Dr. Edgar Dolores-Tesillos


Climate Impact

Postal Address
University of Bern
Institute of Geography
Climate Impacts
Hallerstrasse 12
CH-3012 Bern

Atmospheric blockings are associated with extreme events, such as heat waves, by generating persistent weather conditions, however, their dynamic is still unclear. Moreover, climate models poorly represent atmospheric blockings in present-day and under climate change.

  • Atmospheric blocking in storm-resolving climate models


In the new generation of atmospheric models (nextGEMS), the physical equations are resolved at a higher resolution and explicit convection is allowed. These new features offer a more realistic representation of the atmospheric processes. Here, we are going to implement two blocking identification indexes in the storm-resolving climate models and compare them with previous studies or/and other datasets. After that, changes in atmospheric blocking in a warming climate are going to be investigated.

This work is part of the nextGEMS project in collaboration with 26 institutes.