Dr. Kristina Lanz
Urban & Regional Planning
- kristina.lanz@alliancesud.ch
- E-Mail2
- k_lanz@hotmail.com
- Postal Address
- University of Bern
Institute of Geography
Urban & Regional Planning
Hallerstrasse 12
3012 Bern
Short CV
2013-present | PhD in Social Anthropology, University of Bern, Switzerland |
2013-2015 | Organisation and Provision of the MA course Gendering Sustainability |
2011-2015 | Research Assistant in the field of Gender and Development at the interdisciniplary center for Gender Studies, University of Bern, Switzerland |
2008-2009 | MA in International Studies and Diplomacy, School of Oriental and African Studies, Unversity of London, Great Britain |
2005-2008 | BA in Development Studies with Overseas Experience, University of East Anglia Norwichm Great Britain |
Research Interests
- Land Rights in the region of Sub-Sahara, Africa
- Institutionalism
- Agrarian Change
- Gender and Power
Journal Article
Lanz, Kristina (2014). The Great African Land Grab: Agricultural investments and the global food system. African affairs, 113(451), pp. 314-316. Oxford University Press 10.1093/afraf/adu010
Lanz, Kristina; Derungs, Flurina Andrea; Schnegg, Brigitte (2013). Factsheet Violence against Women - The missing MDG? Bern: Direktion für Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit DEZA
Lanz, Kristina; Bieri, Sabin; Fankhauser, Lilian (2012). Critical Gender Issues with Regard to Food, Land, and Water: A Compendium for Policy-makers, NGOs, and Researchers (NCCR North-South Dialogue 40). Bern: CDE / NCCR North-South
- HS 2013-2015 MA Seminar „Gendering Sustainability“ in cooperation with the Graduate Institute, GenfFS
- 2014 BA Lecture „Spatial development issues: The contribution of political ecology. Impacts of large-scale land acquisitions on the food system.”
- FS 2013 Organisation Lecture Series „Welche Zukunft? Geschlechterperspektiven auf nachhaltige Entwicklung.“
- „Large-scale land acquisitions as appropriations of local food systems: A case study from Ghana.” 3-6 September 2014 ECPR General Conference, Glasgow, Great Britain.
- „The political economy of large-scale land acquisitions in Ghana: Food systems, gender and resistance.” 17-18 Oktober Schweizerische Tage der Afrikaforschung, Bern, Switzerland.
- „Institutional Change, Power and Resistance in a LSLA in Ghana”. 27 November SNIS Workshop, Bern, Switzerland.
- „Towards a new tragedy of the commons? Large-scale land acquisitions and their impacts on women’s access to common property resources.” 14-15 Januar 2013 Gender and Land Governance Conference, Utrecht, Netherlands.