Nicolás Duque Gardeazábal

PhD Student


+41 31 684 80 20
Postal Address
University of Bern
Institute of Geography
Hallerstrasse 12
CH-3012 Bern

Sources of hydroclimate variability and its socio-economic impacts in tropical south America

  • Hydroclimate changes at inter-annual and decadal time scale;
  • Land-surface & atmospheric hydrointeractions;
  • hydrological modelling;
  • improvement of hydrological estimates through satellite and reanalysis data

Studies: (2010-2015) B.Eng. Civil Engineering; (2016-2019) M.Sc. Water Resources Engineering

- (2016-2017) eartH2Observe project EU-FP7 program
- (2018) National Water Assessment (IDEAM)
- (2019-2020) Magdalena-Cauca GEF project
- (2021-2022) Consultant at several Colombian governmental institutions




Rodríguez, E., Sánchez, I., Duque, N., Arboleda, P., Vega, C., Zamora, D., López, P., Kaune, A., Werner, M., García, C., Burke, S. (2020) Combined Use of Local and Global Hydro Meteorological Data with Hydrological Models for Water Resources Management in the Magdalena - Cauca Macro Basin – Colombia, Water Resources Management, 34(7), doi: 10.1007/s11269-019-02236-5

Duque-Gardeazabal, N., Fuentes, C. (2019) Using R to easily and efficiently predict the uncertainty in simulations of environmental models, Hydro-latinoamerican Young Research Journal, 3, 17-20.

Duque-Gardeazabal, N., Zamora, D., Vega-Viviescas, C., Arboleda, P., Rodriguez, E. Analysis of precipitation features estimated by reanalysis datasets in the Magdalena Cauca Macrobasin, Colombia. Hydro-latinoamerican Young Research Journal, 2, 22-25.

Duque, N., Rodríguez, E. (2023) Improving Rainfall Fields in Data-Scarce Basins: Influence of the Kernel Bandwidth Value of Merging on Hydrometeorological Modeling, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 28(7), doi: 10.1061/JHYEFF.HEENG-5541


Conferences papers:

Duque-Gardeazabal, N., Zamora, D., Rodriguez, E. (2018) Analysis of the kernel bandwidth influence in the double smoothing merging algorithm to improve rainfall fields in poorly gauged basins, 13th international hydroinformatics conference, Palermo, Italy. doi: 10.29007/2xp6

Arboleda, P., Zamora, D., Vega-Viviescas, C., Duque, N., Rodriguez, E. (2018) Multi-Structure Hydrological Ensemble to Improve Flow Daily Prediction in the Sumapaz River Basin, Colombia. 13th international hydroinformatics conference, Palermo, Italy. doi: 10.29007/l1l2