. Int J Climatol. 2019; 39: 3492–3504. doi:10.1002/joc.6034
Brönnimann, S., Stucki, P., and Zischg, A. (2019) Simulation des Hochwassers von 1868 und Lehren für die Zukunft. In: Lernen aus Extremereignissen. Forum für Wissen 2019, Heft 78, WSL Birmensdorf, pp. 13-20.
Graf, M., Scherrer, S. C., Schwierz, C., Begert, M., Martius, O., Raible, C. C., and Brönnimann, S. (2019) Near‐surface mean wind in Switzerland: Climatology, climate model evaluation and future scenarios. Int J Climatol. 2019, 39, 4798– 4810. doi:10.1002/joc.6108
Fessehaye, M., Brugnara, Y., Savage, M. J., and Brönnimann, S. (2019) A note on air temperature and precipitation variability and extremes over Asmara: 1914–2015. International Journal of Climatology, doi:10.1002/joc.6134
Rohrer, M., Brönnimann, S., Martius, O., Raible, C. C., and Wild, M. (2019) Decadal variations of blocking and storm tracks in centennial reanalyses. Tellus A, 71, 1586236, doi:10.1080/16000870.2019.1586236
Lenggenhager, S., Croci-Maspoli, M., Brönnimann, S., and Martius, O. (2019) On the dynamical coupling between atmospheric blocks and heavy precipitation events: A discussion of the southern Alpine flood in October 2000. Q. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc. 145, 530–545, doi:10.1002/qj.3449
Pfister, L., Hupfer, F., Brugnara, Y., Munz, L., Villiger, L., Meyer, L., Schwander, M., Isotta, F. A., Rohr, C., and Brönnimann, S. (2019) Swiss Early Instrumental Meteorological Measurements. Climate of the Past 15, 1345-1361, doi:10.5194/cp-15-1345-2019
Imfeld, N., Barreto Schuler, C., Milagros Correa Marrou, K., Sedlmeier, K., Gubler, S., Jacques-Coper, M., and Brönnimann, S. (2019) Summertime precipitation deficits in the Peruvian Highlands since 1964. Int. J. Climatol., doi:10.1002/joc.6087, accepted
Brugnara, Y., Good, E., Squintu, A. A., Schrier, G. and Brönnimann, S. (2019) The EUSTACE global land station daily air temperature dataset. Geoscience Data Journal, 6(2), S. 189-204. Royal Meteorological Society, doi: 10.1002/gdj3.81
Zamuriano, M., Martynov, A., Panziera, L., and Brönnimann, S. (2019) Characteristics of a Hailstorm over the Andean La Paz Valley. Nat Haz. Earth Sys. Sci., doi:10.5194/nhess-2019-27, in review
Brönnimann, S., Frigerio, L., Schwander, M., Rohrer, M., Stucki, P., and Franke, J. (2019) Causes for increased flood frequency in central Europe in the 19th century. Climate of the Past, 15, 1395–1409, doi:10.5194/cp-15-1395-2019
Burgdorf, A.-M., Brönnimann, S. and Franke, J. (2019) Two types of North American droughts related to different atmospheric circulation patterns, Climate of the Past, 15(6), 2053–2065, doi:10.5194/cp-15-2053-2019
Labbé, T., Pfister, C., Brönnimann, S., Rousseau, D., Franke, J., and Bois, B. (2019) The longest homogeneous series of grape harvest dates, Beaune 1354–2018, and its significance for the understanding of past and present climate, Clim. Past., 15, 1485-1501, doi:10.5194/cp-15-1485-2019
Malik, A., Nowack, P. J., Haigh, J. D., Cao, L., Atique, L., and Plancherel, Y. (2019) Tropical Pacific Climate Variability under Solar Geoengineering: Impacts on ENSO Extremes, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., doi:10.5194/acp-2018-1312, in review
Valler, V., Franke, J., and Brönnimann, S. (2019) Impact of different estimations of the background-error covariance matrix on climate reconstructions based on data assimilation, Clim. Past, 15, 1427-1441, doi:10.5194/cp-15-1427-2019
Brönnimann, S., Wintzer, J. (2019) Climate Data Empathy. WIREs Climate Change, 10, e559, doi:10.1002/wcc.55
Brönnimann, S., Martius, O., Rohr, C. Bresch, D. N., and Lin, K. E. (2019) Historical weather data for climate risk assessment. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1436, 121-137, doi:10.1111/nyas.13966
Ballesteros-Cánovas, J. A., Stoffel, M., Rohrer, M., Benito, G., Beniston, M., and Brönnimann, S. (2019) On the extraordinary winter flood episode over the North Atlantic Basin in 1936. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1436, 206-216, doi:10.1111/nyas.13911