Dr. Jérôme Kopp



Postal Address
University of Bern
Institute of Geography
Climate Impacts
Hallerstrasse 12
CH-3012 Bern

My PhD project is about combining the following sources of observations to improve our understanding of hail:

  • (i) a recent network of 80 automatic hail sensors (project "The Swiss Hail Network") which record the precise timing of hailstone impacts, report the kinetic energy and estimate the diameters of individual hailstones.
  • (ii) the crowdsourcing function of the MeteoSwiss app which allows users to report the hail size category, time and location using their smartphone.
  • (iii) two operational hail products of the Swiss weather radar network: the probability of hail at the ground (POH) and the maximum expected severe hailstone size (MESHS).

After doing a case study of the intense and widespread hailstorms of summer 2021 in Switzerland, I'm currently analyzing the hail sizes and kinetic energies distribution from the automatic hail sensors network.

My research interests are the following: hail observations, climatology and nowcasting, convective storms, large-scale dynamics, data analysis, and temporal clustering of heavy precipitation.

Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021


Lainer, Martin; Brennan, Killian P.; Hering, Alessandro M.; Kopp, Jérôme; Monhart, Samuel; Portmann, Jannis; Wolfensberger, Daniel; Germann, Urs (1 March 2024). Drone-based photogrammetry combined with deep-learning to estimate hail size distributions and melting of hail on the ground (Unpublished). In: 4th European Hail Workshop. Karslruhe. 05-07.03.2024.

Kopp, Jérôme; Hering, Alessandro; Germann, Urs; Martius, Olivia (1 March 2024). Investigating hail remote detection accuracy: A comprehensive verification of radar metrics with 150’000 crowdsourced observations over Switzerland. (Unpublished). In: 4th European Hail Workshop. Karslruhe. 05-07.03.2024.

Kopp, Jérôme; Hering, Alessandro; Germann, Urs; Martius, Olivia (March 2024). A comprehensive verification of the weather radar-based hail metrics POH and MESHS and a recalibration of POH using dense crowdsourced observations from Switzerland (EGUsphere). Copernicus 10.5194/egusphere-2024-729


Aichinger-Rosenberger, Matthias; Aregger, Martin; Kopp, Jérôme Jean; Soja, Benedikt (18 November 2023). Detection of convective storm signatures in GNSS-SNR. Two case studies from the summer of 2021 in Switzerland (Unpublished). In: Swiss Geoscience Meeting. Mendrisio (TI). 18.11.2023.

Aichinger‐Rosenberger, Matthias; Aregger, Martin; Kopp, Jerome; Soja, Benedikt (2023). Detecting Signatures of Convective Storm Events in GNSS‐SNR: Two Case Studies From Summer 2021 in Switzerland. Geophysical Research Letters, 50(21) American Geophysical Union 10.1029/2023GL104916

Lainer, Martin; Brennan, Killian P.; Hering, Alessandro; Kopp, Jérôme; Monhart, Samuel; Wolfensberger, Daniel; Germann, Urs (2023). Drone-based photogrammetry combined with deep-learning to estimate hail size distributions and melting of hail on the ground (In Press). Atmospheric Measurement Techniques (AMT) Copernicus Publications 10.5194/amt-2023-89

Kopp, Jérôme; Manzato, Agostino; Hering, Alessandro; Germann, Urs; Romppainen-Martius, Olivia (2023). How observations from automatic hail sensors in Switzerland shed light on local hailfall duration and compare with hailpad measurements. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 16(14), pp. 3487-3503. Copernicus Publications 10.5194/amt-16-3487-2023

Kopp, Jérôme; Manzato, A.; Hering, Alessandro; Germann, Urs; Martius, Olivia (2023). How observations from automatic hail sensors in Switzerland shed light on local hailfall duration and compare with hailpads measurements (Submitted). Atmospheric Measurement Techniques (AMT) Copernicus Publications 10.5194/amt-2023-68

Lundstad, Elin; Brugnara, Yuri; Pappert, Duncan; Kopp, Jérôme; Samakinwa, Eric Kayode; Hürzeler, André; Andersson, Axel; Chimani, Barbara; Cornes, Richard; Demarée, Gaston; Filipiak, Janusz; Gates, Lydia; Ives, Gemma L; Jones, Julie M; Jourdain, Sylvie; Kiss, Andrea; Nicholson, Sharon E; Przybylak, Rajmund; Jones, Philip; Rousseau, Daniel; ... (2023). The global historical climate database HCLIM. Scientific data, 10(1), p. 44. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41597-022-01919-w

Kopp, Jérôme; Schröer, Katharina; Schwierz, Cornelia; Hering, Alessandro; Germann, Urs; Martius, Olivia (2023). The summer 2021 Switzerland hailstorms: weather situation, major impacts and unique observational data. Weather, 78(7), pp. 184-191. Royal Meteorological Society 10.1002/wea.4306


Barton, Yannick; Rivoire, Pauline; Koh, Jonathan; Ali, S. Mubashshir; Kopp, Jérôme; Martius, Olivia (2022). On the temporal clustering of European extreme precipitation events and its relationship to persistent and transient large-scale atmospheric drivers. Weather and climate extremes, 38, p. 100518. Elsevier 10.1016/j.wace.2022.100518


Kopp, Jérôme; Rivoire, Pauline; Ali, S. Mubashshir; Barton, Yannick; Martius, Olivia (2021). A novel method to identify sub-seasonal clustering episodes of extreme precipitation events and their contributions to large accumulation periods. Hydrology and earth system sciences, 25(9), pp. 5153-5174. European Geosciences Union EGU 10.5194/hess-25-5153-2021