Rodríguez, E., Sánchez, I., Duque, N., Arboleda, P., Vega, C., Zamora, D., López, P., Kaune, A., Werner, M., García, C., Burke, S. (2020) Combined Use of Local and Global Hydro Meteorological Data with Hydrological Models for Water Resources Management in the Magdalena - Cauca Macro Basin – Colombia, Water Resources Management, 34(7), doi: 10.1007/s11269-019-02236-5
Duque-Gardeazabal, N., Fuentes, C. (2019) Using R to easily and efficiently predict the uncertainty in simulations of environmental models, Hydro-latinoamerican Young Research Journal, 3, 17-20.
Duque-Gardeazabal, N., Zamora, D., Vega-Viviescas, C., Arboleda, P., Rodriguez, E. Analysis of precipitation features estimated by reanalysis datasets in the Magdalena Cauca Macrobasin, Colombia. Hydro-latinoamerican Young Research Journal, 2, 22-25.
Duque, N., Rodríguez, E. (2023) Improving Rainfall Fields in Data-Scarce Basins: Influence of the Kernel Bandwidth Value of Merging on Hydrometeorological Modeling, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 28(7), doi: 10.1061/JHYEFF.HEENG-5541
Conferences papers:
Duque-Gardeazabal, N., Zamora, D., Rodriguez, E. (2018) Analysis of the kernel bandwidth influence in the double smoothing merging algorithm to improve rainfall fields in poorly gauged basins, 13th international hydroinformatics conference, Palermo, Italy. doi: 10.29007/2xp6
Arboleda, P., Zamora, D., Vega-Viviescas, C., Duque, N., Rodriguez, E. (2018) Multi-Structure Hydrological Ensemble to Improve Flow Daily Prediction in the Sumapaz River Basin, Colombia. 13th international hydroinformatics conference, Palermo, Italy. doi: 10.29007/l1l2