
Vortragsprogramm 2024/2025

«Geographische Erkundungen im 21. Jahrhundert»


Prof. Dr. Virginia Ruiz Villanueva, Universität Bern

Reading the landscape in the field: geomorphology fieldwork in the 21st century

21. Januar 2025, 18.15 – 19.30 Uhr, Grosser Hörsaal 001, GIUB

The foundations of Geomorphology are based on fieldwork; but fieldwork has evolved dramatically over the last centuries, partly due to our better understanding of the nature of geomorphology as a quantitative, natural science, and partly thanks to the evolution and development of new technologies. Geomorphology, as other fields, is profiting from the dramatically growing capabilities for monitoring and modelling Earth processes and the increasing availability of data. The enormous number of satellites with an extremely high spatial and temporal resolution, extensive use of uncrewed aerial vehicles (drones) equipped with different sensors, or ground-based and handled (like smartphone cameras) imagery provide an unprecedented view of Earth. In parallel, there has been a rise in computational competence, together with the development of complex and more accurate models and tools for data visualization, statistical analyses, and process modelling. Still, fieldwork continues to be a vital and necessary component to inform, validate or correct those remote-sensed datasets and models.
Taking examples from my own research and teaching experience in fluvial geomorphology and natural hazards, in this talk, I will discuss the importance and challenges of fieldwork, what and how it can be done, and how it helps generate new ideas, techniques and methods, eventually leading to new knowledge. I will show examples of field experiments and field-based process monitoring aimed at better understanding how rivers behave. The talk will end with personal reflections on how the experience could create stronger connections with both colleagues and the landscape.


Ausstellung im Alpinen Museum

Besuch der Ausstellung: «Grönland – Alles wird anders»

28. Januar 2025, 18.15 Uhr, Alpines Museum ALPS, Helvetiaplatz 4, 3005 Bern

Grönland interessiert stellvertretend für den Zustand der Welt. Hier vollzieht sich der Klimawandel schneller als an anderen Orten – die Parallelen zum Alpenraum sind greifbar. Die kommende Ausstellung spürt Ambivalenzen und widersprüchliche Perspektiven zwischen Tourismusboom und Klimakrise auf und macht diese filmisch erlebbar.