Gabriela Debrunner (*1991), Dr.phil.nat., is a postdoctoral researcher at the Chair of Spatial Development and Urban Policy (SPUR) and the Spatial Transformation Laboratories (STL) of ETH Zurich. In a leading role, she is working in the research projects "Densifying Switzerland" (2021-2025) (SNF funding) and "Dense and Green Cities" (Future Cities Lab Global Program). Gabriela holds a PhD in Geography from the University of Bern, a CAS Urban Management from the University of Zurich and a teaching diploma for upper secondary level (Gymnasium) from the Bern University of Teacher Education. During her research she spent several months at Stockholm University in the Department of Human Geography, and in Copenhagen at IFHP - International Federation for Housing and Planning.
Before joining the ETH Zurich, Gabriela Debrunner gained diverse experience in the private, public and non-profit sectors. In addition to her work in a spatial planning office ("IVO Innenentwicklung AG"), she worked for the Regional Planning Zurich and Surroundings ("RZU"), the City Planning Office Winterthur, as well as for the Swiss Working Group for Mountain and Rural Areas ("SAB"). Since October 2022 Gabriela Debrunner is also working independently in several spatial development mandates.
Curriculum Vitae
11/2017-02/2021 | University of Bern, PhD and scientific employee Dissertation: The business of densification. Coping with Social Challenges under Scarce Land Use Conditions in Swiss Cities |
05/2018-11/2018 | University of Zürich, CAS Urban Management
Further education in urban governance, spatial economics and urban planning |
09/2013- 07/2016 | University of Applied Sciences in Bern, Department of Education
Teaching Diploma in Geography (Gymnasium) |
09/2013-09/2015 | University of Bern, Master of Science in Geography |
01/2014-06/2014 | University of Stockholm, Department of Human Geography
Exchange semester as Erasmus student |
01/2020- 03/2020 |
International Federation for Housing and Planning (IFHP), Copenhagen
Employee "Affordable housing for all" |
01/2017- 06/2017 |
Center for Regional Economic Development (CRED), University of Bern
Project acquisition |
11/2016- 09/2018 |
Gymnasium Münchenbuchsee (BE), Kirchenfeld (BE) and Frauenfeld (TG)
High school teacher in Geography (substitute teacher) |
10/2015- 10/2016 |
Regional Planning Zurich (RZU)
Research fellow and assistant |
08/2014- 06/2015 |
Swiss Association for the Alpine Region (SAB) in Berne
Research fellow |
03/2010- 06/2015 |
Canton of Thurgau, Migration Department
Specialist employee migration |
07/2012- 09/2012 |
City of Winterthur, Department of spatial planning and mobility management, Internship
Trainee in urban planning |
Research Interests
- Governance of densification as current challenge for planning and policy-making
- Institutional analysis of socio-ecological systems
- Housing and land-use planning policy
- Right to housing vs. Housing as a commodity
- Socio-economic development of cities
- Social justice, -inclusion and –stability in cities
- Gentrification, social exclusion and segregation processes in cities
- Case study synthesis methodologies
Debrunner, G. (2020): «Wir müssen Verdichtung gezielter steuern», In: Mieten + Wohnen, Nr. 4 September 2020, 10-12.
Debrunner, G., T. Hartmann (2020): Strategic use of land policy instruments for affordable housing. Coping with social challenges under scarce land conditions in Swiss cities, 99.
Debrunner, G., A. Hengstermann, J-D. Gerber (2020): Die Wohnungsfrage ist eine Bodenfrage: Bodenpolitische Instrumente zur Sicherstellung des preisgünstigen Wohnraums im Bestand in Schweizer Städten, In: Schönig, B.; Vollmer, L. (Hrsg.), Wohnungsfragen ohne Ende?!, Sammelband Universität Weimar: transcript Verlag 58-76.
Debrunner, G., A. Hengstermann, J-D. Gerber (2020): The Business of Densification. Distribution of Power, Wealth and Inequality in Swiss Policy Making, Town Planning Review, 91(3), 259-281.
Debrunner, G., J-D. Gerber (2020): The Commodification of Temporary Housing. [in review]
Debrunner, G., A. Jonkman, J.D. Gerber (2020): Planning for social sustainabilty - Explaining the mechanisms of social exclusion in large-scale densification projects in Swiss cities. [in review]
Debrunner, G. (2019): Conference Report. Preparing for climate change in the planned and unplanned city: the 13th Annual Conference of Planning, Law, and Property Rights, College Station, Texas, USA, 18-22 February 2019.
Debrunner, G. (2018): Zwischennutzung als neue Wohnform für einkommensschwache Wohnungssuchende in Schweizer Städten. GeoAgenda. Ausgabe 3/2018, 23-25.
Debrunner, G. in Soukup, M. (2017): Das Leiden der Mietnomaden. Tages-Anzeiger vom 08. Juni 2017, p.9.
Widmer, B.; W. Späth; G. Debrunner (2016): RZU- Erfahrungsaustauschprozess zur Zentrumsentwicklung. Dokumentation. p.1-15.
- High school teacher in «Geography» (level Sek II)
- Tutorials in Humangeography I, Urban & Regional Planning (only autumn semester; Coordination)
- Political Ecology (only spring semester; Assistance)
- Consulting of Bachelor- and Master Theses
- Colloquium "Urbang Planning and Development"
- Field Course to Dortmund/Bonn (spring semester 2018; Assistance)
- Field Excursion to Biel in Cooperation with different Gymnasia in the Region of Bern (Organisation)
Debrunner, G. (2020): Strategic use of land policy instruments for affordable housing in Swiss cities, PLPR Conference, Usti nad Labem, February 2020.
Debrunner, G. (2020): Does the "right-to-housing" really exist? The Trade-Offs between the Three Sustainability Dimensions in Densification of Swiss Urban Rental Housing Stocks, PLPR Conference, Usti nad Labem, February 2020.
Debrunner, G. (2019): Kann Verdichtung sozial sein? Präsentation im Forum Universität und Gesellschaft zum Thema Verdichtung als Chance. 11. September 2019. Bern. Siehe Vortrag unter:
Debrunner, G. (2019): Does affordable densification exist? The role of local land policy when aiming for housing affordability in densifying city areas in Switzerland. AESOP Conference. July, 11th 2019. Venice.
Debrunner, G. (2019): The Business of Densification. An analysis of the negotiation process in the formulation of densification policy objectives with a focus on the social sustainability dimension in housing in Switzerland. PLPR Conference. Texas A & M University. February, 22nd 2019.
Debrunner, G (2019): ResiDENSE – Governance of Densification for Sustainable Housing Development in Swiss Cities. PLPR Conference – PhD Workshop. February 2019.
Debrunner, G. (2018): The Commodification of Interim Housing. The Case of Zurich, Switzerland. AESOP Conference, Gothenburg. July 11th, 2018.
Debrunner, G. (2018): The New Business of Interim Housing - Toward a profit-oriented and owner-initiated coping-strategy to deal with growing land scarcity in cities - The Case of Zurich, Switzerland"; 12th PLPR Conference, February 2018, Novi Sad, Serbia.
Debrunner, G. (2018): Governance of Inner-City Housing Densification Projects for the Sustainable Development of the Housing Resource in Urban Neighborhoods"; PhD Workshop at 12th PLPR Conference, February 2018, Novi Sad, Serbia.